Chapter 11

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It had been a month now since Tiger Claw had made the deal with Leo and he hadn't been any happier. Leo did as promised and pushed himself. He made it to practice on time and he tried his best. When he was beat he told himself that it would be okay, he'd be free soon.

What Leo noticed more though was that after training with Tiger Claw in the mornings, he didn't see him at all throughout the rest of the day.

At the moment, Leo lied in bed thinking to himself.

"I'll be free soon!! I can go back to my brothers and father!" He smiled widely. Then he sat up a bit startled when he heard a knock at his door. He got up and opened the door, he saw a Foot ninja with a tray of food. Leo moved out of the way, so the ninja could walk into the room and set the tray down on his table.

Saki didn't allow Leo to eat with the other ninjas and he said it would remain that way for the rest of his life.

The ninja bowed to Leo before walking out of the room, closing the door behind him. Leo sat at the table and started eating his dinner.

Saki growled to himself, "why is he acting like this?" He questioned to no one in particular.

"He seems to happy." He growled and got up out of his chair and walked toward Leo's room.

He opened the door starling Leo who sat eating. Leo's eyes widened and he got up to bow down to his father, but before he could Saki raised his hand stopping him.

"Father?" Leo questioned.

"Leonardo. Sit and continue eating."

Leo raised a non existent eyebrow at his father before he sat down and continued to eat, cautiously and shyly.

Saki watched his every move. Leo didn't know why Saki stared at him while he ate, it was creeping him out though.

Once Leo finished he turned to his father and looked at him curiously.

Saki continued to stare at Leo. Leo looked everywhere in the room except at Saki.

Leo was startled when his father began to talk to him.

"Why do you possess an emotion that I dislike?" He growled at Leo.



Leo gasped, "I don't understand." He said still not looking at his father, but now bowing his head.

Saki growled and walked right up to Leo. He grabbed Leo by the chin and made him look at him.

"You know full well what I'm talking about." He growled out, tightening his grip on the child's chin.

Leo grabbed at Sakis hand, but then realized he had made a big mistake.

Saki smirked when he saw Leo's realization. He let go of Leo's chin and grabbed a hold of his arm, dragging him to the dojo where Tiger Claw was currently teaching.

Saki smirked and threw Leo into the middle of the dojo.

Leo yelled as he was thrown and moaned in pain as he sat up. He looked around the room. Looking at al the ninjas, Tiger Claw and his father.

Leo started hyperventilating, he didn't like what was happening. He was in the middle of everything. Everyone stared down at him.

Saki laughed, "pathetic."

Leo stared at his father and watched as he ordered everyone to move out of the way. He watched as everyone did as told.

Saki walked towards the child and circle him.

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