Chapter 17

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I feel so bad that it's taken forever for me to update. But here it is. I hope you like it.

"Let go of me!" Leo growled out, just before he was thrown onto the ground of the throne room.

Leo growled at the Foot soldiers that bowed to Shredder before leaving. Leo then got up and glared at his father.

"Have you learned your lesson?" Shredder asked, smirking evilly.

"What lesson was to be taught?!?" Leo yelled.

Shredder quickly rises from his throne and walked towards Leonardo. All the while, Leo stood still, glaring at his father.

"You know full well what lesson was to be taught."

"You beat me half to death and threw me into a room full of darkness for supposably being a brother to the Hamato's?!?"


"I've already told you that I'm nothing like them!!!" Leo clenched his jaw, "and I will never be if this is what I get." He finally said before looking down at his bandaged body.

"You have a week to recover and get out of that cast. I also expect you to be in your room the whole time." Saki turned back to his throne.

Leo stared at his father shocked, "a week? But..."

"One week Leonardo and that's final. Now leave me."

Leo growled to himself before limping to his room.

As Leo laid on his bed, he stared up at the ceiling in thought, 'what if I am related to them? Why would that be so bad? For years he's told me I was the only one of my kind. Knowing Saki, what the turtles say is probably true, that I was kidnapped. I mean, at one point in my childhood, I did fall ill. I woke up not knowing where I was, who I was or even who Saki was. So maybe, just maybe...they are my true family.'

"Ugh..." Leo sat up on his bed and let his legs hang over the edge. He had been contemplating weather he should go against his fathers rules and go out, or stick to his fathers rules and stay in his room.

He knew he wasn't going to get as far as he would like and have the speed he desired at the moment but he finally decided........he'd go out.

"Dudes....what are we gonna do?" Mikey asked sitting on a chair in Donnie's lab.

Raph and Donnie shared a look before turning to Mikey.

"We'll find him Mikey." Raph said confidently.

Mikey looked between Raph and Donnie, "but what if they do something else to him? What if...what if they kill him?" Mikey cried out.

Donnie looked down at the ground, sighing sadly. He looked up when he saw Raph walking towards Mikey.

Raph placed a gentle hand onto Mikey's shoulder, staring deeply into Mikey's eyes, "we'll find him. We won't let anything happen to him once we have him. I promise."

Mikey stared at his older brother, before smiling, "Okay. So what's the plan?"

"Where are you going?"


"You know if Shredder finds out....there will be hell to pay."

"I don't care anymore. He's beaten me and used me my whole life. What's a few more broken bones, bruises, stabs, cuts, and being used gonna do."

"So you wouldn't mind if I told Shredder that you left?"

"I don't care. Do whatever you want Karai."

Karai watched as Leonardo walked out of Foot Headquarters. She smiled to herself before turning and heading towards the throne room where Saki awaited.

She kneeled before looking up at Shredder who stared down at her, "he's left."

"Good. Have Xever and Bradford arrived?"


"Have them ready, along with Tiger Claw."

"As you wish Master Shredder." With a smirk, Karai walked out of Saki's thrown room, towards the dojo were she would find Tiger Claw, Xever, and Bradford.

"Gear up. We leave in ten." She said smirking once again.

Leo sat on the edge of a building, looking over the city and down at the street below him. He watched as the people of New York City busied themselves with work, family, and more work. He sighed to himself before slowly standing up, ready to head back home.

'If you can call that hell hole a home.' Leo rolled his eyes. He turned and in a flash had his katana in his good hand, the tip of his blade at the throat of Michelangelo.

"Woah dude! Calm down!" Mikey yelped, his hands in the air.

Raph chuckled before he walked over to Leo and pushed his arm down.

"Leo...what happened to you?" Donnie asked, looking over his oldest brother.

Leo sheathed his sword and quickly glanced down at his body, "Uh...yeah. This is the result of a lesson."

Raph growled at his brothers cast, "fucking Shredder."

Leo sighed as he witnessed his brothers smiling faces turn into one's of despair, "hey don't worry. I'll recover in no time." He then looked away from his brothers, "even though I only have a week to recover." He said then sighed.

They all stood in silence before Leo spoke, "I just want you guys to know that....I believe you. If you didn't already know."

Raph, Donnie and Mikey shared a look before staring at their long lost brother.

"We know Leo." Raph said smiling. He glared at Mikey though when he heard him laughing, "what's so funny?"

"Your actually smiling!" Mikey laughed out. Before Raph could smack Mikey, Mikey ran over to Leo and wrapped his arms around his brothers waist, "I'm so glad your back."

Leo smiled down at Mikey.

"Why don't we go home?" Donnie suggested.

"Sure. Common Leo...someone would like to meet you." Raph said, grabbing his brothers good hand.

"Okay...but we're going to have to take it slow." Leo said, holding onto Raph's hand tightly.

As the four made their way to the lair, Leo began to think to himself. 'So this is what a family is. People who love you, care for you, who will protect you. People who don't use you, or beat you, yell at you. The complete opposite of what Saki is.' Leo glanced at his brothers, smiling as he noticed they made it to their home.

Leo's eyes widened as memories came rushing back to him. He saw the four of them in the pit as turtle tots playing and laughing. He saw him with his true father sleeping on the couch with his brothers near by. He saw everything he could remember up until he was stolen by Saki. Leo growled to himself before he turned towards the dojo and saw his father standing at the entrance.

"Leonardo...." Splinter said, tears running down his furred cheeks.

"Father..." Leo said in return, still shocked that he was with his true family.

Splinter walked towards his son, the two stared at one another, before Splinter wrapped his arms around his long lost son. Leo gasped, having never experienced what a true hug felt like in ten years.

"Do you have his location?"

"Yes, he's been in the same spot for a while now."

"We leave now then."

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