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Once Elsa was through the door, she felt relieved for a moment. Calling for her sister around the house, failing to get a response. She entered the kitchen to see the hand written note.

'Elsa,  I'm out with Kris. Won't be back till tomorrow. There's some pizza on the side. You can have that. Sorry. Love you xx
           Anna xoxo'

Sighing, she grabbed some pizza and looked out her kitchen window.  Although now she wished she didn't.

Her head started banging. Almost as if someone was trying to scream. Dropping the pizza on the side, she rushed to the bathroom too look for some pain killers. Yet. She was unsuccessful at finding some.

She rushed back to the kitchen to look for the first aid kit but that was missing also. The pain was unbearable. Elsa collapsed to the floor, clutching her head begging for it to stop.

Voices started screaming back at her. Thinking they were all in her head, she screamed in frustration.

"Please just leave me alone" she couldn't help but sob at the sudden outburst of pain radiating from her head. This always happened. Whenever she was alone, she was most vulnerable.

Screaming again, a loud buzzing interrupted her. Struggling across the floor, she reached for her phone. Her screen flicked on as she read an unknown number.

A text followed after. 'Hey. It's Jack'. She sighed in relief. For some reason the pain started to wither away to nothing. Almost nothing.

She texted back within an instant. They were like that for a while, texting about weird topics and sending funny stuff too each other.

Elsa felt at her happiest when she talked to Jack. She forgot all about the incident that had just happened.

(E=Elsa J=Jack)

E: So Jack. You never told me what collage you went too.

J: Oh yeah. I go to Saint Colin Collage. They have a great history program.

E: Holy shit, I go to that collage too. I take English Lit, Unit 2. Can't believe we haven't bumped into each other. Our departments are right next to each other.

J: Do you do morning classes?

E:  Yeah. It's easier to do them in the morning. I only have it till 12. Then I'm free.

J: Same. How about on Monday we meet up and go for lunch.

E: Sure. Hey, I have to go. It's getting late. I'll text you tomorrow.

J: Okay. Goodnight!

E: Night.
She closed her phone. Thinking back to there conversation. How had she not seen jack before. Their times met up perfectly to be able to at least see each other once. Confusion was suddenly over come by the feeling of tiredness.

She shut her phone off and gradually closed her eyes.

"Shhh. She'll here you"  tip-toe patters were heard across the floor.

Elsa was unsure of the sound. Thinking it was probably just her family cat wondering around but in reality it was her guardian.

A small bird like creature, 20 cm tall. All raven with hints of red. He wasn't like all the other guardians. He's been with Elsa since birth. Not allowed to leave her side till the day she dies.

That was the case for most people who had the gift of sight. That not being there only gift. They were assigned a guardian to protect them from the truth until there ready.

This time, the guardian was not alone. The same creature was by it. Blue and green streaks but the same height.
They whispered in a tone Elsa was unable to hear.

"So... when do you think she'll be ready?" The green creature spoke looking at the red one. But the gaze of the red was directed towards Elsa. Watching her sleep peacefully.

"Her 18 Birthday." He sighed looking back at the Green. "Merida, the prophecy has already started to come true. She's met your boy and I can already feel there connection. Their falling in love"

"Isn't that a good thing. That means this will be over soon. They'll stop this. Have faith" Merida reassured the red who was doubting Elsa's safety. "Hiccup. We can't do anything but protect them."

"I know. I think I have an idea." Hiccup reverted his eyes back to Elsa. "How about we become there size. Their less vulnerable if we're there in person to look after them."

"That's totally crazy" hiccup looked down.  Knowing it was practically impossible but if it was for Elsa. He didn't care. "But I'm in!"

Hiccup looked up in amazement but joy.
"We change tonight and meet them tomorrow"  he says. Rushing off to prepare for the change. Leaving Elsa oblivious to what's going to happen.

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