Chapter Twenty Four
***Elena's POV***
"Joseph! We'll never make it!" I panted as my pounded the ground as I ran.
"Just a little further! Don't give up!"
I hear the dogs barking and my heart races. They were getting closer. We were never going to make it.
"The river! Elena, we're close!"
Joseph yells from in front of me. Freedom was so close I could almost touch it when I tripped.
"Seriously?! Now of all times I decide to be clumsy!" I yell out to the world. I'm picked up off the ground and I'm running again along side Joseph.
"You can do it, Elena. It's not much further." He takes my hand. I nod and we run as fast as we can along the river.
We were so close to the city when something catches my eyes. I gasped and closed down.
"Henry!" It was Henry! William's horse. I run to it.
"Elena, no, come on!"
"Whoa there, Henry!" I look around. "William!" I waited for a reply but on hear the sounds of the dogs.
I panicked. "Where's William?" I look at the horse and as if he could understand me, looks back at a waterfall that was just up ahead.
My eyes widen in fear. "No." I whisper. I prayed for the lessen chances it wasn't true.
I jump on the horse and beckoned Joseph to do the same.
We ride along the river for a while until we couldn't hear the sounds of dogs chasing us and found a calm part of the river that we could cross.
I observe my surroundings, hoping I would find him. Looking down at Henry, he seems to be doing the same.
"It's okay boy, we'll find him." I pat his mane.
"This way to the town." He pointed to the left us.
"Why do we need to go to the town?"
I asked, but turned Henry toward the way Joseph was pointing.
"There we can find someone willing to help us get to Nightingale."
Silently, I head into the city, every step step I wanted to turn the horse around and search that river until I was on my last breath. I felt like I was leaving him again. This time I wasn't going to lose him again.
We make it to the town of Geneva and Joseph jumps off to speak with an older man outside of a wood shop. I start to dose off when Joseph comes back out finally, scaring me almost off the horse.
I hold my chest as he explains, "he said his nephew was heading out to Nightingale early in the morning and that he's sure he'll give us a ride but he won't wait no longer than noon." He looks me over and sighs softly. "We've got to find you somewhere to sleep. And me a café. It's like I've been starved my whole life!"
I roll my eyes as he helps me off Henry. I pull Henry with me and walk to a hay stack. I sighed, I really missed my home in Nightingale.
Laying on the haystack I stared up into the stars, wondering if I would ever see William again. I sighed, trying to find sleep but it wouldn't come. Soon all the townspeople were fast asleep and so was Joseph. He looked so peaceful, I'm sure it would break his heart when he finds me gone.
I have to find a way to tell him where I'm going but alas I do not have a pen nor paper. Then it struck me we're laying on straw. So I made a note for Joseph when he gets up and untied Henry from the post.
"We're going to find William. I can't go back to Nightingale knowing something horrible could have happened to him." I jumped on Henry and headed out of Geneva.
We ride up and down the ride until there was no hope in ever finding him. As soon as we were going to abandon our rescue. Henry went crazy and knocked me off into the raging river.
Screaming as I went under, I panicked to reach surface again. When I came up the current would push me down again. Finally I came up and screamed for help. Of course no one would come. Henry and I were the only ones here.
"Please help!"
The current knocks me hard into a huge rock and I go under. For good this time.

Finding My Nightingale [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]
Teen Fiction*Finding My Nightingale is undergoing a lot of construction* In the kingdom of Nightingale everything was peaceful. All was good for beautiful thief Elena Carter until she bumped into Prince William Nightingale. Then together they discovered things...