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As Elsa and Jack made the hot cocoa. Thud like noises could be herd on the windows. Rain. The sound of rain was calming to Elsa. It reminded her of the times she would sit at her window with it open listening to the rain as it hit the asphalt in front of her house.

"Hey Jack?" A hum reply was herd. "Can we drink these in the Conservatory. I like to watch the rain"

He gave her a confused look but nodded in reply. "I don't see why not. I'll just go get the playing cards. Make yourself at home" he said before disappearing.

As Elsa looked out the windows she couldn't help but see the sweet innocent creatures in his garden. Although she didn't want to see them she couldn't help but admire them sometimes.

On the other side of the garden, seeking refuge under a tree branch, laid a light grey bunny with tiny horns. She knew that had to be one of her visions but it was cute and she didn't want to shake it off.

"You okay. You look a little lost?" Jacks voice came out of nowhere, slightly startling the dazed blonde from her daydream.

"I'm okay. Just thought I saw something. Have you got the cards?" She turned towards him. Grabbing her cup of cocoa to sip as she sat on a nearby armchair.

"Got them" he pulled the pack up in-front of his face as proof. Placing them on the table that separated Elsa's armchair from his own.

"What do you want to play with them" Jack asked, getting the cards out of the box so he could shuffle them.

"How about this. Once your done. Split the deck. We get a half a deck each, picking only 5 out of our own deck. Shuffle the 5 picking 2 cards. One for my answer one for yours. If I get a card in the same group as yours, I get to ask you a truth question. You must answer honestly. Same goes for you if you get a card in my group. Got it ?" She explained to him her game very quickly, leaving a confused expression on his face. Although he didn't quite get it, he nodded.

After shuffling, Jack split the deck, handing a half to Elsa. Both then picked 5 cards each. Shuffling them. Finally picking 2. Their final cards.

"Okay, first one for me" She said flipping her card, him doing the same in the process. She had a 9 ♦️ while he had a 2 ♣️. "Yes. Safe" she giggled to herself for not having to answer a question.

"Okay. My turn." He flipped his card revealing a 7♥️. As Elsa flipped her card, a red shape was seen. Anxiety crept. 4♥️.

"Unlucky" Elsa cheered, happy she got to ask a question. Jack looked up at her unamused. Disappointed that he lost. "Okay Jack. What's your sisters name?" She didn't want to get to personal with him so fast. Still only wanting the basics.

Oh. Her name is Emma." He sighed with relief, expecting a harder question. "Do we have to do this with cards. We might as well just play 21 questions" Jack stated, playing with a card on the table.

Elsa pouted in a reply. "But it's fun with the cards. We have more time to think of questions, plus I like to see your loosing face." She said. Replacing the pout with a wide smile as Jack looked up giving her a 'are you serious' type look. "Fine. Can we play one more card version and then we can play 21 questions" she said, pouting yet again.

Jack perked up in a happy mood. Collecting the cards in for a shuffle while Elsa sipped her slightly warm cocoa. They repeated the steps, leaving both Elsa and Jack with 2 cards yet again.

"Okay. I'll go first this time" Jack said with a new found bravery in his tone. He flipped a ♠️🤴. Elsa looked up at him. Getting eye contact as she flipped her card. Jack broke, looking down at the card. 7♥️.

"Oh well. My turn" Elsa signed, flipping her second card to reveal a A♦️. Jack flipped his to show a ♦️👸. "Ask away, frosty" she said, holding her arms out trying to gesture making it a slight bit awkward.

"What's your sisters name?" He asked the same question she had asked him. She looked at him amused. Respecting the fact that personal question we're out of the question.

"Her names Anna. She's feisty and could kill you!" She joked. Gaining a laugh from Jack.

The thuds on the windows got louder, intriguing Elsa's curiosity, she got up from her arm chair, towards the Conservatory doors. Opening them without hesitation so she could be closer to the rain. Both doors opened, revealing the garden a bit more. Although the rain came in a little, she sat about 10-15 centimeters away from the frame, gazing out towards the open garden filled with small creatures.

She hadn't noticed the figure that was now sat next to her. Jack must have joined her while she was in the daze. Braking from the silence, she asked. "Wanna play 21 questions now?" Although the eye contact wasn't broken away from the garden, it still felt like she was talking to Jack face to face. "Sure" he replied.

After about 2 hours of questions and rain getting heavier. They started getting into more personal questions and memory talk. Everything was okay until Jack brought up a difficult subject.

"Elsa can I ask you something really personal. It's okay if you don't want to answer just hear me out okay?" She looked at him. Letting him continue. Knowing she was open the the question. "How did your parents die?"

She wasn't expecting that question to pop up. "Okay. Its a hard story to believe. But I'll tell you" taking deep breaths, re tracing the memory of what the police said. "One day, my parents were acting 'on edge' so they went for a walk. I was only 10 at the time but I knew something was wrong. And it was. About 5 hours later, 4 police men came into my home my aunt behind. They told me that my parents had committed suicide. Slashing each others necks. They found the body's holding hands. We kept the news from Anna and told her they left and were never coming back. That was the worst day of my life."

The sky got darker as she told the sad truth. Suicide. Couple Suicide. A tragic way of ending like Romeo and Juliet. Jack followed her emotion with sadness understanding the feeling of loss. Although some things didn't add up.

"Can I ask how your farther died. Might as well be sad now then later" she said, loosing most emotion like the first day he met her. Shy and closed off. He didn't refuse. He did ask for the truth and although this was the circumstances he had to be honest about his life as well.

"He was fine one day. Making breakfast and helping mum around the house but his emotion and thoughts snapped. He left the house without keys or a coat. Me and mam watched him as he walked down the garden path into the woods. A few hours later, news came in about a body. Suicide in the woods...."


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