Please, Don't Cry

36 4 1

Ethan's POV

In just a few minutes, I pulled up to the apartment. As soon as I parked, I got out as quickly as I could, not even bothering to lock it. I raced into the house and straight to my recording room.

I stopped in my tracks, hearing the soft cries coming from inside. I could only imagine the pain she must be going through- literally and physically. My heart clenched uncomfortably.

Slowly, I grabbed the handle, turning it and opening the door.

I almost broke down at the sight in front of me. (Y/n) was curled into a ball in my recording chair, crying into her arms. Her uploaded video was still on the screen, and already it's had thousands of views.

I slowly walked over to her, placing my had on her back. "Babe..."

She sniffed. "It's useless to get married. I could die before it even happens."

I kneeled down. "I'd take that chance any day." She looked up at me, wiping her red eyes. "I love you. You know I do. I've loved you ever since we met. I loved you then, I love you now, I'll love you days, or even years from now." I lightly grabbed one of her hands. "Being able to marry you... that's a dream come true for me. If not for long, at least we did it. And if you don't make it? At least I got to be with you."

She started crying harder, but not from sadness. "Ethan..."

I pulled her into a hug. "Hey, keep in mind. It's a small chance. Have faith, okay?"

She giggled weakly. "Okay, I'll try."

I put my chin on her shoulder, rubbing her back. "You okay now?"

She nodded against my neck. "Yeah, I'm good." She took a deep breath. "Where were you when I needed this a year ago?"

I chuckled, shaking my head. "Halfway across the country, waiting politely to meet someone like you." I pulled away slightly and kissed her lips. "And now you're here. I promise, I'll make the best of it."

We sat in that position for a while, until (Y/n) stopped crying altogether. Without saying a word, I stood up and grabbed both of her hands, pulling her up. She interlaced our fingers together as I led her into the living room. I put in a Disney movie, and we both sat on the couch to watch the movie.

Word Count: 410

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