Chapter 6

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He finally made it back to his lair. He walked to his room and laid the child down. He stared at him. He knew the child wouldn't be waking up for a while. He quickly got changed, and then went to his throne room, sitting in his chair. He stared down at his soldiers, informing them that he had gotten what he had wanted. He also stated that he was going to train him, mold him into something powerful, but something that could also be entertaining.

He released his men. He watched as they all walked out of the room, heading to their rooms to rest for the night. Saki sat and thought about how he'd make this turtles life miserable.

He woke up and made himself a cup of tea. He sat at the table enjoying it, then once he was finished he got up and cleaned. He cleaned for a while, then looked at the time, 9:45. He was surprised that his sons were still sleeping. Usually they were up by 9. He shrugged his shoulders, he'd let them sleep till ten then wake them up. It would give him time to clean anyways.

When ten rolled around, he had finished clean. He was currently walking to the boys room, smiling as he couldn't wait for today. Today was the first day of training.

He opened the door to the boys room, but...he only saw 3 boys. Where was the fourth? He looked around the boys room and around the lair but he couldn't find him, then he spotted a mask in the boys room, a blue mask............."Leonardo!"

His yell is what woke his other sons, all crying. They soon stopped when they noticed when Leo wasn't around.

"Leo?" They al asked looking up at their father.

Tears streamed down his cheeks, "I don't know my sons, but don't worry...I'll go look for him."

He feed his sons and sat them back in their room with toys and moved the tv into their room.

He went out into the sewers and searched for his missing son. But nothing came up.

He retired home at lunch time, feed his sons once more and left once again. He did this again but at dinner. After dinner he put his remaining sons to sleep, then left once more to find his son.

Saki was quickly losing patience. The child had not woken up yet. He was begining to think that the injection he had given the child was to much. But then he had finally awoken, crying of course.

He watched as the man walked into the room, "why did you bring me here!!?? What do you want?!?!?" Leo yelled at Saki.

"I wanted a creature and I got you." Saki stated.

Leo looked past Saki and at the door.

"Don't even think about it."

Leo looked at the man shocked.

"I-I don't wanna be here!" He yelled out in anger.

Leo's eyes widened as Saki approached him ever so slowly.

"I and others are going to mold you into what you were meant to be."

Leo turned to run but was soon gasping for air. Saki stood in front of him again, hands wrapped around his neck.

Leo gasped, trying to yell out but I was no use. Every time he tried to yell, Saki's grip tightened.

Saki leaned in close to the child, "you are going to listen to me. Your not going to run away. Your going to train and become my best warrior. But if you mess up at all, punishment is headed your way boy." He snarled.

Tears streamed down Leo's face. He tried and tried to get the hands around his neck to give but they wouldn't, he couldn't breath.

Saki tightened his grip around the boys neck even more, "quit crying! Or something else might happen." He said with malice.

Leo stopped crying, still gasping though as he stared at Saki.

"Good." Saki said satisfied.

Saki finally let him go. Leo fell to the ground still gasping, but finally was able to breath and drank in as much air as he could get. He breathed heavily while Saki stared down at him. Once Leo had regained his breath, he looked up at Saki. Saki stared back at the boy before walking over to his dresser and grabbing something from within a drawer.

He then turned around and walked towards the turtle. He extended his arm, handing the turtle a black mask, just like his blue one.

Leo shook his head, unwilling to accept the mask. "NO!!! I don't want it!!!" He yelled out, turning around and running for the door, only to be pulled back and thrown onto the ground.

He tried to block the punches and kicks that Saki had rained down in him in anger, but he couldn't. He cried out in pain. Tears streamed down his face.


Leo tried his best to stay quiet but he couldn't, he had never experienced pain this harsh.

But a kick to the face shut him up, for he was knocked unconscious.

Saki called one of his top soldiers and told him to grab Leonardo and throw him in a cell.

The deed was done. Saki sat on his throne once again, staring down at the mask he held within his hand. He had never let it go while he was beating the boy.

"I will get him to way or another."

He smirked at the thoughts that ran through his head.

He walked home devastated. He hasn't been able to find his son. He went back home, walking to the boys room and checked on his remaining sons, then went to his room. He lied down to rest, but only cried.

"I am a horrible father....I'm sorry Leonardo."

He cried himself to sleep.

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