Chapter 12

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Sorry for the wait everyone, I had writers block. I know it's not the best, but I hope you enjoy! 😁

Leo lied on the dojo floor, cuts and bruises coated his body. Every inch of his person hurt. He felt blood dripping out of his cuts.

What scared him the most was the gash that ran across his plastron. From the top right plate to the bottom left plate.

Saki had said that no one was to help him. Not even Tiger Claw, which Leo was grateful for because he didn't want to see him.

Tiger Claw nodded towards his master, then stood at the door and waited to see if Leonardo would ever get up. He felt ashamed for the lie he told, but if it were the other way around, he wouldn't be here right now. He sighed.


The turtle wasn't facing him. He stared at Leo's shell.

"Leonardo please. Let me explain."

He still didn't get a response from the turtle.


Still nothing. Tiger Claw was dying on the inside. He wanted to help the child but couldn't.

"Leonardo, please. Get up."

Leo lied on the ground listening to Tiger Claw but never responded. Tears streamed down his cheek, soaking into the carpet that was slowly soaking up blood as well.


Leo shook his head.

"Leonardo please."

"Stop....please stop. I don't want to talk to you."

Tiger Claw sighed, "Leonardo, please let me explain."

"NO! There's nothing to explain."

Tiger Claw took a deep breath, he then turned towards the door. Before he walked out of the room, he looked back at Leo once more.

"I'm sorry."

He then walked out of the room.

Leo heard the dojo doors slide shut. He found himself drift off into darkness.

Tiger Claw stood beside his master, Ivan  Steranko stood in front of them with crates surrounding him full of weapons.

"There....I gots what's you wants. Now it's times for my payment." Ivan stated.

Saki glared down at Ivan, "open them."

Ivan growled, "you don't trusts me?"

Saki didn't say anything and with a flick of his hand, Foot Soldiers began to open the crates.

Saki stood from his thrown, walking towards the crates. He looked into every single one before sitting back down.

"Very well." He stated, "Tiger Claw, fetch the case that is in my office."

Tiger Claw nodded, turned and walked out of the room into the hallway headed towards his masters office. On the way to Sakis office he stopped by the dojo to check up on Leo. He was surprised though, the child was no where in the dojo. Tiger Claw moved into the middle of the dojo where Leo was once laying. He found nothing but a stained carpet that was still soaking up blood. He sighed before he left the dojo and continued his way to Sakis office.

He forced himself to keep walking, he was so close to his room. When he stood right outside his door, his knees bucked and soon he lied on the cold stone floor.

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