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Although they were walking through a dark, mysterious forest, Elsa felt safe in Jack's presence.

"So Elsa, tell me about yourself" Jack was in a skippy like mood. He walked so freely while Elsa just walked in a straight line.

"Not much to tell really. I'm your average 17 year old girl who lives with her sister and cat. I go to collage and I work at the library." She said like her life was the most boring thing in the world with out all the problems she faces.

"What do you mean. It's just you and your sister?" Curiosity killed the jack. Wondering too much about the lack of description about her family.

"Yeah. My parents died when I was 10. My aunt took us in after that but she passed late last year so now it's just me and my sister" sorrow laced Elsa's tone as she spoke about her family history. Jack couldn't help but pity her slightly.

"So what about you. What's your History?" At this point curiosity could kill them both quiet easy but it's instinct to try and get to know the other.

"Same as you in a way. I'm also 17, I live with my mam and my sister. Father was killed a few years ago. I also go to collage and I work in a stable." He sighed loudly from mention of his father. He hated talking about his father. Remembering back to how he died. Shivering under his skin.

"How sad. We're both a victim to loss at such a young age" Jack couldn't help but chuckle lightly at how Elsa used her words.

"What?" Even though it was a sensitive subject, she chuckled lightly with him. Wondering what she missed out.

"It's Nothing. Just the way you talk is all. Almost like your a walking book" he started giggling again.

"Side effect from reading too much probably" she shrugged her shoulders amused by how Jack was reacting.

"Sorry. So what do you like, aside from reading?" He asked. Trying to keep a conversation going. 

"I like to write short stories" she started giggling now.

" what a surprise" he giggled with her.

They were now in the center of the walk path to the coffee shop. Sun beams shone through the gaps in the leaves. They landed perfectly on Elsa. Jack really wanted to take a picture of her beauty.

He noticed how her pale skin wasn't her only spectacular feature. Her hair was unbelievably silky and he was unable to describe her cerulean eyes. She was simply breathtaking.

"Is there something on my face" The simple question broke him out of his trance. He did notice a stray hair that cascaded in front of her eye.

He walked toward her and brushed the stray hair out of her face. "There" he said with a smile. She couldn't help but smile back as they continued to walk.

"So what are you going to order?" She asked. Hoping he was going to order the same thing as her.

"I'm thinking I might just go for a classic white hot chocolate" he smiled at the thought of the steamy hot drink. Trying to remember the taste.

Elsa sighed in relief.  Smart minds think alike. That was exactly what she was going to order. She replied with a distant "same" as she was caught thinking about the hot chocolate that they both desired.  

>>time skip>>

As they walked out of the coffee shop with there hot chocolates. Elsa came up with a great idea.

"Hey wanna play 'question, 1..2..3' ?" She really wanted to play as she hadn't done it with someone different in a while.

"What's that?" He asked calmly taking a sip of his cocoa.

"Well. You ask a question and when you count down from 3 you both say your answer" gulping her cocoa. He nodded in response.

"Okay. I'll go first. Favorite color. 3...2...1..."

"Blue!" They said in unison. An eruption of laughter came from the both of them.

"No way. What shade?" He asked. Excited that they had something in common.

"I like an icy blue. It matches my personality. Cold." She smiled weakly. Not her proudest trait. "How about you?" She bounced back. Returning her massive smile of happiness.

"Oh. I'm darker then you darling." Pausing, he giggled at his use of the word 'darling'. "I'm more of a navy blue. But that's what matches my personality best as well I guess"


They continued to play the question game when they came to the end of the path yet again. While Jack looked at some plants that were just at the opening. Elsa pulled out a pen and wrote her number on the sleeve of her coffee cup.

"I'm sorry. But I must go. If you wanna talk and meet up again, here's my number." She gave Jack her sleeve and he grinned. "It was great meeting you Jack. I hope we keep in touch!" She started walking away as she looked at her watch to realize the time. God was her sister going to kill her.

"Bye Elsa" she heard the sweet voice boom from afar.

"Bye" she replied I'm the same tone. Making sure he heard her and he did.

He smiled to himself. Today proved to be successful apart from the session he had with Madam Couture. He was satisfied.


He was confident in how his session would go. Although it was his first with Madam Couture, he was going to gladly take the help that was being portrayed to him.

His name was called out, he signed the form and he met the famous Madam Couture.

So far, first impressions weren't going well on her side. Her grin from ear to ear was starting to creep him out.

"Now Jack, you know why your here don't you." He was already bored and he had only been in there for 5 minutes. He nodded in response.

"Tell me. What are these visions'." She asked trying to put the pieces together and collide Elsa's condition with his.

"Well there not visions. I can see them clear as day. I can touch them and yet I've been sent to the loony bin." He said plainly. Now he was admitting his true feeling to himself. He didn't want to be here.

"What do you mean by 'you can touch them'" madam didn't really want to know. Afraid of the answer.

"I mean. I can touch them like if you tried to pet a horse, I could do that to a unicorn. Madam. I'm not insane. I'm in perfect health. You just don't want to believe the truth. Face it.  Your like me. Their is no cure for the sight" he had now found a true hatred for madam as he now felt like one of her test subjects.

He left the office without permission but he didn't really care. He was just glad to be out of her sight.

)))))Flashback Over((((((

Jack was now happier then when he was when he left the office. Grabbing the sleeve Elsa gave him. Punching in her number and without hesitation sending her a text to verify. He was happy with his new found friendship.


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