Chapter thirteen
***Elena's POV***
"And so she grew up with her grandfather until he died and she moved to the city. Where she married and had a little girl." William finished. He looked at me with concern. "Are you okay, Elena?"
I shook my head and stood up. "That story." I whisper.
"Yeah, what about it?"
I turn to William. "Is it true?"
"I don't know, mother always told it to us when we were younger. Why?"
I pull out the bird figurine out of my bag and show it to him. He gasped. "The bird from the--"
"A story. Yeah, mother told me that her grandfather carved it for her when she was younger. She told me what her grandfather told her. The same exact thing that grandfather told that little girl from your story."
"Are you saying that the story is true?"
"I'm saying its too weirdly accurate to be just a fairy tale told to kids to help them fall asleep."
We sit there puzzled for awhile listening to the sound of nature when he jumps up suddenly.
"What? What is it?" I look up at him, confused.
"I know who we can talk to." He grabs my wrist.
"Who?" I ask as he pulls me up an we run out of the forest.
"Someone who's been around for as long as I can remember." We make into town and we spot Henry, we ride across the town to stop at the bookshop.
"Why are we here at the bookshop?" William helps me off the horse and as I touch ground I lose my footing. I trip into his arms.
We stare into each others eyes. Our noses almost touching.
"For a thief who never gets caught you're clumsy." His low voice makes me shiver.
I blush, "I'm not usually clumsy."
"So I'm causing you to act this way?"
"People are starting to stare, William." I mutter and push him away.
I curtsy, "oh my, I'm terribly sorry, your highness. I wasn't watching where I was going." I noticed a few people started to walk away. Good. "Do forgive me."
"Of course, madam." He says formally. "Let me get the door for you." He grabs the door.
"Why thank you, kind sir." I walk in. As soon as he closes the door I sigh heavily.
I turn on him.
"What was that?" I demanded.
"What do you mean, you the one who acted formal towards me."
"I don't mean that, I was trying to save you from embarrassment. I meant before that!"
"I didn't want you to fall."
"But you didn't act like a--"
"Like a prince?" He finished. "I should have let you fall to protect my family's name? Is that it?" He laughs bitterly. "That's all you think of me?"
I open my mouth but he keeps going. "Everyone must expect this stone hearted person. I can't have feelings toward anyone without it having to be formal. People judge every breath I make."
"I never said--"
"My marriage is even arranged for me, Elena! All my emotions doesn't matter to my father and my mother--"
"At least you have your mother an father with you!" I countered. "I'm sorry live your life with people watching your every step and I'm sorry your family has everything planned out for you but you're sounding like a spoiled brat!"
He flinched at my harsh words, I regretted them the moment they came out of my mouth but I pressed on. "I don't have my father here to hate! Or my mother to comfort me but you don't see me complaining about it! I probably won't get married either. No guy would want me with my baggage." I mutter the end to myself.
"I would." He whispers.
"I would, Elena. Any guy would be lucky to have you. You're beautiful, smart, conning, funny and you're so carefree. You don't need anybody to take care of you. You're brave and I wish I--" he stops mid-sentence.
"What? What do you wish?!" I ask urging him to finish.
He shakes his head, "nothing."
"What do you mean nothing? You can just start something and not finish it!"
"There's no point in finishing it." He sighs.
"If there's no point then it must have been a lie." I spit the words at him and start to turn away.
He grabs my arm and pulls me back to him. "Its not a lie."
As I turn to face him I meet his lips on mine.
At first I froze unable to shake the shock. But soon I melted and leaned into him. He kissed me urgently as if he was in the desert for a hundred days and I was water.
I grabbed his neck and threw myself into the kiss. My fingers snaked through his hair. His hand squeezed my waist
All my emotion was scattered around us.
All too sudden a clearing of a throat made us jump away from each other, I could feel the absence of him already.
"I don't appreciate your hands on my great granddaughter, Prince."
Copyright by @kelsey_rumsey14

Finding My Nightingale [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]
Подростковая литература*Finding My Nightingale is undergoing a lot of construction* In the kingdom of Nightingale everything was peaceful. All was good for beautiful thief Elena Carter until she bumped into Prince William Nightingale. Then together they discovered things...