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A week later.

"So Elsa, how are you holding yourself. Has this traumatic event altered anything?" Madam asked while pushing her glasses up her nose and clicking the pen for the nib to eject. She had already lined Elsa's paperwork ready to alter.

"Everything's a tilt but I'm managing. I've been put in charge to plan Emma's funeral. Jack woke up a couple days ago and he's stable for now. His mothers left which is making everything complicated and of course my sister has decided to leave me for a bit and now I'm getting my house redone to fit more people within its walls." She ranted. Now heavily breathing, clasping her hands in her lap.

"Elsa, I asked what was happening with you, not what's happening with everyone else. How are you doing?" Madam had already started to write in Elsa's file.

"Oh I'm doing fine, apart from the constant fear that something buds going to happen. I keep getting flashbacks to the day. It just won't stop. The fire burns me and I wake sweating but I'm cold. I don't understand it. I'm also afraid that Jack will go back into a coma. But the 'visions' have gone."She assured that the last statement was the strongest so she didn't have to go back in the pills Thant made her see them worse. She finally ran out of them and only the therapist can prescribe them.

"I know we've just began however, sadly, that concludes today's session. I've re-arranged some things, would it be capable for you to come see me next Tuesday, I really want to help you with this situation." Madam requested, taking off her glasses and closing the file to place back in the drawer. She began to get up and walk Elsa out like she always did. Elsa just nodded to her next session, quickly standing up wanting to get away.

Madam said her goodbyes and closed her door, getting ready for the next client. Once Elsa made it to the staircase, she ran to the front of the building, feeling as though something was coming. She managed to make it to the trees before everything started to fade out and all she began to see was the flashback to the day.


Thick smoke wrapped around the small building. Slowly expanding to the crowd of those waiting to see if he would make it out alive. It's been longer than 5 minutes and with the amount of smoke, it's hard to tell wether he would make or hopefully they would make it.

Water slowly leaked from the sky, causing a cool sensation on Elsa's face. Constantly watching her watch, keeping track of the time. She was worried and knew what the time gap could mean.

People slowly started to leave. Wishing their best to Mrs Frost as she still sat in the back of the ambulance, moving her leg quickly, tears trying not to spill from her eyes. She was like an emotionless twig that was slowly flailing in her arms. "I will get your son and daughter back to you. You have my word." Elsa's promises were like a bound in the universe. She was unable nor even capable of braking that promise, so she thought, until now. She realised what she said. She practically promised something she had no control over. A life or death situation.

"Someone Help" Another echo merged from the flaming house that was surrounded with a black smoke. Breathing in should be impossible. But risking her life would be easy for him.

As she began to prepare herself, Flynn realised what she was doing. He ran towards her and pulled hr back, holding her by the shoulders. "No. You're not going in there! The building is collapsing and I can't assure your safety." He tried to explain with many valid reasons as to why she shouldn't enter.

"That isn't your choice to make." She shook him off and ran, into the thick black smoke, feeling as lost as her heart in this tragedy.

"Help???"The voice became louder and louder, the crashing slowly collapsing around her. As she saw what seemed to be the conservatory window in a mist like smoke, the head of white hair slowly came into view with it. His arms wrapped around a young girl who looked limp and lifeless.

"Jack?" She walked towards him quickly, tripping over some collapsed debris that's had fallen into the ceiling.
Although her knees felt scrapped and a little bloody, she got up and ran over to him.

"Elsa??" He looked up, barely able to see her from the haze. She placed her hand on his face as an approval of her presence. As she looked at his state, she noticed the chandelier that was on his leg, making it hard for him to move.

His sister was pulled tight against his chest so she wasn't caught by any sort of trap.

"I'm going to get you out, okay?" She looked at him, how he was concealing something so painful. Lookin at the chandelier, some crystal shards pierced his skin causing a lot of blood.

She began to remove the heavy weight off his leg but slowly stopped from his screams and whimpers. "Hey, your okay. One more push off and you'll be free. Okay?" She reassured him. His blood on her hands. He took a deep breaths and nodded towards her.

As quick as she could, she pushed off the chandelier causing him to yelp. "Done. All done okay" she moved herself closer to him. "Now to get us out"

More things started to collapse around them, surrounding them like a tomb. The only way out would be the conservatory and smashing the window.

"I've got a plan" she stood up and braces herself. Wrapping a small amount of fabric around her hand. She punched through the glass, once, twice until it smashed and she was able to push the glass away making an escape.

"Okay come on. We need you to get up" she said looking to make sure they could get out the window. Slight whimpers were heard below her. "Jack? What's wrong." she knelt beside him.

"I couldn't get to her in time. She was calling out. But then she stopped. When I got into the room, it was already on fire. I managed to get her body!" He cried harder. Holding his lifeless sister. Elsa began to cry also. However she knew that nothing good was going to come if they stayed in this house any longer.

"Jack we have to go. Can you stand??" She asked hoping he would be capable. He nodded his head, using the wall as a slight support. Elsa held onto Emma as he tried.

Her limp body felt cold in her arms. How could he hold on to her. How is he holding himself together so well. If this was Anna then all she would do but cry and not even try. Elsa couldn't help but cry when she held her. This whole situation was morbid.

He managed to stand, putting his weight on the wall. He looked down trying to move his foot at a better angle.

"I'll go first. Then pass me Emma, and I'll help you through" Elsa explained a decent plan that made sense. Jack just looked at her blandly and nodded.

She gave him back his sister and carefully climbed out the window. Slowly, they got Emma through. Elsa placed her on the pathway.  Away from as much debris as she could before she went back to help Jack.

When she looked up towards him, his eyes were slightly glazed over. Looking at the shards of glass in front of him, more crashes echoing.

"Okay. Your turn" Elsa reassures, snapping his attention towards her.  He  grabbed her hand and she pulled him through. A loud clash from behind him startled them enough for her to pull harder until they were by Emma.

As they sat on the path, looking towards the rubbles house, all that remained standing, slowly collapsed in front of their eyes. Now the only thing left behind was the memories in which that house awarded.

Through all this heart shed, Jack still held himself together. Although he looked dead and his eyes were dull, he didn't cry nor did he look angry. He was just... nothing.

"Elsa???Jack??Emma??" Flynn voice was heard from behind them. As Elsa turned to look. A couple paramedics came into view with a stretcher as well as someone else with a med out.

"Over here." She yelled a reply towards him and he managed to spot them. Jacks leg wasn't in a good shape. The shards of glass made it worse. Flynn looked down towards the leg knowing that it needed emergency care. He pointed and the paramedics rushed to get him on the stretcher.

"How's Emma?" A question she didn't want to hear. Elsa turned towards the young girl on the floor and got her in her arms.

"She's no longer with us" she replied, holding her tightly. Although Elsa only ever met her once or twice, she was still such an amazing person and now the fact she was gone, confused the whole system.

Now only one question remain. How will they brake the horrible news to Mrs Frost?!


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