Chapter 20

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Leo lied on the ground, staring up at the ceiling of the Shredders throne room, his life slowly draining away.

He had endured multiple beatings from Karai, Xever and Bradford when Saki had given him over to them.

Bradford and Xever had even went as far as raping him. It was nothing new to him though. Saki had raped him plenty of times as punishments growing up.

He turned towards the entrance to the throne room when he heard a noise and watched as the doors slowly opened. In walked Tiger Claw, the two made eye before Tiger Claw fell to the ground on his knees.

"Leonardo, child, today I'm finally going to fulfill my promise to you." Tiger Claw said slowly standing up, his left hand pressed tightly against his wounded abdomen.

"How are..ugh..are you still alive?" Leo asked in astonishment, struggling to breath.

Tiger Claw made his way over to Leo. He lifted the boy into his arms, watching as Leo whimpered.

"I could ask you the same question child." Tiger Claw said smiling down at Leo, "but I already know the answer. Your strong, brave and above all....determined. And I want to help you get back to were you came from. Where you truly belong."

Leo slowly smiled back, staring up into Tiger Claws eyes, seeing the life slowly draining out of them, "Thank you Tiger Claw, for everything."

Tiger Claw turned back towards the entrance of the throne room. He looked down the hallway making sure no one was around. Once he knew the coast was clear he made his way out of the building towards an alley. He set Leonardo down and looked around them until he spotted a manhole cover.

"Leonardo I need you to go. Go and find them. Don't worry about anything else. I want you to heal and live the life that you were robbed of." Tiger Claw said before turning back to Leo. When Tiger Claw saw that Leo lied with his eyes closed and saw his chest barely moving, he panicked and kneeled down next to him. Tiger Claw began to gently shake him awake.

"Tiger Claw, I cant...I'm tried...just...please..." Leo said slowing down, his eyes drifting shut again.

" must..ugh.." Tiger Claw said desperately, resting his hand against his abdomen.

"You go..." Leo replied faintly.

"Do this for me...for your family!"

Leo slowly opened his eyes and stared up into the eyes of the man that so desperately wanted his safety. He nodded slowly, "come with me."

Shaking his head, Tiger Claw replied, "I can not child."



They sat in silence for a moment.


Tiger Claw stared down at Leo sadly. He rested his paw against Leo's cheek, "please child...I must stay here. I've already damaged my contract with Saki. If I go...the one I cherish the most will be hunted down and killed. I can not let that happen. I must repair what I have damaged. I must keep the one I love most safe."

Leo stared up at Tiger Claw. They stared at each other in silence before Leo once again nodded. He slowly stood up the best he could. He gave Tiger Claw a hug before slowly making his way over to the manhole cover. Tiger Claw followed after him and the two moved the cover before Leo slowly and painfully made his way down the ladder. Before he reached the ground, Leo looked up at Tiger Claw one last time, "I hope to see you again in the future."

"As do I child."

They gave each other one last smile before Leo reached the ground. He watched as Tiger Claw moved the manhole cover back. He stood for a moment before turning in the direction of home.

"We know where he is so we should go after him!" Raph exclaimed.

"Sorry Raph but we can't just go running into Foot headquarters!" Donnie exclaimed exasperated.

"Ya but what about Leo! He could be really hurt." Mikey said sadly.

"I understand but we need a plan! We've seen what Shredder can do guys." Donnie said sadly.

"Oh who cares about a plan, let's just go!" Raph said, tired of all the arguing.

"I agree with Donatello. What you need is a plan and a leader. Raphael has been the one leading you on the surface world but I believe that Donatello should be the official leader."

"Are ya serious!?" Raph questioned angrily.

He kept walking until he saw light.

"Help!" Leo tried to yell out but what was supposed to be a yell came out as a whisper. Leo groaned in pain and forced himself to continue walking. He made it past the turnstiles of the lair before falling to the ground.

Splinters ears twitched and he rushed out of the dojo into the pit of the lair. There he stood staring at his beaten lost son, "Leonardo."

Raph, Don and Mikey rushed after their sensei and saw their long lost brother being cradled in the arms of their father.

"LEO!!" The three boys exclaimed running over to the two.

Leo stared up at his father and watched as his father fought against his tears. Leo glanced around at his brothers once before his eyes returned back to his fathers.

Donnie quickly looked over Leo, noticing the bruises, cuts, broken right arm and the stab wound that went straight through his brothers abdomen, "I don't know how he is still alive but we need to get him to my lab now!!"

Raph gently coaxed Leo out of his fathers arms. He noticed how light his broken brother was when he lifted him into his arms but pushed the thought away for later.

Raph carrying his brother rushed after Donnie into the lab. Donnie quickly slid his lab doors shut. Raph gently lied Leo down on a cot. He stared down at his brother while Donnie rushed around his lab getting the supplies he would need and preparing himself. Donnie glances over at Leo, seeing he was barely conscious. He walked over to him and watched as Raph moved aside.

Don grabbed his brothers hand, "I promise Leo...that I'll help you and you'll get better." Donnie leaned over his brother, kissed his forehead and leaned away watching as Leo fell unconscious.

Donnie then turned to Raph, "are you okay to help?"

Raph turned up to look at Donnie, "yeah."

Donnie nodded and the two quickly got to work.

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