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Mist in the town was far from normal. The pine mountains and the large lakes cause for strange condensation in the area and therefore, an explanation for the heavy rain like mist. The humidity made it bad to go out in and now many people are home bound as they cant go to work.

Elsa was home alone. The workers finished work yesterday however the funeral was tomorrow. Meaning that Jack gets discharged tomorrow. Planning finished this morning with the last arrangements regarding the weather so everything was set for a calm cast off.

The day was going to be longer than any other do too the weather and the complications that it brings. But Elsa decided it was a good day to go for a walk. The smell of damp pine trees was a very attractive sent to sit out in.

Although the mist was very thick, the leaves are capable of blocking some of it out to the point where your capable of seeing. However, on this strange and misty da, the lack of creatures looming about was concerning. Not one was seen in the forest behind the house nor within. Strange.

Maybe this kind of weather caused issues to the problem at mind and therefore; like the leaves blocking out the mist, also blocks out the creatures. Meaning a day-off from all the problems. Peace and quiet finally after so many years, everything was silent.

What was actually going on was a crack between worlds. You have the world of reality( the one Elsa and Jack live in) but you also have the world of Tandwr, the world of creature and everything unimaginable that kids have imaginary friends from or even the myths and stories throughout history where these two worlds have collided, cause collisions.

Tandwr is the only known world that hold all these creatures, myths and tales as its the only world with an atmosphere comparable enough for all the races to lie with one another. However, like the world of reality, overpopulation in some kinds is uncontrollable, thus the reason they seek habitats in the Reality realm.

And I know your asking THAT question. Why can Elsa and Jack see them? Well I cant tell you that just yet, I just hope you can hold your patience for a little longer. What I can say is that, Elsa and Jack are the reason for this rift between worlds that happens every day, and thus one of the reasons that they can see the creature.

The Mist and what its doing for this world. As for the reality world, the mist cause us to only see what's nearest to us, but yet we still cant see at a long distance. Mist works the same way in both worlds, it enables the creatures to see at a long distance and therefore enables them to follow through the crack to the real world. If they cant see through the gap then they cant go through it, giving Elsa the first day-off since she was born. Well the first day off she can remember. The other weather patterns where she could have had a day off would have been when she was small and a time she doesn't remember.

Although it may seem that this day is a day, in fact, it's just a time for the other realm to think of more ways of entering. They had other forms when the world was younger and many rifts were opened. However, over time those rifts were sealed by the leaders of Tandwr. However currently. There are no leaders, leaving for the crack to be left open. But what happened to the royal line?
As the day was still young, and Elsa wasn't allowed to leave the house. She decided to catch up with her other job, her online job. Through reading and submitting many of her assignments, she was finally finished for the day. Realising that the night was still young and the boy she loved was available on snapchat, she decided to call him.

His face was lit up suddenly by the bright background in Elsa's side and his eyes were forced adjust to the cruel light.

"Els. It's half 10, why are you still up?" Although it may have said he was available at that moment, in reality he was trying to catch up on his rest. It's not like they hadn't been texting each other all day. But the loud hospital takes a lot of sleep out of the schedule. Plus, tomorrow kept weighing on his mind. Saying goodbye to his sister was going to be the hardest thing in his life.

"Well. I not long finished work and I'd though; since it said you were available, that I would phone you. Today was quieter than normal. It was like we got a day off." She smiled. Not seeing his full face as he only had his eyes and hair visible.

"I guess it was quite. But my symptoms do decrease the amount of creatures I see. Guess today I didn't see any. I'm sure there's a valid explanation for what's going on. There always is." He rambled in about how there was a reason and that it meant nothing. His eyes falling slower and slower each time he spoke.

"How do you feel today?Ready for tomorrow I hope. Sorry, I'm just really excited for you to get out of the hospital." She rushed through her words knowing the only subject of talk was getting to awkward from his rambling. It wasn't until she said it did she mentally face palm. He's not ready for tomorrow, no brother should be ready for their sisters funeral.

"I guess I'm excited to wear actual clothes, this nightgown like outfit has me uncomfortable in so many places." They both giggled. Trying to get on with their night before the crushing realisation that tomorrow might bring.

"How was work?" He's curious by her form of working. The amount she does was extraordinary to him, managing two jobs to keep above level and stable enough for her and Anna to live without problems, must e exhausting.

"Today was an alright day, I read this one version about a rose life where the colour rose dignifies where your power lies in the world. It was a beautiful piece..." She continued to explain the plot of the story as the both of them got more exhausted as she continued until finally; while still on call, they both fell asleep.


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