A Birthday Party-Part 2

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Your POV

After eating all of the ice cream cake, you all decided to play some video games together for a couple of hours.

At 7 o'clock sharp, Ethan turned everything off. "Okay guys. Time to go." Everyone left the office ahead of you and Ethan. He took the keys to your truck off of the table. "Mind if I drive?"

You smiled, shaking your head. "Not at all. You know where we're going."

The two of you drove for a little bit before pulling up to a white building. Mark, Amy, Tyler, and Kathryn were already waiting for you. You all walked inside the building, and you gasped when you saw the interior.

You turned towards Ethan, grinning. "It's a roller skating rink."

Ethan smiled back. "I thought you might like the surprise."

Mark put his hand on your shoulder. "Ethan told us the story about you two at a skating rink, so he only saw it fitting to bring you here."

Kathryn nodded. "We all pitched in a little money to rent it out for a couple hours."

You blushed. "You didn't need to do all this, guys. I could've just lived with a 'happy birthday' from all of you."

Amy shook her head. "Nope. Wasn't happening with us."

Tyler nodded. "Keep in mind, Ethan came up with half of the stuff we did today."

Ethan grabbed your hand and pulled you up to the counter. He smiled at the man. "We're here for the party for  (Y/n)."

The man smiled. "Of course. Sizes?"

"Uhh, 8." You told the man (I used my size. I'm sorry). He ducked under the counter and put a size 8 skate on the counter before popping up again. You took the skates and sat down on a nearby bench, taking off your tennis shoes and putting the skates on. Once you were done, you helped everyone lace up their skates.

"Okay, who wants to learn first?" You asked everyone. Amy pushed Mark in front of you, and you grinned. "Amy, thanks for volunteering." You held your hand out to her, and she took it gratefully. "Ethan, try helping Mark learn. Tyler, Kathryn, do you mind waiting out for a little bit?"

Kathryn shook her head. "Not at all."

Tyler motioned for you to go. "Go teach them, then come teach us." You giggled and led Amy onto the floor near the poles. Ethan and Mark joined you on the other side of the poles.

You smiled towards Mark and Amy. "Okay. So what you have to do is grab the first pole-" They did simultaneously. "- and push off towards the next." They did what you said and kept going. When they reached halfway, you spoke up again. "Now, when you push off, move your feet, like you're walking." They did so, and when they were coming back, they stopped pushing off. You grinned. "There you go! Think you got it?"

Mark nodded. "Yeah, I think I got it."

Amy nodded, too. "Me, too. Thanks for teaching us!" The two joined hands and skated around the room.

Tyler and Kathryn joined you and Ethan in the center. "Did you catch all of that?" Ethan asked them. They nodded. "Can you try doing what they did?" They pushed off the first pole and kept going until they were coming back. When they did, they started moving their feet. Tyler made it back easily, but Kathryn fell midway. She laughed as you skated towards her.

"Are you okay, Kathryn?" You asked her, holding a hand out.

"Fine, I'm fine." She answered, taking your hand. You tried helping her up, but instead, she pulled you down towards the floor. You stopped yourself by placing your hands on the floor in front of you. You turned so you were on your back, facing Kathryn. The two of you looked at each other for a moment before dissolving into laughter.

"What was that for?" You asked Kathryn when your laughter died down. She shrugged, and Amy and Ethan skated over to help you two up. "Thanks, guys." You told them.

"No problem." Amy answered.

"Are you good, Kathryn?" Ethan asked her."

She grinned. "Peachy."

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