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A week had passed since their friendship had begun. And ever since, Elsa had been getting better in many different ways. Always being happy.

Waking up felt strange to Elsa. Abnormal. Usually she would wake in a cold sweat, threatened by the night terror that happened during her sleep.

Last night was different though, she slept soundly. No dream, no accident, no terror. This had never happened before. Ever.

Her phone buzzed, ripping her mind away from what had just happened. As she picked up her phone, the light blinding her in the process, Jacks name was illuminated. Calling. She didn't hesitate to pick up.

"Hello?" Her groggy voice was clear. She still hadn't really woken up yet. Ruffles were heard on the other line. In confusion, she sat up, repeating her last started but with more power. "Hello???"

"Elsa?" Jack, on the other hand had a light tone. Yet confused. His parents were out of town so his sister decided to go for a slumber party, staying with her friend for a few days. Leaving Jack all alone.

"Why did you call me?" She asked, not understand why he had called. Not late but still early. 5 am.

"I'm not sure. I don't recall dialling your number." He lies so well. Note the sarcasm. Before this. He hadn't been asleep all night. Night terrors scared him so he decided not to sleep. This made his condition worse but he didn't mind. All night his finger hovered over Elsa's caller ID. Wanting to hear her sweet voice so desperately just so he could calm down.

But the guilt for waking her was too strong. So he waited. Hours upon hours until he thought 5 am was the right time. Clearly wrong by the tone of voice Elsa seemed to be using. Tired.

"Have you not slept. You sound tired" she yawned out. Quite concerned about his well being.

"No. I have trouble falling asleep so I just don't." He replied. It was a simple answer that sent Elsa into a world of concern and frustration.

He needs to sleep. Lack of sleep caused major consequences that she knew all too well.

"Jack. Please go to sleep. Trust me. You'll feel better." She said in the soft/ sweet tone he had been waiting to hear all night. But it wasn't enough. The fact that he was home alone meant that anything and everything could get to him and that he'd have no anchor to save him. Usually, his sister would be there to save him from the terrors that wished to eat him. But he was alone and venerable.

"I can't. There's no way I can" Elsa knew that feeling. She was ten.

"No!! I don't want to go to sleep." Little Elsa tried to explain to her parents but they looked at her with a tired and annoyed look. They just wanted to go to sleep. Hoping she'd get over this little faze soon.

"Please Elsa. Just go to bed. Nothing can hurt you. We checked. No monsters in your closet. Nor under your bed. It's all an imagination. Don't you remember what the doctor told you." Her mother tried to explain. She just wanted Elsa to be okay. The 'faze' had been going on since she was 7. It obviously wasn't a faze.

"You don't understand, they taunt me. Constantly. Calling me horrible nasty names that daddy calls you sometimes. I don't like it. Please make them stop." Elsa's tears became thick and sticky to her face. Although she was still a child. She had a very imaginative vocabulary.

"Who's calling you those names Elsa?" Her father said with a stern voice, upset that his child was being mistreated.

"The pixie children in the smoke." She pointed to the right side of her room that was empty. Only light beams that shone through the window from the street lights.

"Honey, theirs no one there. It's all in your head. Maybe if you go to sleep. It'll all disappear" the mother fought for her child's sleep. Finally proving to be successful.

"Fine. Okay. I'll try" she lied. Knowing her parents wouldn't let her win. They tucked her back into bed and each kissed her on the forehead bidding her goodnight. Although it wasn't.

She laid on her back, looking at the ceiling, listening to the taunting off the pixies. She laid silent. Not wanting to make her parents wake again just to worry about nothing.

Her life was nothing.
"Listen to me Jack. Nothing will hurt you. Your in the safety of your own house. Your vulnerable, your strong. God. Your so strong. How about I stay on the line with you. Until you fall asleep so you feel less alone?" Her words were simple but they meant the world to Jack.

Having someone that cares for him and understands the situation, it enlightened his mood. His heart started to feel strong yet weak at the same time.

"Jack?? You still there?" It got quicker when she said his name. It was a foreign feeling. But he loved it.

"Yeah. I'm still here. Um...Elsa??" He paused unsure if she'd say yes. Hearing a hum in reply from the other end. He continued.

"What would you say to skipping collage tomorrow and spending the day with me?" He said. Unsure of the reply, knowing she would go crazy about leaving for a day.

"Sure." The answer was as simple as it always was but it made his mind and his heart in-sink. Flipping backwards in excitement. "What would we do?"

"Haven't thought that far. But it'll be fun" he yawned. Getting tired. Elsa felt satisfied that he yawned. Meaning he would give sleeping a go.

"I'm still a bit tired. I think I'm going to go back to sleep now anyway. Don't worry. I'll leave my phone on. Goodnight Jack" no reply was heard. Only cute light snores that enlightened the atmosphere around her.

Successful with getting him asleep, she just hoped he had a nice time. Knowing that he hadn't slept in a while was clear from his appearance whenever she was with him. The bags under his eyes looked heavy.

As Elsa listened to his light snores. Her heart couldn't help but palpitate harder causing a blush on her cheeks. This was yet again an abnormal feeling. Towards Jack?

Her eyes got heavy as she drifted off to his light snores. Herself joining with them.


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