Finally Home

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Ethan's POV

A couple of hours. That's how long (Y/n) said she would take to get here the last time we talked, which was about three hours ago. I was waiting somewhat impatiently in the living room for her to get home. I was constantly scrolling through our old texts, smiling at every conversation we've had together.

A door slammed shut outside. I sprinted out the door and down the steps, looking at the truck parked at the curb. (Y/n) walked around the front, stuffing the keys in her jeans pocket. She looked up at me when I started running towards her. I picked her up and twirled her around, wrapping my arms tightly around her waist.

She giggled and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. "I missed you too, Ethan."

I slowly put her down, and we looked into each other's eyes for a moment.

"You were gone for too long." I finally said.

She giggled again. "You're the one who told me to drive here!"

I kissed her cheek. "I missed your giggle." She grew silent, waiting for me to finish. "I missed your smile, your eyes, your voice, your warm embrace." I wrapped my arms around her again, resting my chin on her shoulder. "I missed and love you, so much."

"Ethan, I..." She wrapped her arms around me, pulling me closer. "That is the sweetest, most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me." She dropped her voice to a whisper. "I want to kiss you right now, but we're kinda out in the open, so..."

I slowly pulled away from her, and she wiped her eyes. I smiled. "Did I make you cry?"

She smiled back and nodded. "In a good way, though. It's not a bad thing." She turned around and opened the backseat door, pulling out her suitcase and drawstring bag. "Shall we?" She gestured to the door of the apartment. We walked inside together, and she put her bags against the couch. Once she did, I pulled her in for a kiss.

"You have no idea how much I wanted to do that." I said as we pulled away. She giggled, but I stopped her mid-giggle by kissing her again.

Your POV

"So, where are we going?" You asked Amy, walking down the sidewalk.

She smiled at you. "A coffee shop. I know it's midday, but you can't pass up a good cup of coffee!"

You smiled. "You're right about that."

You looked around until your eyes landed on three kids- two boys and one girl- sitting on some steps up to a building. The girl was trying to read a book, but the boys were messing with her and pulling her hair. Suddenly, one of them grabbed the book from her. The girl tried to take it back from him, but the boy threw it in a puddle. The girl started crying while the boys just laughed at her.

"Hang on for a second, Amy." You told her, not taking your eyes away from the kids. You swiftly walked over to them, and the boys stopped laughing. "Now, what are you two doing?"

One of the boys shook his head. "Nothing, miss."

Amy slowly walked behind you, confused. "Really?" You asked them. "Because I'm pretty sure you were just messing around with this innocent girl here."

The other boy shrugged. "We were just having some fun, miss."

"Hurting other people's feelings is not fun." You shook you head. "Now, run along and leave this girl alone." The boys ran inside the building, and you noticed a sign next to the door.

Morningside Orphanage

You sat down next to the girl. "There, there. No need to cry. They're gone."

The girl stopped crying and looked up at you, wiping her tears away. "Really?"

You smiled at her. "Really." You looked at the book in the puddle and read the title. "Charlotte's Web?" You asked her.

She nodded. "It's my favorite book."

"Mine, too." Her eyes brightened a little bit. "You know, I have a copy of it at home. I could give it to you, if you want."

She grinned. "Really? You'd do that for me?"

You nodded. "Of course! What's your name?"


"That's a very beautiful name. Mine's (Y/n), and that's Amy." You gestured towards Amy. A man walked outside of the orphanage and saw the three of you.

You stood up. "Excuse me for one second." Amy sat on the other side of Emerson and started talking to her, while you walked up to the man.

He nodded at you. "You're very good with children."

You shrugged. "I was a babysitter ever since I was 13." You looked at Emerson, then back to the man. "Any chance I could work here part-time?"

The man opened his mouth in surprise. "No one has ever asked to work here!"

You smiled. "Well, I guess I'm the first." He quickly rushed in and out of the orphanage, giving you a clipboard with a contract on it, and a pen. You looked through the contract and quickly signed the paper, giving the clipboard and pen back to the man.

He smiled at you and stuck out his hand. "Mr. O'Connell. We're happy to have you here. You start tomorrow."

You grinned and shook his hand. "Can't wait." He walked back inside, and you grabbed the wet book from the puddle. "I'll come by tomorrow and give you my copy, okay?"

Emerson nodded eagerly. "Okay. Thank you!" She jumped up and hugged you.

You returned the hug. "You're very welcome." You and Amy said goodbye to Emerson, and she ran inside, grinning. You threw the wet book into the trashcan and linked arms with Amy. "Off to the coffee shop!"

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