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He stayed for the rest of the day. Now the sky was a dark blue and he was offered to stay.

Elsa was kind to him and aloud the same privileges that he aloud in his house. She wanted him to feel as though he was at home, opening up the guest room that had been locked for a while. Only her parents used the room as the girls never really needed it.

The room was large. A fire place in the corner as well as a decent balcony and an en-suite. A king size bed with fresh sheets laid out.

"I could sleep on the couch. I wouldn't mind honestly." He looked at the room and thought too much. It was meant for a king not a psycho.
Classifying him self would also mean he would be classifying her as one too. He quickly disagreed with himself and shook his head.

"No. This room would be fine. It need a little livening up anyway." She smiled towards him in glee to the fact that he was actually staying.

She knew that there was smaller guest rooms in the house. However, she knew that this room would make his jaw drop. It always made the guests jaw drop. The power of good architecture and interior design.

"Okay. As long as your sure" he looked down at her. Watching as she admired the neat beautiful room. "You like this sort of stuff." He pointed out to something he loved doing also. A common joy.

"I have thought about it a lot. I was thinking of re doing the house once I got my collage work done. My job of paper reviewing isn't really taking me far but it's good pay." She replied, walking away from the room and down the stairs yet again.

"You rev—" he was cut off by loud sirens going towards the forest. The flashing lights glaring in the windows. The brightness hurting their eyes slightly.

"What they hell?" Elsa approached the window with curiosity. The sirens were still audible. As she looked out the window, Jack got a call from Flynn and answered moving away from the window to hear him better.

"Hello??....hang on.....Flynn slow down..... What do you mean??... SHIT!.... Okay......Okay!! I'll be there right away" Elsa turned to him as he paced the room. Finding his coat and his keys. His face was now red and looked as though he was about to cry.

"Jack? What's going on?" She was confused and slightly scared of his state. From the few bits she got from the phone call she could tell something was wrong.

"It's my house. It's on fire apparently. My mum is injured and they can't find my sister." He was panting. Putting on his boots and tying them as quickly as possible.

"Do you want me to come??" She wasn't sure if this was a moment in which he needed to be alone or if he needed support through it.

"If you don't mind. I'll need someone there. If she's not okay... I don't know what I'd do." Referring to his sister, it was clear that she held a great importance in his life. Elsa nodded towards him and slipped on his flats. Grabbing a coat from the coat hanger.

They soon got into the car and Jack when as fast as he could. Not caring for the speed limit. He just needed to get to his sister on time.
As they approached the house. The flames came through the windows. Flames engulfing his childhood and most likely his sister.

The crowd of people watching made him feel disgusted. Their was those helping however filling him with a little hope.

An ambulance sat near the driveway. The back doors exposing his mother and one of his sisters friends. Both wrapped in towels, smocked faces and hard breathing.

A fire engine was the closest thing to the house. 3 men trying to stop the fire as well as 1 or 2 exciting the house coughing. Flynn was one of those people.

Elsa stayed with his mother for a moment. Handing her a bottle of water and checking the child if she was okay.

Jack, on the other hand, ran toward Flynn, trying to get as much information as he possibly could.

"Where is she Flynn?? Is she okay?? What can I do" his words were frantic as he watched the house he grew up in burn. His sister possibly burning with it.

"Hey. Calm down. She located on the top floor. The stairs are engulfed. We're going to try send some people up but it's really difficult. Don't worry though. We'll get her okay. Have faith" Flynn reassured him, placing his hand on Jack's shoulder to calm him down. He just nodded. Knowing that things were being done.

As he finally calmed down, walking towards Elsa, loud crashes and cracks were heard. A few screams from the crowd. This caught everyone's attention and now the firemen were looking extremely worried. They sent 2 more men in to asses the situation.

More crashes as t flames got bigger. The 2 men came out covered in soot. His hope slowly withering. He turned to Flynn and watched as his face got worried and angry. But mostly guilty. Jack knew what was going on now. She wasn't getting out.

"We can't send anyone else in. It's too dangerous. Evacuate" Flynn shouted. Pushing away the crowd incase of the fire spreading.

Jack hurriedly walked to Elsa and pulled her aside. As he slowly peaked together he knew that he was the only one who could get her out. He was the only one who stood a chance of getting her out because of the mythical world.

"Jack. What are you thinking?" She had a feeling that she already knew what he was thinking and she disagreed rapidly.

"I'm the only one that can get her Els. You've got to understand. She's my sister. You'd do it for your sister. Please let me do this" he was shaking, grabbing hold of her hands to try and calm himself. She looked into his eyes and knew that there was no way of changing his mind.

And without second thought, crashed her lips against his. Desperate to remind him of what he'll loose if he doesn't come back. He was surprised at first but leant into the kiss. Longing for it to happen.

She embraced him warmly. Her clear view was of the burning house knowing he'd be going into it.

"You better come back to me Frost. Your the only real thing I have" the tears spilled from her eyes and slid down his back. He was sad too. Knowing that if he didn't come back, she'd be all alone again.

"Don't worry. I'll come back okay" he pulled away and gave her a warm smile. Finally letting her go and running toward the truck to get gear.

As she walked back towards the ambulance, tears spilling from her eyes she watched as he entered the flaming house. Her nerves now on edge. The crowd near them screaming in horror as he entered the house.

Everyone was silent. Awaiting for him to come back out with the young girl. But he didn't. 5 minutes passed. Then 10. Elsa was starting to loose hope.

As the flames crackled, being the loudest sound. A bell rang in her mind. A word put in its place.



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