A Birthday Party-Part 1

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Your POV

"(Y/n), wait!" Emerson called out to you, running down the hallway to catch up with you. You turned around when she got close, and she handed you something in wrapping paper and a ribbon.

You smiled. "Em, you didn't need to get me anything."

Emerson smiled back. "Yeah I did. You're a special person. You deserve to get something for your birthday. Open it!"

You untied the ribbon and tore off the wrapping paper, revealing the movie and book inside. You looked the movie over, carefully looking at the beautiful case. "Beauty and the Beast?" You asked her.

Emerson nodded. "The live action version. You told me how much you liked Disney movies, so there you go!"

You looked at the large chapter book, flipping through the pages. "The School for Good and Evil?" You looked at Emerson. "Isn't this yours?"

Emerson nodded. "I've already read it, like, 10 times. I thought you'd like it."

You shook your head. "How'd you even get the movie?"

Emerson grinned. "We all gathered the money for it, and Mr. O'Connell bought it."

You hugged Emerson. "Thanks, Em. This is very thoughtful of you."

Emerson hugged you back. "No problem, (Y/n)." She pulled back. "Say hi to Ethan for me!" You giggled as you left the orphanage. You put the book and movie in the glove box of your truck, and you started driving towards the office. You parked by the curb and climbed out of the truck, walking towards the door and opening it.

No one was in the office, but there was a box on the table with the words To (Y/n) written on it. You lifted the flaps on the box, and you were greeted by greenish-yellow eyes.

You gasped and picked up the calico kitten from the box, cradling it in your arms. It purred and moved closer to you, falling asleep in your arms.

"Aww, you're so cute!" You whispered to the kitten. "I'm gonna name you Muffin."

A familiar voice came from behind you. "Do you like it?"

You turned around, facing Ethan with a grin. "Like it? I love it!" You carefully keeled down and placed Muffin on the floor. Chica walked in from the livestream room and sniffed her, but didn't mind her. You stood back up and attacked Ethan with a hug. "Thanks, Ethan."

He hugged you back. "You're welcome." He pulled away. "But don't thank just me. Thank everyone else." He gestured behind you, and you turned around, getting met with 5 party poppers blown into your face.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everyone said simultaneously.

You giggled at everyone's grinning faces. "Thanks, guys!"

Iris came out of the livestream room and stared at you. After a couple seconds, it clicked, and she groaned. "It's your birthday, isn't it?" You all nodded. "Sorry I forgot. I was busy doing my job." You all laughed as she sat down in one of the chairs.

"So... what are we doing tonight?" You asked everyone.

Amy grinned. "It's a surprise. But, just so you know ahead of time, Ethan did, like, most of the work."

You looked at Ethan, who was blushing slightly. "I... wanted to make your birthday special."

You hugged him again. "It's already special." You whispered, loud enough so only he could hear it. He hugged you back as everyone "awwed".

Tyler was unfazed by this. "Does anyone else realize that there's a cake in the livestream room?"

You pulled away from Ethan. "You had me at 'cake'." Everyone laughed.

"Ice cream cake." Amy said. "Chocolate ice cream cake. We knew you'd like it."

You raised an eyebrow. "How did you know that I like chocolate? No, how did you know that I like chocolate ice cream cake?"

Mark gestured to Iris. "She told us."

Iris grinned at you. "Remember when you had your 13th birthday party and your mom got that chocolate ice cream cake from Dairy Queen?"

You groaned and hid your face in your hands. "You'll never let me forget that, will you?"

Iris shook her head. "Never."

Ethan pushed you towards the livestream room. "Go!" You grinned, grabbed his hand, and walked into the livestream room.

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