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Ethan's POV

"How come I never knew about this?"

(Y/n) giggled. "Well, I never talked about it. I knew you'd probably freak out if you knew that I had a YouTube channel."

"Yeah, but how did I not figure it out?" I asked her. "I mean, wouldn't it be obvious?"

"Well, it depends on the first video you watched of her." Kaprice chimed in. "When was the video made?"

I thought for a second. "2012, I think."

(Y/n) grabbed her phone and unlocked it, looking through everything. She pulled up a picture and showed it to me.

On the picture was a girl with thick, black glasses and dark red hair, with half of it shaved. She was wearing a black leather jacket, with matching pants and boots. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of (E/c), and she was smiling brightly.

"Is this the girl you saw?" She asked me, trying not to smile. I nodded.

She got out of the picture, and I realized that it was actually a Facebook post, and next to that picture was a more recent photo.

#tbt to when I was in my emo stage. God, I was such an idiot back then.

I dropped my jaw. "That looks nothing like you!"

She laughed. "I was 15! I had time to change!" I laughed with her.

Kaprice sighed. "You two are really cute together. I wish I was in a serious relationship like you two."

(Y/n) stopped laughing and raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean? Did you and John break up?"

Kaprice shook her head. "No, we're still together. We kinda just put our relationship on pause while he's in college. It's been 3 months since we last saw each other."

I put my arm around her shoulders. "Don't worry, Kaprice. He's still here for you, isn't he?"

She nodded. "Yeah, we still talk every day. But... It's just not the same."

I gave her a small squeeze. "You'll see each other eventually. There's nothing to worry about."

She thought for a moment, then smiled. "You're right. Thanks, Ethan." She gave me a quick hug, then stood up and walked out of the room.

"She seems nice." I smiled to myself. "I can see why the two of you are friends."

(Y/n) carefully grabbed my hand, leaning her head on my shoulder. "Yeah, Kaprice's really cool. But once you mess with a friend, she turns mean. She's pretty loyal." Comfortable silence fell between the two of us.

Suddenly, (Y/n) lifted her head, placing a hand on her stomach. "Ethan?" She whispered.

I turned to her, immediately on alert. "Yeah? You okay?"

She turned to me, a smile forming on her lips. "I felt it. I felt it move."

I grinned. "Really?" She nodded excitedly, and I placed my hand on her stomach, as well. A moment passed, until I felt a tink kick. I looked up at her, my grin practically taking up half of my face. "I can feel it, too."

She giggled happily, pulling me into a kiss. I smiled against her lips, pulling her closer and resting my palm on her lower back.

After a long moment, I pulled away. "I love you. For ever."

She smiled, and a happy tear fell down her face. "And I love you. For always."

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