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15 minutes. 15 minutes to get Jack in a stable position and supported. 15 minutes to get Emma covered up and taken away. 15 minutes.

Jacks mother didn't take the news to well. Elsa decided to brake the news to her as she was the only one who could remotely hold herself together.

Mrs Frost. Always such a sweet woman who took care of her children. Now begging on her knees in front of a torn down building. Begging for her baby child to be alive.

Elsa decided to let the adult deal with Mrs Frost as she wasn't in a very good state herself.

Getting in the car, she managed to hold herself together. Re living the day in her head from this morning, a happy lie to a mental break down as well as a family brought apart and almost killed from flames.
First destination; the hospital. Jack was said to be in surgery to help get the remaining shards out as well as cast up god arm. He managed to sprain it when getting pulled through the window. Something Elsa blames herself for.

"Miss Winters, what are you doing here??" The nice lady asked behind  reception. Her hair pulled back into a double bun.

"Hey Polly. I'm kinda here to see a friend. Jack Frost??" She walked to the desk to have a better conversation.

"Oh he's just got out or surgery. Won't be awake for a while. Also visiting hours have just ended." Polly always liked Elsa. They were almost the same age so she said. Married with 2 kids, always smiling.

"I'll see what I can do due to the fact it's my favorite patient." Poll looked through her records again getting a room number.

"Thanks Poll. I'm kind of the only family he has at the moment. His mothers in a vicious state. He needs someone." Elsa said sympathetically. Pity laced in her mind knowing how everything will change.

"I get it. I would do the same if it was my husband. Jacks room number in U57. 3rd Floor." She handed Elsa a clipboard and said her 'see you later' section of the conversation.

Before a second thought, she rushed up the stairs to the 3rd floor. Although the knowledge that he won't be awake, he needed someone to be there when he did. All she wanted to be was his and ever since he ran into the fire, her heart was on edge and all she wanted was for him to be okay.

The doors caused more anxiety each time a new one appeared. Portraying a similar number to the one she was looking for. It was infuriating.

That was until she came in front of the door that had him behind it. Elsa places her hand on the door, not wanting to open it in fear that she might break down just like his mother did.

When he got out the fire and smoke, the damage on his body was obvious. It wasn't just some cuts. It was massive wounds that bled through all his clothes. Burns that were practically causing the flesh to drip. Maybe it was just an over exaggeration, but it was still painful.

Without realizing, the door handle clicked and the door slowly swung open, a light noise causing a creek echoed the room. In a bed not far, laid the white haired boy, hooked up to multiple machines. Beeps after beeps lit up on a screen.

The sight was painful in itself. Watching him like this was almost unbearable. Elsa sat in the seat next to him. Grabbing his hand that only had a couple of bandages on it.

His hand was cold. However his head was hot. It was like his body was confused as to what temperature was needed. Apparently this could be a side affect from the touch of fire. The body wanting to cool itself down while also trying to keep a healthy temperature. He didn't move, just layer still. He remained like that for a couple days, it was now Thursday, everyday since Elsa would show up, sit by his bed and contemplate about how everything is all her fault. Hoping he was listening to her and forgave her.

"I'm sorry Jack!" Elsa cried, crossing her arms on the bed so she could rest her head in them. Crying hard. She felt like everything was her fault even when it wasn't. Like she had a million times.

"I-It's not your f-fault." A hand landed on her shoulder. A light rub given off as an act of comfort. As she lifted her head, the light blue eyes she loved cane into her view. His blue eyes.

He looked different now his eyes were open. Bags laid large under his eyes. His face hard to form any sort of emoting but tiredness.

She just seemed to cry harder. In a slight joy that he was in a way okay. None of this had happened if she had just made him stay. He wouldn't be like this. But that was selfish because without him, his sister would never had been seen again.

"Jack." She said instead. Quickly going into a hug. Needing to feel his body against hers just to feel his heartbeat. He wasn't hesitant either.  He missed her. The feeling that he was alone was overwhelming and having to remind himself every second that he had people around him was hard.

"Your okay!" He said to her. Not really capable of talking due to the intake of smoke. But he needed an out loud reminded. As he pulled away. He got a better look at her.

She looked tired. Too tired to be with him at the moment. He looked down and saw how torn her clothes were. The ash staining it dark and blood in certain places. It made him sick to his stomach. But the first thing that caused a ray of concern, was her hand.

A blood red and scratched and stained with dark colours. The blood dry in some places but still wet in others. He brought it into his hands to examine it.

"How did you??" He looked down. Whipping bits of blood off with a tissue that came handy. The nurse brought in a box and laid it by the bed when he was unconscious.

"The glass. To get out." Her replies were short. She hadn't realised her hand at all. Not feeling the pain or any of the blood. It felt fine. But it didn't look fine. Strange.

"You should have been more careful!" He scolded her in a concerned way. The thought of her being hurt kills him. He'd already lost his sister, loosing Elsa too would make him go crazy. Possibly drive him to death.

"Jack?" Elsa's voice was uneven. Like she was scared to ask the question that's bounced on her mind since the first one. "Can I kiss you?"

"Yes" he quickly replied. Interrupting her. He'd longed for the kiss after he did it the first time. His lips on hers just felt right.

Elsa leaned in and placed her lips on his. They moved in perfect motion. In sink with one another. Until a tingly feeling occurred. A strange light shone from where their lips connected.

The light looked like a sort of snake. A darker light for Jack. Dark green. While a light green swept over Elsa.

The snake slithered over all their wounds, healing them until nothing was seen. Not even a scar. This was extremely helpful for Jack and his wounds due to the fact that they were that bad.

Once the light had finished, it collected into one and Elsa's body slowly absorbed it. A power she didn't know she had.

Was she magic????


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