Chapter one
"Hey, John!" I smile sweetly.
"What are doing here girl?" John the baker glares at me.
"What? I can't come by and visit my favorite baker?" I say sweetly. I had my hands behind my back as I lean against a table with bread on it I grab the bread.
"If you don't have money, there's no point being in here."
"How do you know I don't have money?" I needed to keep him talking until I could slip the bread into my satchel. I couldn't do it while he was looking though. He crosses his arms and gives me a look that say are you kidding me? "Do you have money?" He asks, but already knows the answer.
"No, buy I hear you need someone to help you in the bakery."
"Yeah so-"
"Your bread is burning, I think."
He jumps around and checks on the bread. I quickly shove the bread into my satchel and reposition myself without a second to spare.
"Nope. I never burn anything. That's why I'm the best baker around."
"See? I'm helpful. I need this job as much as you need help!" I smile sweetly at him.
"Fine. But if you start trouble you're going to know something and you better look your best because I have a reputation to keep up. You looking like you do wouldn't be good for my costumers." He growls grumpily.
"Of Course, boss! When do I start?"
"Tomorrow around noon. That when its the busiest. It's hard keeping up with all these costumers, being the best in the village and all!" I smile at him but as I turn to leave I mumble, "you're the only bakery in the village. Not much for competition." I run home.***
"Rosemarie! I'm home!" I yell.
No answer. I knew I wouldn't get one so I walk into her room and smile at her softly. "Hello dear." She says raspy.
"I've got you something." I smile and pull out the loaf of bread.
"My dear! You didn't steal that did you?!"
"What else could I have done, Rosemarie?"
"Get a job,dear."
"Actually John gave me a job. I start tomorrow."
"That old bear? How did you get him to give into you? He must be desperate."
"We'll thanks for the vote of confidence!" We start to laugh but Rosemarie started coughing really hard. I ran to get her some water.
She's been sick for quite a while now. But she took care of me ever since I was a little girl.
My mother and father left when I was six for business. For the longest time I still have hope that they come back but ever since Rosemarie got sick I put the thought out of mind and out of sight. I had more important things to take care of: Rosemarie.
That's when I decided I had to steal to get by. We used to get by with scrapes but the doctor told me she needed a warm meal to get better.
"Starting tomorrow things are going to look better. I'll be able to afford a warm meal now."
"My dear, you're working too hard." She coughs.
"No, Rosemarie, you took care of me when I had no one else did. You didn't have to. I'm returning the favor. It's the least I could do."
"You're too kind dear."
"As kind as a thief can be. I'll make your soup now." I quickly turn around so she wouldn't see the tears forming in my eyes.
The doctor told me she wouldn't make it past three days but its been a week now. That still doesn't give me hope because she's looking worse everyday.
I make potato soup with the last of the potatoes and cut a big enough piece of the loaf. I walk back in and she smiles at me gently, "thank you dear."
"Goodnight Rosemarie. I'll see you in the morning." I kiss her forehead and walked to my room. Our house is big compared to it being just the two of us. It used to be my mother, father, Rosemarie and myself then a spare room for a guest. Without the master bedroom and the guest room being used it feels like a deserted castle.
I changed into my nightgown and crawl into bed. I blew at my candle and state at the ceiling.
"Pinky promise, daddy?" I whisper to no one in particular. I could hear his voice in my head.
"I pinky promise, sweet Elena."
He never broke a pinky promise before so why now? They only wrote once. Then it was like they never existed.My dearest Elena,
My sweet, how are you? Your father and I miss you very much. Are you behaving for Mrs. Rosemarie? I hope she's taking good care of you. She'll raise you right, I know. I wish I could see you grow up. I know without a doubt you're going to grow up to be a beautiful young woman. We miss you so much and we love you with all our hearts. I'm sorry we couldn't be there for you physically. We're there in spirit. We're in the nightingale's song that sings you to sleep. We love you very much.
your mother
and fatherThat letter was written when I was eight. There wasn't even an address I could write back too. It was like they was leaving me in the dark for nothing. I didn't understand then and I still do understand now. I just have so many questions that cant be answered. Why couldn't I go with them and was it so important that they left me behind?
I shook my head and turned over to face the window. I saw a Nightingale bird sitting on a branch close to my window. It was singing its beautiful song and I drifted off to sleep as it sang to me.Copyright by @kelsey_rumsey14

Finding My Nightingale [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]
Teen Fiction*Finding My Nightingale is undergoing a lot of construction* In the kingdom of Nightingale everything was peaceful. All was good for beautiful thief Elena Carter until she bumped into Prince William Nightingale. Then together they discovered things...