Dear Happy

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Kaprice's POV

"That was really fun! Good job, Kaprice!"

I blushed, giggling slightly. "Thanks, Mark. It really means a lot that you reached out to me."

Mark grinned. "No problem. I thought you were really cool, and (Nickname), whatever her real name is, was a really good singer. By the way, where is she?"

I smiled. "She should be here any second now. If you excuse me, I should call her and see where she is."  Before Mark could answer, I disappeared from Mark's recording room and walked into a different room.

This room had nothing but a couch and a camera sitting on a tripod. (Y/n) was sitting on the couch, holding her ukulele. She looked at me when I walked in and bit her lip.

"I'm not sure about this."

I grinned at her. "You're the silly one who came up with this plan! Come on, you have to!" I walked behind the camera. "You ready?"

She took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah. Let's do this."

Ethan's POV

"Has anyone seen (Y/n)? She disappeared a couple minutes ago."

Kathryn shrugged. "Not since she got here."

Tyler shook his head. "Same here."

Amy raised an eyebrow. "Wouldn't've she told us if she was leaving?"

Suddenly, I heard music. It wasn't like pop music, and it wasn't loud. It was a soft strumming, almost like a...

"Ukulele." I said out loud. I looked towards the sound.

"What?" Tyler asked, confused.

"A ukulele. Someone's playing a ukulele." I looked at the door to one of the three recording rooms- the one (Nickname) and Kaprice are supposed to be in.

"D'you think..." Kathryn trailed off.

Amy grinned. "Only one way to find out." She pushed past me and walked to the room, just as the music stopped. I joined her at the door and opened the door.

Kaprice was standing behind the camera, and (Y/n) was sitting on the couch, holding a ukulele.

Kaprice stopped messing with the camera and looked at us, grinning. "Come in! We're about to film."

I walked over to her, confused. "What?"

She got everything set up, then turned to me. "Can you hit record for me?"

I nodded. "Sure... why?"

She winked. "You'll find out." She walked to the couch and sat next to (Y/n), who grinned at her.

Amy walked in and moved next to me. "What's happening?" I shrugged and hit the record button. I mouthed the words "Three, two, one, go", and (Y/n) started playing.

I missed you dearly
Thought I was nearly
There, forever
At last together

Is our time fleeting?
Is even meeting
A healthy idea
Or am I getting to near?

Kaprice joined her for the chorus.

Don't try to fight it
You're here for tonight
And I'll be waiting for you
Until we meet again

Kaprice smiled as she took over.

I know it's scary
But don't be wary
If we don't have that long
Let's not waste it feeling wrong

This isn't the end
I'm your lifelong friend
Sure, it's been a while
But I'll be here when you smile

Kaprice and (Y/n) grinned as they both sang.

So don't try to fight it
You're here for tonight
And I'll be waiting for you
Until we meet again, ooh


The two girls looked at each other longingly. (Y/n) sang first

Would you mind staying?

Kaprice grinned.

It's getting late, but I will visit you soon

They joined together for the last part.

So just try to get through

And don't try to fight it
You're here for tonight
And I'll be waiting for you
Until we meet again

I'll be waiting for you
Until we meet again

(Y/n) played the last chord, and the two girls looked at each other before dissolving into giggles. When that cleared up, (Y/n) began talking.

"Usually, I'm really upbeat when it comes to the outro, so this time, I'm gonna be so chill about it." Kaprice started laughing again. "Hello, all of you beautiful people out there! 'Tis I, (Nickname)-"

I widened my eyes and looked at Amy, who looked about as shocked as I was.

"-and yes, I did write that song! Thank KP here for singing with me, and go watch her videos! She's super cool, and super funny, too!" Kaprice calmed down a little bit. "This is, like, way different than what you usually sing."

Kaprice nodded. "Yeah, but it's so thereaputic. I needed this. Thanks." The two girls hugged for a moment.

When they pulled apart, (Y/n) finished the outro. "Anyways, that's all I have to say for this video. If you liked it, why don't you hit the like and the subscribe button? And I will see all of you in the next video!"

Kaprice joined her at the end, waving at the camera. "See ya!"

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