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Elsa stayed calm as she went through her rehearsed lie in her head. She tried not to break a sweat as she waited for her name to be called by the nurse.

As she waited, she noticed how all the other people in the room looked bad. Some pale with bags under there eyes. Some were rocking there head side to side, clearly from lack of sanity left.

Sighing loudly;knowing she didn't belong in the same room as these people, she picked up a magazine and started to read. Even though she wasn't actually reading.

"Elsa Winters, Elsa Winters" the nurse called in a boring tone. Elsa walked over to the nurse who held a clipboard. "Sign here please Miss Winters"

The nurse weakly handed her a pen. From her fatigue, she looked in her early 60's probably not ready to retire yet. Elsa signed her name and walked into the office.

She was met with a tall blonde women in her thirties who had her hair pulled back into a high bun. She sat behind a large desk that looked neatly organised.

"Miss Winters, please sit down." The blonde pointed to the chair that was in front of the desk. She had a strong French accent. "Now tell me Elsa, has there been any changes in your current state?"

"No Madam Couture, no changes. I feel just fine." Madam Couture looked Elsa up and down, trying to figure out if she was lying or not.

"Are you sure Elsa, you look very pale. Are you still taking your medication?" She asked, Elsa looked down at her lap and replied with a simple 'yes' even though that was also a lie.

She didn't take her medication because they always made her really tired. It also made her condition worse. She could see more of them every time. It was like her curse was taking over.

"Okay Elsa. I'm now going to show you a few images. Be sure to say what first comes to mind when you first see them. Okay?" Elsa just nodded as Madam Couture grabbed some cards from her drawer.

"Okay, Now what do you see" she held up a card that looked like spilled ink but you could see images. For Elsa. She could see a basilisk but she had too say something humane.

"A snake" she said plainly but she knew what she really saw. "Okay, Good. Now, what do you see?" She held up another card that looked like a griffin.

" I see an Eagle." Madam Couture nodded as she went to grab the next card. The next one was tricky for Elsa as all she could see was a demon with horns. But she held it in not to cry. "What do you see Elsa?" Madam Couture looked at Elsa with confusion. "I'm not sure if it's a man or a women but it's definitely a person"

Madam Couture looked pleased with Elsa's answers as she wrote them down on her file. "I'm very proud Elsa. You've come a long way from last month." Madam said. Getting out a glass from her cupboard, filling it with water and putting it in front of Elsa.

"All well with success Miss Winters, But you really need to take your medication" Madam placed a few pills in front of Elsa and looked at her. "Please Elsa. It's for the best!"

Elsa looked at the pills with worry and sadness. She knew that if she takes them, More will appear and her condition will get worse. She picked up the pills and plopped them in her mouth.

Swallowing them down with a huge gulp of water. Madam Couture was satisfied with how the session went.

"You are now free to go Miss Winters. Same time on Tuesday" Madam Couture left her seat and opened the door for Elsa to be let out.

Once Elsa was gone. She looked through her file. She knew that she was lying about what she saw and how she was feeling. Madam Couture was starting to think that she was a lost cause.

Madam was interrupted by one of the nurses. "Sorry Madam, are you ready for your next patient?" Madam nodded, closing Elsa's file and placing it back in her drawer. "Jack Frost, Jack Frost?" She heard the nurse announce in the background. Madam searched her file to notice that he was new so she reached for her new paper and his background information.

Quickly reading through it she realises why he was here to see her. A small smile appeared on her face as she read through his file. She giggled in delight 'maybe you aren't alone Elsa'.

> > >

Although she broke a sweat, relief washed over the troubled platinum blonde who had just escaped from the offices.

She knew one thing for curtain though. There was a demand to find a bathroom somewhere in the town, fast. Before the pills could fully digest.

Walking through the streets, keeping her head down only focusing on the feet. She started noticing the variety of different shoes that were seen beneath her.

That was until they started to fade. Her 'condition' getting worse from the intake of the drug. Elsa started to panic, rushing through the crowded town that were slowly turning into mystical creatures and demons.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she suddenly found herself on the floor. She instantly looked up, brushing the hair out her face to see a slightly guilty looking boy in front of her.

She focused on his facial structure and hair. His bright white hair was hard not to notice in this crowd. His eyes she swore she could get lost in.

Interrupting her again was a low cough. She noticed that the boy held his hand out for her to grab. Accepting, he lightly lifted her to stand  as she brushed herself off.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you. I was in such a hurry." He had a slightly panicked tone. Scratching the back of his neck, Elsa replied.

"No need to apologise .  I was unaware of my surroundings. It's an equal blame." She laughed nervously.

"Well, My names' Jack Frost. Nice to meet you." He held his hand out for her too shake.

"I'm Elsa, Elsa Winters." Happily, shaking the hand, she didn't notice her surroundings. She could no longer see all the monsters or creatures but yet she couldn't see the people clearly either. Just her and this Jack.

"Well I better get off. Bye Elsa" he started walking when she panicked. She felt drawn to him like he was familiar. From desperation she called.

"Wait!.. Um, Jack?" He turned almost instantly. He couldn't deny that he felt drawn to her also. He just had no idea why. "Would you like go get some coffee?"

"Sure" satisfied with his response.
They walked together to the coffee shop through the forest passage.


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