Chapter 1

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Hamato Yoshi, lying on the ground in an alleyway, unconscious. His mind though, still at work. He didn't understand what had happened.

He was different.

He felt different. He saw the change before he fell unconscious....he was not just human, he was a rat. Not a puny, very delicate little mammal, but a human sized rat that could stand on two legs, walk on two legs and do what a human can do but more.

His conscience came back to him when he heard wails. He quickly awoke, startled, not understanding where the wails were coming from. He searched the alleyway he sat in, and spotted the four baby turtles he had bought earlier. What shocked him though, is that now they were mutants like him. They were turtles yes, had a shell and green skin but they all had the figure of a helpless infant. They were actually quite adorable to Yoshi.

Yoshi, slowly got up, walking over to the four turtle tots, picking them up.

They all quieted once in Yoshi's arms. All four looking at him, curious but confused. The smallest of the four gently reached out to grab Yoshi's snout, laughing. Yoshi smiled back to the turtle looking at the others.

"Do not worry...I will help you, I will raise you like my own and I will give you the love you need." He said smiling even brighter when he saw all four turtle tot smiling at him.

Yoshi knew he couldn't go around NY and be seen, he knew what humans were like, he was once one. Humans couldn't except change. He knew for sure if they were ever spotted, they would try to either kill them, or take them in and do research on them, experiment on them. And he didn't want that for none of them.

He spotted a manhole. He walked over to it, opening the lid and jumping down into the murky water below. He held onto the turtles tighter and started out in a jog down the tunnel. Looking for a place they all could call home.

He soon found an underground, abandoned subway relay station, connected to a sewer and an abandoned subway tunnel. He set the four baby turtles onto the ground. He quickly searched the area, looking for any stragglers.

He ended up only finding one, but he was dead. He quickly moved him somewhere else within the sewers, then returning back to the turtles.

They all had fallen asleep, so Yoshi started to clean the place up. He knew he'd have to make this place home for the five of them. So...might as well start now.

It had been a couple of hours before the four turtles woke. Yoshi had been able to dust and throw most of the old items out that were useless to begin with.

Yoshi looked at the four turtles, he knew they were hungry. So he quickly went to the apartment he was staying in when he first got here and grab most of the food he had. He wasn't sure what baby turtles ate.

He did all this without getting caught. When he did make it back to the turtles, he found them all crying.

He placed all the food he grab onto the floor beside them.

They all knew how to crawl. Yoshi had to imagine they were at least 7 month old turtles in human years.

All but one went for a food item.

The one with green eyes went for the chips Yoshi had brought back.

The one with baby blue eyes went for the left over pizza.

The one with brown eyes went for the lettuce.

The one that didn't go for food had sapphire eyes.

Yoshi found this turtle interesting. The turtle would look from his brothers to him.

Yoshi just stared back, both staring at one another intently, then both turning away and looking at the others.

Through out dinner, Yoshi would try and make the turtle eat but he wouldn't.

He started getting worried. He was t sure what he wanted. But he finally gave up, hoping that the turtle wasn't hungry and it wasn't something else.

Night time rolled around and Yoshi found himself staring down at the four turtles who cuddled around one another.

'I have to raise them as my own.' Yoshi thought, 'start something new.'

He looked at every individual turtle. He gently picked each one up at a time.

The first one he picked up was the one with baby blue eyes. He coddled him in his arms, "your name shall be Michelangelo." He gently set him down on a big blanket.

The next one he picked up was the one with brown eyes, "you should be Donatello." He gently set him down on the big blanket beside Michelangelo.

Next he picked up green eyes, "you shall be named Raphael." He gently put Raphael down on the blanket next to his other two brothers.

Finally he picked up the one with sapphire eyes. He stared down at sleeping turtle he held within his arms. He found this one the most interesting. He seemed to watch over his brothers, but he also seemed to be watching over Yoshi as well.

"Your name shall be Leonardo."

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