Chapter 16

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He sat curled up against the cold metal door, staring into nothingness. His punishment for supposably having brothers, being secluded from everything and everyone. He wasn't given any meals, his injury's he had received before being thrown into the cold dark room were untreated, infected by now.

He didn't know how long he'd been in the room, but he was losing his sanity every second, little by little, the longer he was trapped. He tried to think about something other than darkness but nothing was working. He even tried closing his eyes but he was met with even more darkness, instead of bright images that would drag him away from the darkness. He started to hear voices a while ago. He tried to block them out, but they only seemed to grow louder and louder, taunting him.

Out of all the punishments he's ever received, he'd have to say this one he hated the most. It always reminded him that he was nothing. That he had nothing to live for, he was useless and better off dead. He never would kill himself though, because he always had a feeling that he'd be able to escape this hell he lived in.

Tiger Claw slowly walked towards the room Leonardo was being kept in. Leo had been thrown into the dark and cold room a week ago. He was beaten by the Shredder before being thrown into the room, and Tiger Claw knew that his wounds were going to be infected. He also had seen that the Shredder had broken Leo's right arm, which he'd have to reset once again.

Leo wasn't allowed anything. He hadn't had anything to eat or drink at all during the week. Tiger Claw sighed at the cruel treatment. He turned the corner and headed towards the door that separated Leonardo from everyone else. He pulled out the key and inserted it into the lock, turning and listening for the click that indicate the door was unlocked.

He slowly opened the door and watched as Leo shielded his eyes from the bright light with his good arm.

"You've completed your time." Tiger Claw said, staring down at the boy who was trying to adjust to the light.

"Thought so." Leo replied raspy.

Tiger Claw walked into the room and over to Leo, he gently lifted him off of the ground and slowly guided him to his room. From there he went to his own room, retrieved his medical kit, and made his way back to Leo's room.

A couple hours later, Leo's arm was reset and in a cast once again. His deep cuts were cleaned, stitched up and wrapped, and anything minor was also cleaned and wrapped.

"You know you didn't have to help me. You should have just left me to die." Leo said looking down at the ground, avoiding eye contact with Tiger Claw.

The giant tiger stared down at the boy he helped raise, "do not speak like that."

Leo groaned before looking up at Tiger Claw with sadness in his eyes, "no one cares about me. The others only use me for their own pleasures and father does the same. Karai just wants to see me in pain and you don't even care about me."

"Leonardo, I care for you. I do not wish to see you dead. I want to see you free an away from here with people who care for you the way I care for you."

"You only care for me because it's your job." Leo replied, slowly getting up off the floor and lying down on his bed.

Tiger only watch in despair. He quickly cleaned up his medical supplies before leaving. He stood in the doorway of Leo's room, casted a look over his shoulder at Leo, before completed closing the door.

"Where's our brother?"

"Huh...are you talking about that worthless piece of shit that's been locked up?"

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