Chapter twelveIn the middle of the night, while a couple and their little girl were sound asleep criminals came and attacked them.
The man and woman tried to fight off the criminals but it was no use. There were too many of them to handle.
The loud noise woke the child.
"Mommy? Daddy?" A little girl screams.
The woman pulls the little girl out of bed and runs into a vacant bedroom. She got under the bed.
A loud sound made them both jump.
"Mommy? What's going on?" The girl whimpers.
"W-we're playing hide and go seek darling. If you make a sound then they'll find us. You don't want them to find us, do you?"
The little girl shook her head.
"Good, now when I tell you get in the far top of the bed where there is only shadow, do it. I don't what you to move from that spot nor make a sound, until your father comes for you. Do you understand?"
The little girl started to cry. "I don't like this game, mommy!"
"Hush now, my love. When your father comes he's going to lead you to the shed. You need to carefully listen to him."
Next thing they knew the door fell to the floor and five pairs of black boots came stomping in.
Her mother looked at her and whispered, "now do what I told you."
"But I don't want to."
"Do what you're told, sweetie."
The little girl does as she's told and crawls to the top of the bed.
A strong pair of hands pulls the woman from underneath the bed and she screams and claws at the floor.
The little girl watches wide eyed and scared as they beat her mother to death. Her mother looks at her and whispers, "shhh." Then closes her eyes as her life is beaten out of her.
They laugh and walk out.
The little girl laid there frozen with fear starring at her lifeless mother.
After what seemed like hours she heard footsteps walk in. There was a sob and the man dropped to his knees.
It was her father.
He picked up the woman and cried out.
"Daddy?" The little girl whispered.
"Honey?! Where are you?"
The little girl crawls from underneath the bed and he snatches her up and runs out.
"What about mommy?!"
"I've got to get you to safety, baby. Now, listen carefully, I'm going to take you to the shed. There is a bag for you. You need to take that and run into the woods. There you'll see blue ribbons in the trees, follow the ribbons. They'll lead you to a cabin. I'll send someone after you."
"What about you?"
"I'm staying here, baby."
"With mommy?"
"Yes, with mommy."
"But what I I get lost?"
"Listen to the sound of the nightingales song. They'll guide you."

Finding My Nightingale [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]
Teen Fiction*Finding My Nightingale is undergoing a lot of construction* In the kingdom of Nightingale everything was peaceful. All was good for beautiful thief Elena Carter until she bumped into Prince William Nightingale. Then together they discovered things...