Chapter 10

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Sorry for the wait everyone, and I hope your enjoying the story so far. More to come soon hopefully.

Tiger Claw sighed. He had finally finished attending to the child's wounds.

He stared down at the child that lied in bed still unconscious. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to stay with Leonardo or not. He decided that he'd leave and return later on. He had other things to do.

Saki grew frustrated, "WHY ISN'T HE AWAKE!?!"

"Master...I can not tell what has happened but I will do everything I can." Tiger Claw said bowing down, not even taking a glance at Saki.

"You will wake him..,and if he isn't awake by tomorrow morning before training...there will be consequences." He growled out and walked out of the room.

Tiger Claw sighed and quickly walked to Leo's room. He didn't know how to wake the child! And he didn't know what was wrong with him. He paced beside Leo's bed and glanced over at Leo every so often, trying to come up with an idea, but failing miserably.

He sighed, stopped pacing and turned all of his attention to Leo.

"Child....why won't you awaken?" He growled out. He couldn't think of anything! He was getting worried, not for the child's life but for his life. He knew how crucial Saki could be, and he didn't want to be the victim.

He sighed, "Leonardo....know that if you don't wake up soon, I'm going to wake you up my own way."

Tiger Claw stared down at the unconscious turtle, he waited thirty minutes before he made his first move. His hands that were once rested at his side, now were fist that he brought down onto the child's chest. Leo's body jerked every time Tiger Claw brought his fist down onto his chest, but he still remained unconscious.

Soon Tiger Claw grew tired and fell onto his knees, staring at the child that would possibly bring him pain and suffering. He glared at Leo and with all the strength he had left in him, he balled his fist together and slammed them as hard as he could onto the child's chest.

Leo's eyes soon opened and he struggled to catch his breath.

Tiger Claw panicked but soon was helping Leo.

After awhile, Leo had finally caught his breath and was now moaning and groaning in pain, clutching onto his chest.

Tiger Claw sat beside him and sighed. He watched over Leo making sure he didn't fall asleep.

A couple hours later Saki walked into the turtles room. Once he saw Leo awake he smirked then turned to Tiger Claw, "well done."

Tiger Claw bowed his head, "thank you master."

Saki smirked at the tiger and dismissed him. Once Tiger Claw left the room, Saki turned back to Leo and saw him in pain.

"Well....your finally awake." He smirked, grabbed Leo by the ankles and dragged him out of the bed.

Leo cried out in pain, tears streaming down his cheeks as he lied on the ground.

Saki smirked, he then grabbed Leo by the arm and dragged him into the dojo. Once inside he threw him to the very center mat.

"Now....for your training. You have to make up for the two days you've missed." He smirked and circled Leo.

"P-please....I.....I can't." Leo said, struggling to stand up.

"Then this will be fun." Saki smirked, laughing.

"Daddy....I want Leo." Mikey said crying.

Splinter sighed sadly, looking down at his son, "I know Michelangelo. We all do."

Raph and Donnie had went to bed early. The two have been sleeping more, eating less and both showed no emotion.

Splinter was worried for all of his sons.

He watched day by day as his three remaining sons crumbled. He tried his best to help them but both Raph and Donnie didn't even bother telling their father how they felt. Mikey was the only one who shared his feelings.

Once Splinter put Mikey down for the night beside his two other brothers, he went to his room and meditated.

Thoughts and memories of his missing son clouded his mind at night. He was angry at himself, angry he was not able to help Leo.

Splinter slowly opened his eyes, he turned to a picture of his sons and him and sighed, "I vow to make sure my remaining sons will be safe. The time has come to teach the three of you the art of ninjutsu."

With that said, Splinter got up and soon went to bed, awaiting the day that lied ahead.

Leo laid unconscious on the dojo floor, beaten and bruised. Tiger Claw saw the boy was internally bleeding, and yet he couldn't help him. His job at the moment was to watch over the child but he couldn't help him.

He sighed and sat down beside Leo.

He listened to Leo's moans of pain, he watched as Leo slept.

A couple hours later Leo was waking up. When Leo spotted Tiger Claw he glared at him and turned his shell to him.

Tiger Claw sighed, "Leonardo, I can't help you but if you could stand maybe you could find your way to your room. That way you could possibly rest, on a bed instead of the dojo floor."

"I....I don't care anymore." Leo said painfully.

"I...I just want to die...."

Tiger Claws eyes widened.


"No!" Leo began to cry.

"Leonardo, you don't mean that."

"I DO!!!!" Leo sobbed out, "he doesn't treat me like his son! He h-hates me!"

Tiger Claw sighed, a child should never want to die nor be beaten mercifully. He yelled at himself internally for what he had done to the child earlier.

"Leonardo, if you want to get through this you must stay strong."

"I can't! I hurt all over."

"You must." Tiger Claw then thought for a moment, "what if I was to help you."

"What are you taking about?" Leo asked quizzically, his crying dying down.

"If you can stay strong for me, I'll help you get out of here and take you somewhere safer and much better for you."

Leo thought for a moment, "how do I know your not lying to me?"

"I'm not. I don't like seeing you beaten and me having to beat you and other things. Your a child and you should be free. And if you want that freedom you have to stay strong for me and hopefully soon we can get out of here."

Leo thought then smiled, he turned over and faced Tiger Claw, "okay....I'll stay strong."

Tiger Claw smiled down at Leo, "good." He'd do anything to get this child to safety....anything at all.

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