Chapter Nine | Crazy Crazy

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Chapter Nine | Crazy Crazy

"I got it," Harry sighed, reaching over to turn on the lamp that was next to the bed.

"No Harry, it's fine," Luna interjected with a yawn. "Let me handle her."

The twenty-two year old woman got up from bed and walked out of the room tiredly with her feet dragging behind her. She walked down the hallway to her daughter's room. The screams got louder as she approached the door. Once she walked in she saw her little baby in the corner screaming and crying. Luna quickly picked up the small child and held her tight.

"M-M-Ma," Jaycie continued sobbed in her mother's embrace, she really needed her right now.

"I'm here baby," Luna cooed softly. "Mommy's here now."

Her tiny little hands gripped her t-shirt as she cried some more. The girl was only two years old and she was such a special baby. Jaycie was born early which meant that there were complications at birth. Luna was only twenty when she had the baby. She was going through a real tough time but once her baby girl was born she forgot about everything and focused on the precious human being that she gave life to.

"MaaMaa," Jaycie whined once again.

"Let's watch Bubble Guppies," Luna suggested. She took Jaycie downstairs to the living room and sat on the

Jaycie's brown eyes landed on the TV and a smile formed on her cute face, her tears were now gone and she started to feel happy again. She clapped her hands out of excitement and giggled adorably, "G-Guppies!"

"Yeah baby," Luna kissed her cheek and held her close, she wrapped a blanket around them both so they could get comfortable.

Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays were Luna's days off. If she wasn't working then she was home with her daughter. And if she was working then Harry would be here to take care of Jaycie. This lifestyle wasn't easy but she could still manage. Luna had to stay strong no matter what.


"Hey cutie pie!" Rihanna cooed at the pretty baby that was in Luna's arms. Jaycie responded by giggling and reaching out, Rihanna gladly took her and kissed her cheeks. Then she looked at Luna and gasped. "Oh shit."

"Don't even talk about it girl," Luna says rolling her eyes, she took a seat and so did Rihanna after she put Jaycie in the high chair.

"Did you get any sleep?" Rihanna asked.

"I did actually," Luna snorted. "Harry woke up and told me to go back upstairs so he could watch Jaycie..he didn't have to me twice."

"I think you should take off tomorrow. You look bad and you need to get some rest," Rihanna says with concern.

"I wish I could," Luna sighs.

"You can, I'll even talk to him myself," her friends says confidently.

Luna smiles a little bit, "Thank you Ri."

"No problem," she shrugs. "Have you ever though about—,"

Her sentence was cut short due to someone storming out the diner and bumping into Jaycie's high chair. Just before the baby could fall to the side someone had quickly caught it at the same time Rihanna had held on to it.

"That was a close one," the guy chuckled, it was Louis.

"Louis?" Luna gasped.

Louis looked up with a shocked expression, "Well shit."

"Nice to see you too," Luna chuckled, as she took the startled Jaycie from the high chair.

"How do you two know each other?" Rihanna asked while her eyes flickered them.

Louis turned to the other girl and his lips slightly parted, "R-Robyn?"

"Yeah, that's me," Rihanna mumbled and helped Louis sit up straight the high hair.

"H-How you been?" Louis asked Rihanna awkwardly.

"Fine, I guess," she murmurs.

"Sorry to interrupt but I gotta beat some ass," Luna gave Jaycie to Rihanna as she stood up from the table. She quickly walked out of the diner, and when she caught up to the person who almost knocked Jaycie out of her high chair she yelled. "Hey!"

The blonde headed chick turned around, soon enough smirking when she finds out who was talking to her, "Guess you got bolder Luna.

"Guess you grew some balls," Luna mocked. "You almost knocked over my child."

"And if I did what would you do?" Rydel shot back.

Luna swung her arms back and forth, breathing and praying so she wouldn't hurt this woman. Rydel got a sneak peak of Luna in highschool, but this was much different then years before. She was different girl now, a different woman now.

"Bitch we can fight," Rydel shrugged like it was nothing, she even cocked her head to the side just to annoy her. She caught a lot people's attention from her body language, it was clear that a fight was going to happen.

"We can," Luna nodded to her suggestion, and quickly took off her diamond studs before running up to Rydel and started swinging.

Young people gathered around the fight and started to either cheer or record. Rydel was currently losing with her head down. All she did was windmill, she wasn't strong at all and Luna knew that. Luna didn't grab hair, she was all about the punches. When Rydel had enough she tried to back away but ended up falling backwards. That's when Luna got on top and started punching left to right. It seemed like the blonde chick got dropped and the crowd went crazy. Next thing you know, someone had pulled Luna off of Rydel and took her away from the commotion.

"Rihanna let me go!" Luna yelled and tried to squirm out of the hold she was in.

"Bitch I'm right here," Rihanna says smacking her teeth, and she was right next to Louis who had the most bewildered expression on his face while he held baby Jaycie.

"Well what the fuck—," Luna looked down at the arms that were wrapped around her waist. Once she noticed the small bird outline tattoo on the hand she went into panic mode. She recognized that tattoo.

She quickly turned around and saw the boy she was once in love with, but he wasn't a boy anymore...he was man. He was taller, his facial features were more sculpted, and he looked fit. His facial expression was unreadable, he was feeling so many emotions and so was she. Zayn Malik was standing right in front of her and she couldn't believe it.

"L-Luna," Zayn spoke softly, he took his hands back to himself in a shy manner. His eyes looking down to the ground as the guilt ran through his body. He didn't know what to do.

She had no words for this guy. Luna didn't know if she was suppose to hug him or fight him too. Her heart was racing so fast that she thought she was going to pass out. She took a look at Jaycie who was hiding in the crook of Louis' neck, she wondered if he was smart enough to assume if that was his child it not. But she knew not to underestimate him, she had no clue how to get out of this situation.

"I..I haven't seen yoooouuu," Zayn gulped. "I-In long time."

His voice, his eyes, Luna thought. It was deeper and his accent was kinda altered, and his pretty hazel eyes held so much emotion. She wanted to fall into his arms right then and there. Luna felt like that eighteen year old girl again; she was always down for him no matter what.

"I know," was all she could say. Then what she did was going to be hard, but she had to do it.

She had to walk away from him.


please tell me what you think guys . 😋💛 I am really excited for this book !!


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