Chapter 2

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Yoshi decided to change his name. Wanting to start fresh with four sons. So he decided he'd go by the name...Splinter.

So as the days progressed, he watched one son mainly, but still watching closely over the others.

It's been a couple days now, 4 to be exact, and he still hadn't eaten. His brothers worried about him as well. Raphael even going to the lengths of forcing the food down his brothers throat, but his brother ended up throwing it up later that day.

Splinter thought it was because he was sick. He wondered though how the turtle would get sick in the first place. Every time the turtles were asleep, he would sit beside Leonardo and check for a high temperature. But there was nothing, it was normal.

He was glad though, that by the fifth day he began to eat. Now Yoshi was wondering if it was just a trust issue.

Yoshi ended up calling home the lair, he also was impressed with himself for being able to clean the lair up within a week being there. But he also had so much time on his hands to, with the turtles sleeping all day.

He laughed at himself a day after their mutation. He should have known better. He ended up having to sneak into a market and grab a couple packages of diapers, but he was smart and did it at night. And what he meant when he said 'a couple', he meant all that was there, 10 whole packages and of course baby wipes.

He went back the next night, grabbing some baby food, some baby formula and a couple of bottles. He did leave money on the counter, not being seen by the security cameras.

The baby formula was what Leonardo would only eat. Splinter was glad, all he wanted from his son at the moment was for him to be eating and getting the rest he needed.

He had seen change in all of his sons behaviors.

Donatello, a very curious child. Splinter losing sight of the boy very often.

Raphael, very loving towards his brothers, but also very hotheaded. Raphael tended to pick on Michelangelo the most. One minute he'd be trying to beat him up, the next cuddling and nuzzling with him.

Michelangelo, the wild child. He'd pick on his brothers, mostly Raphael. He'd then find himself pummeled to the ground and the next minute cuddling with Raphael.

Then there was Leonardo. Splinter found Leonardo the most interesting. Leonardo wasn't an ordinary child, and he wasn't talking about being a mutant. What he was talking about, was his maturity. He tended to watch over his brothers at night, watch them during the day while they played not wanting to involve himself within their games. He sat silent, and just observed. He was a very over protective child. And for one so young, Splinter found himself feeling upset. He ever caught Leonardo watching over him sometimes as well.

Splinter knew though, that his sons all had great potential within. He could see them now. Grown and fighting. He already knew that all of them would ask to go to the surface world, and letting them spread their wings was going to be the hardest part for him.

Day after day, the turtles grew and more of their personalities showed. Splinter found them very entertaining. He enjoyed feeding them, playing with them and even taking naps with them.

Splinter ended up finishing decorating the lair to his liking. He even was able to make a dojo, were he housed all his weapons and other artifacts he was afraid would get broken by the turtle tots. He even gave them lectures on where and where they could not go. Keeping them out of the dojo, was what he tried for the most. But one or more of them would slip between his fingers and adventure into the dojo.

Michelangelo had slipped between Splinters fingers once when Splinter was still hanging most of the weapons on the wall. Michelangelo had grabbed hold of the nunchucks he had. Michelangelo ended leaving the dojo, within Splinters arms, crying and had a massive bruise on his head.

Splinter thought this would teach him a lesson to not go into the dojo...but the next day Michelangelo ended up with another bruise on his head.

Splinter was glad that his other sons saw the wounds Michelangelo received from his exploring, showing them that the dojo was a very dangerous place. But...Michelangelo adventured into the dojo multiple times, and ended up receiving multiple wounds, mostly bruises. He didn't know what to do with him.

Life continued on for the five mutants. Everyone continued to get along with one another. Yes the turtles had their brawls with each other but they ended shortly. Leonardo moved from eating the baby formula to eating the baby food. Splinter found joy in him. He found joy in all of his sons.

And as months progressed, he saw them all growing. Splinter was even trying to teach them how to say each others names. They eventually spoke their first words.

Michelangelo's, (Splinter wasn't surprised either, but was very happy) his was of course PIZZA.

Raphael's, (Splinter laughed to himself) was yelling MIKEY.

Donatello's, (Splinter didn't even know where the boy had heard the word from) his was SCIENCE.

Leonardo's, (the one word out of all of the tots first words Splinter cherished the most) his was DADDY.

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