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"She's ready. You can tell by her behaviour" the locker slammed, the reaction pushing the red hair over her shoulder. Merida and hiccup were putting some books away after the incident of Elsa's runaway.

"Maybe Mer, But that's not for us to say. We need to wait for the stag to tell us." Hiccup pointed out while grabbing a book from Merida so she didn't have to carry anything.

"He hasn't talked to us in days. What makes you think he'll tell us." She huffed. Knowing he was right.

"He spoke to them the other day. He wouldn't do that unless he knew they were ready" hiccup replied, brushing his fringe from his face.

"Your forgetting a key factor. He ERASED their memories, how does that prove that their ready? I think we should choose if their ready or not. Since they are our responsibility!" A few people in the halls looks their way. Hiccup just rolled his eyes.

"We need to wait for Jack to be ready anyway. Elsa without Jack would be catastrophic." Hiccup explained in a whisper do to the people looking.

"I guess". Merida shrugged followed by a shiver. "I miss my feathers!" She whined. The human form took a lot of energy from what their used to. The time was faster and it felt like they've done nothing. In reality. They can't do anything until they remember. All they can do is watch and wait.

"Madam. I don't understand. What do you mean ??" Jack was confused. The fact that Elsa was here at all made no sense. She was always showing him how strong and passionate she was, the fact that she was sitting next to him made no sense.

"Well you two answered everything the same to all the questions. You see me for the same reasons and you have both lost people in your lives. I just wanted to try something is all" she came away from the window and sat at her desk, shuffling her files into a neat stack. " I want you to get to know each other and share your symptoms with one another.  Who knows maybe you didn't need me at all. Your free to go" she waved her hand at them. They left the room confused yet curious.

Silence. Not a word was spoke. Not a glance. Elsa stared at the floor while jack looked to the distance trying to piece everything together.
They parted after that. Not a word to one another. Just trying to piece things together. How they could both have the same problem.

Elsa sat at her desk that night. Writing down everything that happened hoping it would make sense. But it didn't. Growing up thinking your mad and that your in it alone does something to a will of believing. It wasn't possible.

'Maybe there is no point thinking about this alone. I need to talk to him.' Elsa thought to herself. Grabbing her phone to call him. Without realizing it was 3:30 am.

"Hello?" Jacks raspy voice came from the other  side. He didn't sound like himself. Distant. Drunk?

"Jack?" Elsa was unsure if this man was actually jack from the tone of his voice.

"Oh it's you. What's wrong buttercup" he slurred on his words. Definitely drunk.

"We need to talk about today" She swirled on her chair listening to the hoarse breathing on the other end. She waited a few minutes for his reply.

"Tomorrow at lunch. I've gotta go. Tomorrow okay." And with that he hung up. Through the time of waiting, she heard his breathing slow down as he calmed and until he gave his final reply.
The day was going faster than normal. Elsa sat in the English classroom noting nothing down since she was ahead of the class. The professor just repeats what he says. Every now and then she would look at the board and at him to show her paying attention.

"Coward." The voice echoed in the room. As Elsa looked around to see the source, the room slowly started to dimly light and her fellow students disappearing. Leaving her in a dull empty classroom.

"Killing your parents. Really isn't queen material" more voices called making Elsa breath uneasily.

"What's? What's going on." Elsas remark was full of confusion.  A stinging pain came across her face and thats when she knew what was happening. The shadows. The shadows that tormented her as a kid. That ruined her life and made everyone think she was crazy.

Shadows were exactly what they were called. Shadows. Black mist human figures that had bright blue blurs as eyes. The eyes like smoke from each side. There giggle was haunting almost as bad as a pack of hyenas.

"Not now please" she whispered to the shadows but more to herself. Standing from her desk in attempt to get away only made it worse for her. More stinging came across her body from the shadows claws and hits. There was no stoping this.

"Murderer!" The chant became louder and louder with each one. It created waves of negative energy.

She grabbed her head to try and protect herself but the beats got worse. The chants got worse. It was impossible to get back to reality.

"Elsa?" A voice different to the others grabbed her attention. The shadow clear but no detail. "Elsa??" The voice demanded. 'No. I won't let you torment me!' She thought as she screamed and ran at the shadow. Beating its chest.

"No. NO. I WILL NOT LET YOU DO THIS!!" She screamed louder as parts of the class started to colour again.

"Els??" As she looked up, she realised the boy with a busted lip, dripping down. White hair a mess from trying to settle her.

"I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't realise. I'm so sorry" tears brimmed her eyes covering her mouth trying to stop the gasps that would escape from her mouth.

"Your okay. Don't worry" Jack went for a hug. Going to calm her but she pulled back.

"No. I.  I don't want to hurt you" The tears ran down her face. Her eyes a clear blood shot. He went for her again. This time not enough strength to pull back. She grasped at his shirt crying all the tears. Jack couldn't help well up. Seeing the only girl he ever loved cry hard.

"I'll take her to the nurses office. If that's okay?" He asked but really told the teacher. As he began to leave the teacher nodded her approval. Elsa still cling to the boy who came and dragged her out of reality. His lip still bleeding.

As they walked. Elsa found it harder and harder to focus on everything around her. Like their first meeting in the town. It was like it was just them in the world. No one else to ruin her life just him.

And she wanted it to be like that forever.


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