Ethan's Back

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Your POV

"So, if you divide both sides by 3..." You started.

Emerson grinned. "The answer would be x=7!" She wrote the answer down on her paper. "That seems so much simpler now. Thanks, mom!"

You stood up from the table. "I'm gonna get something to drink. Want anything?"

Emerson shook her head, concentrating on her paper. "Nah, I'm good."

You walked into the kitchen and poured yourself a glass of water until someone hugged you from behind. You shrieked and dropped the glass. The person behind you luckily grabbed it just before it hit the ground, placing it on the counter.

"Thanks for that." You said, turning around. "But you really shouldn't..." You grinned when you saw who it was. "ETHAN!" You quickly pulled him into a tight hug.

"Okay, okay, calm down!" He exclaimed, returning the hug. "I missed you, too." You pulled away slightly and kissed him passionately.

"Ew. Gross. Relationships." Emerson joked, leaning against the doorway.

"Ew. Gross. Your face." Ethan joked back. The three of you started giggling as Ethan led you into the living room. "So, what happened while I was gone?"

You shrugged. "Not much. We all just hung around and had a movie marathon the whole time."

Emerson shook her head. "Not the whole time. We did-" You cut her off by glaring at her.

Ethan raised an eyebrow. "What? What did you do."

You quickly thought of something to say. "We... finished a song of mine!" Ethan still looked suspicious. "Emerson helped me with the words and Amy and Kathryn helped with the music."

Ethan was silent for a little bit. "You had a party, didn't you?"

Emerson smiled innocently. "Just a small one. It was just me, mom, Amy, Kathryn, Amanda, and Suzy."

"No one else?" Ethan asked.

"No one else. And I promise there wasn't anything crazy happening. There wasn't even any alcohol."

Ethan groaned. "Fine. You're off the hook this time. But the next time I hear about a party, and I'm not invited, you're gonna be in serious trouble."

Emerson giggled. "Noted. Now, if you excuse me, I have homework upstairs that I need to finish." She raced up the stairs.

Ethan took your hand in his, tracing shapes on the back of it. "You know I'm not mad about you doing that, right?"

You nodded. "I know." You turned to face him fully. "I wish you were here with us. We haven't really been... separated... since I moved in. And I love you, so don't take this the wrong way, but... that's kind of a bad thing. I mean, we need some time apart, right?"

Ethan nodded. "I totally agree. I wanted to be here with you, but it's good to be apart sometimes. It gives us a chance to clear our minds and relax a little bit."



The two of you were silent for a little bit. "So... Halloween." You finally broke the silence.

Ethan rubbed his neck nervously. "We should start planning, huh?"

You nodded. "And you should start stockpiling videos." You hesitated. "How long should we stay?"

Ethan shrugged. "As long as you want. We're going for you. We can prepare for a week, and if you want to stay longer, we can. If at any time you want to leave, I'll buy the tickets and we can come back. Sound okay?"

You nodded again. "Sounds great. First thing's first-" You turned on the TV and turned on a movie. "We're spending the rest of the night together."

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