Chapter 9

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He walked out of the dojo beaten. Tiger Claw had decided to beat him with a boken whenever he stepped out of line or he messed up.

Leo sighed, slowly walking to his room. Now it was 6 in the afternoon. He had missed breakfast and lunch. He crawled onto his bed. Then realized he didn't take his uniform off, so he had to get up again.

He was about ready to pass out. And now he was afraid more than ever to see the marks that would probably stick with him forever, if not forever then at least months.

He slowly took off his gear. Underneath his wraps, he could see large red pelts where the boken had hit him. He rolled his eyes and sighed. He then got into bed and soon fell asleep.

Saki came into the boys room minutes later finding Leo stretched out on his stomach, asleep in bed. He walked up to the side of the bed and marveled all the marks Tiger Claw had left on Leo.

He started stabbing at Leo's wounds. He smirked when he heard him moaning in pain and when Leo flinched away. He laughed at the thought of the boy not eating at all today.

It was fine with him, he'd just send a ninja to give him his dinner later.

He continued to prob at the turtles wounds. Enjoying the pain filled sounds he made.

Then Saki turned to the door when Tiger Claw had knocked.

"Enter." Saki said then turned back to Leo.

Tiger Claw watched as Saki continued to mess with the child's wounds. His dark side laughed at Leo but his lighter side was feeling guilty and sad. He sighed.

"Why are you here?" Saki demanded.

"One of my duties was to check up in the boy ever so often." Tiger Claw replied.

Saki turned and stared at Tiger Claw, "in glad you know your duties." He smirked and walked out of the room.

Tiger Claw watched as Saki left, then turned to Leo. He sighed, and walked to the edge of the bed. He stared down at Leo inspecting his wounds, but he passed them off, not really caring anymore.

He cared more about his job than the turtle before him.

He sighed and turned towards the door. He looked back at Leo once more and then left.

Once again he woke up to yelling and being dragged out of bed and thrown onto the floor.

He sighed and got dressed. And before he left his room he looked over at the clock that hung on his wall. He sighed and walked out of his room and to the dojo.

He sighed internally and bowed down.

"Let us begin." Tiger Claw said.

Hours later, he stood at Saki's side and watched an exchange.

"Ivan Steranko, you don't get your money until I get what I ordered." Saki glared at the man.

"You gets what you wants laters." Ivan said the best he could.

" will get the money when you deliver." Saki stood up and walked out.

Tiger Claw showed Ivan out and then went back to the dojo.

Leo sighed and walked to his room. He saw a tray of food on his desk but didn't feel like eating. He didn't eat at all yesterday either.

He sighed and took his uniform off and lied down in bed. He once again cried himself to sleep.

Splinter watched as his remaining sons fell asleep. He soon got up and walked to his room. He walked to a chest in the corner of his room and opened it. He had a picture on his missing son Leonardo. He picked up the picture and held it to his chest letting tears stream down his face. He then looked back into the chest and saw the blanket he had made Leonardo. He picked it up and stared at it. He remember when Leo would have nightmares at night. He would have to wrap Leo in a blanket and rock him to sleep. That was when he thought he'd make Leo a blanket. And he was very happy to know that Leo had loved his gift.

He sobbed a bit and looked at the last item he had kept.

Leonardo's blue bandana.

When he woke up he was surprised that he wasn't yelled at or yanked out of bed. He sighed and got up. He actually felt well rested. Then he looked over at the clock and his eyes widened.

"9 a.m.!!!" He changed as fast as he could and soon was out the door and into the dojo.

His heart raced and he struggled not to look out of breath and afraid. He kneeled down in front of his father. He dared not to look up at Saki.

"You were supposed to be here 3 hours ago. Care to explain."

Leo bowed down lower, his head touching the ground.

"I-I over slept. I haven't eaten in two days and my training has worn me out. Please forgive me master." He said.

Leo felt Saki's eyes burn right through him. He had told the truth so why was his father so made at him?

Then all he felt was pain. He fell over on his side and clutched his stomach. Then a kick was delivered to his back, then his legs and then his face.

Saki spent 30 minutes beating the child.

"I Hope You Learn From This!!!"

Again, another hit was delivered.

"Your Weak!!"

A pattern.

"Get Up And Fight!!!"

He couldn't. And with one finally kick from Saki, he was left on the dojo floor.

Tiger Claw had stood by the dojo door the whole time. He had watched everything.

Saki walked up to Tiger Claw, "attend to him. Only you. No one else."

Tiger Claw nodded in understand and watched as Saki left. He walked over to the child and reached a hand out to grab him.

Leo flinched away from his hand, " m-more. Please."

Leo started to cry, and this broke Tiger Claws heart. He sighed and reached from Leo once again and finally got a hold of him. He picked him up and carried him all the way to his room.

Once inside the room, he set Leo on his bed and started removing his uniform. He folded it and set it on his dresser.

"T-thank you."

Tiger Claw turned back to Leo, a bit surprised.


"Thank you."

Soon Leo passed out and Tiger Claw was left to clean and wrap his wounds.

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