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Later that night, both parted and fell asleep in their individual rooms. Elsa was awoken at 6 am. A reminder highlighted on her now fully charged phone. 'Therapy. Today. 2:00 pm. Don't forget' She mentally face palmed, she had indeed forgotten.

Now, from the message, she couldn't go back to sleep so instead she decided to go make her self a cup of tea. Jack did say that she was aloud to help herself and that she was welcome whenever.

Going through the corridor of his house was quiet and dark but the clear glow and crackle came from the living room. She couldn't help peer her head through the door. Confused about what she was seeing.

Jack sat on the sofa in front of the fire. Blankly staring into it. He looked tired, unable to register anything around him. Then she wondered. How long had he been here? Had he slept at all?

She was mesmerized by him. Even though he looked so lost she couldn't help but look at his features. The flecks of grey through his white hair. How pale he really was.

Before thinking, she went and sat next to him. When she was close enough she noticed that he had tears running down his face. This saddened her.

"Jack? Jack are you okay?" She placed her hand on his shoulder to pronounce a type of comfort. He looked away from the fire and straight at Elsa. She noticed the sadness in his eyes, the pain that shows. It struck her.

"Els, I don't know who I am anymore." He looked down but quickly re averted when Elsa hugged him. She tightly wrapped her arms around him.

"Jack. Your an amazing person. A great sense of humor who makes terrible tea. Your a great listener and advice giver and your a very good friend. Your Everything to me!!" Her eyes glazed over with a shine knowing that deep down that wouldn't work and that he'd still think he was no one.

"You don't mean it. And if you did, that would make you crazy" he laughed lightly taking in what she said. How she cared and what she feels towards him. His heart started to beat faster until it made a chill through his body. A soothing/comforting chill. He enjoyed this feeling.

"Anyway. I came out to get some tea. We have some time to kill before collage." She released her arms from around him, getting up to go to the kitchen.


The day was harder then she thought it would be. Although she had Jack by her side for the majority of the day, she felt uneasy, as if her world could crumble at any moment. Jack had to leave early that day as he was forced to pick up his little sister from school as she had been sick. His mother was busy in Canada so she was unable to get her.

That left Elsa all alone. And that's how she sat, eating her lunch. Alone.

"Hi, I'm Merida, I just transferred, this here is Hiccup." a strange girl with fiery red hair approached with a shy, concealed boy. Elsa was in a daze, staring at her food although she herd her introduce them, she didn't look up.

"Okay" was all she replied with, knowing that making them her friends would most definitely endanger them. That's when she thought about Jack. If its not okay for them then why would it be okay for him. That's when all her dark thoughts and voices started to get louder, all the mocking creatures that would make her cry at night, all those times that made her parents think she had gone mad. Before realizing, tears streamed down her cheeks hoping to god that the voices would stop but remembering that there was no god.

Merida and Hiccup sat on her table, worried expression on their faces, knowing what was going on. They didn't decided to consult her on the emotion but to be there even if she didn't want them there. Her thought were screaming at her, telling her the outcomes that may happen if she keeps Jack as a friend and if she lets the two people sitting on her table stay in her life for too long. Everything was hectic until an alarm erupted on her phone. Therapy 2:00 pm. The time was 1:45, this was her late reminder bell.


She ran fast up the stairs to the offices. Knowing that Madam hated when she was late. As she got into the lobby, she had a few minutes to spare. When she looked around, a familiar head of white hair came into view. A seat was empty beside him so she sat. He hadn't noticed her sitting beside him, all he could do was fiddle with his fingers and wait for this to be over, much like when Elsa was here last.

A door took Elsa out of her thoughts. A young boy ripped from it, tear stained face and messy hair. She's not in a good mood today.

"Jackson Frost and Elsa Winters" Jack stood up wide eyed, looking around for the girl that spent the night, suddenly feeling a strange sensation in his hand. Elsa's hand entangled within it. Although she knew it was wrong and that the voices in her head would be trying to kill her, she could feel how tense he was and being in this situation also, she felt the need to show that she was there for him.

They couldn't speak, all they could do was sign the paper and endure the torture that Madam would definitely give.


"You two are here today for one main reason. I believe that the two of you possess the same kind of skills that are causing you so much trouble. Thats why having you together is something I want to try." she stared blankly out her window, Elsa and Jack's files were spread out in front of her desk.

"What do you mean posses the same troubles." Elsa asked looking at Jack for a mere second until finally looking back at madam. In Elsa's eyes, madam had a dark blue, almost purple glow, as if she was part of the relm that constantly confics her life and makes it a living hell.

As if her help was a cruel trick endured by the realm that keeps her mind awake...


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