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He didn't take her to the nurse. He took her home. Somewhere familiar for her to go too and feel safe. He asked Anna for their address. Making sure she didn't know what was going on he made a lie saying the school wanted to know and that she couldn't remember. Anna wasn't convinced but gave the address anyway.

He drove her home. Not a word spoken between them. She just sat clutching her sleeves still sniffing but no tears. Jack just focused on the road. Replaying the trauma of her hitting him and then realising him. It brought back memories.
"Look at the little baby. So innocent and confused. Poor baby. He had no idea of the pain he's going to cause. Or that we're going to cause him." Strange figures approach him, shadow like creatures too tall for him to see their faces.

"Please leave me alone. I've done nothing wrong." He asked nicely, keeping a brave face hoping they'd go away.

"We can't do that child. Quick. Grab his arms." One said. The same as before. They did as they were told. Grabbing his arms and lifting him. Finally able to see their faces. Pale eyes pierced into him as well as knives and dangers. Cutting his skin like thin paper.

"Let me go. Please let me go. I've done nothing wrong. It hurts. Let go!!" He screamed but they didn't stop.

Loud thuds started coming up the stairs, but nothing happened. They let go of his arms and tried to wrap theirs around him so he started to punch. Harder and Harder until his name was starting to be heard. The voice familiar.

Everything started to fade to colour, a familiar face stood in front, clear bruises busted on his face. Most likely from him.

"Dad?? Dad!!" The little boy hugged his bleeding farther who held him tight. The sobbing didn't stop until a few days later. Only one scar left from the torture he endured.

They never bothered him after that.
"Jack were here" Elsa waved her hand in front of his face. Through his time of thought he managed to park outside her house perfectly. Weird.

He looked over to the tear stained girl and nodded. Taking his keys out, he got out and went over, opening her door for her like a gentleman.

"Sorry. I spaced out" he apologised even though he didn't have too. She was zoning out anyway. Thinking about her newly found feeling and what she's going to do now.  Her feeling for him.

She found it hard to be around him. Although his scent was calming. Like a wood fire or smoke.

"So this is your house. It's.. cute" he looked up and down at the small mansion like house. It had two stories and a fancy staircase once you walk in. To the left was the kitchen and the bathroom. The right, a study.

Elsa was the only one to use the study. To be the financial caretaker of the household, Anna aloud her to have a space where she could do it quietly.

"Would you like a cup of tea or hot cocoa?" Elsa offered as she placed her bag on the kitchen table. She grabbed the kettle, filing it enough for 2 and setting it to boil.

"I'm okay for now. Thanks" he replied. He was still extremely worried for her and what happened. The way she carried on when she got home. Like nothing happened. Like him.

"We need to talk about what happened in class. Tell me what was going on?" Although he knew what really happened it was best for her to open up and talk about it herself with only a slight pressure towards her.

"It's nothing new for me. I've managed to deal with them in the past but today they were worse than ever and I had no control." She sighed in remembrance of the horrid memory that was created practically minutes ago. "Your voice brought me through but your face wasn't really there. A darkness was instead and I was scared. I'm sorry"

As if on cue, her tears began again. No sniffing this time just straight tears like vodka leaking from a cracked bottle.

"I understand what happened to you Els. I did it myself. To my father when I was young. Creatures of the dark surrounding me. Suffocating me. Wanting me dead. When I snapped out of it, my dad was bleeding and I cried for days" it was a big thing for him to admit and tell someone but he was comfortable enough to tell her. She understood.

"Did he forgive you?" She asked. A deeper meaning hidden behind it. From her childhood and her parents disappointment in what she was and what she was becoming.

"He did but I never forgave myself" the atmosphere changed in the room. Sadness and guilt the main colour. A dull grey-blue that could brake even the purest of souls. Sadness amplified with more sadness.

But this feeling wasn't new. It was a common feeling the pair faced with their situations and family issues. The only change was that they weren't alone anymore.

"You should. Forgive yourself that is. You deserve closure. It wasn't your fault" she was hesitant but made her point clear.

"Do you forgive your self for what you did to me?" He replied almost immediately, curious if this is the same as what happened with his dad.

"Some part of me wants to but I care for your forgiveness more" she held her right arm when she felt uncomfortable. Hoping that he would forgive her for the pain she inflicted.

"Of course I forgive you. I'd be stupid not to." He smiled towards her trying to lighten the mood in this dull kitchen.

The kettle ping signaling that it had boiled and ready to use.

"Actually. Do you mind if I have a cup of tea. I think I need it" Jack asked kindly like a gentleman would. Something she referee him as from time to time.

She made two teas and finally sat at the table with him. Elsa blowed on her tea to cool it before taking a heavy amount.

"It may sound stupid but I think we need each other more than we thought. Without you today I don't know what would have happened." He listened closely taking a sip from his tea. The heat soon burning his throat. "When I was a kid my parents would always talk about sending me to a boarding school for the mental and insane. So I faked being okay so I could stay. When they died, my situation got worse but Anna understood and left me alone."

It was a big thing for her to open up like that and Jack was proud. Proud that he was trusted enough to know. He's only known her for 2 weeks maybe less than but yet he felt so comfortable with her like they've know each other for years.

I'm that moment, the kitchen had faded and it was only them two in the room. Her light being the only thing he saw. Like a moth drawn to a flame.

And he wanted it to stay like that forever.


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