New Life Start

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We walked out to a large black SUV. Mrs. Annabelle helped me up into the car and Fred helped me into the car seat buckling me in. I really liked it was black with red tiny stars on it. Fred and Mrs. Annabelle sat on either side of me as Jason was up front and Luka in the driver seat.

It was a long drive I must have dozed off at some point cus I woke back up as when we stopped. I rubbed my eye looking around I noticed a large gate in front of us as Luka was pushing buttons on a little silver box. The gate slowly opened and Luka drove on in up the driveway to a huge mansion. I was speechless for the second time that night staring at the mansion I was going to live in. "I'm so going to get lost in there" was my first thought.

 "I'm so going to get lost in there" was my first thought

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We stopped right in front Mrs. Annabelle unbuckled me and helped me out the vehicle. I held her hand as we walked inside. A woman in a maid outfit greeted us. She leads us to a study Mrs. Annabelle, Jason and I all sat down. Luka and Fred left the room as Jason started to flirt with Mrs. Annabelle. "So when are you going to agree to go on a date with me?" He said putting his arm around  Mrs. Annabelle. She shrugged his arm off. "Sorry, hun I just take care of little I don't need one."

Luka and Fred walked back in with another man much taller walking behind them. Fred moved to one the chairs as Mrs. Annabelle stood up helping me up standing me in front of her. The new man walked over to me kneeling down to face me. His hair was dark brown combed back and his bright green eyes drinking me in.

He chuckled at the slight pink that covered my cheeks. Mrs. Annabelle petted my hair as she spoke. "Rosey this is your new daddy Antonio." Antonio raised his hand to me speaking softly. "Hello, Rosey I hope you would accept me as your new daddy." I looked up at Mrs. Annabelle she nodded and I looked back at him shaking his hand. "I would rwelly like yous to be my new daddy," I whispered from behind Marshmallow.

He smiled as he picked me up hugging me. He took out a little black box with a white bow on it. "For my new baby girl." He said handing it to me. I looked at him surprised at the new gift. I held it in my hands. "Can me open it?" I asked. Everyone chuckled at my question. "Of course baby girl it's for you." I smiled opening it inside was a black paci with a white detail of a rose on it. I giggled as I put it in my mouth. "I think I'm going to like it here." I thought to myself.

Mrs. Annabelle kissed the top my head before saying she had to get back to the orphanage. I pouted but waved bye-bye to her as Luka walked her out to drive her back. Fred and Jason walked out also. Daddy looked at me. "Would you like to see your room babydoll?" I smiled and nodded. He bounced me up on his hip as he carried me out up the stairs.

He made a few turns till we reach a black door with what looked like a ruby doorknob. He carried me inside and it was just how I would dream it to be. A canopy bed with black bedspread, black dressers, and a dark red carpet. Piles of toys and stuffies in the corners. One wall was a chalkboard with buckets on colorful chalks sitting on the floor in front of it."Well, now that we are here we might as well go over the rules also." He said setting me on the bed. He walked over to the chalkboard picking up white chalk starting to writing on the wall.

He started to write princess but I whined. I never really liked that name for personal reasons. He turned around and asked, "don't like princess?" I hugged Marshmallow close to me and shook my head feverishly. He looked down at my bunny then back at me. "Ok, then how about bunny then?" He asked. I was ok with that so I nodded and he started to write again reading off what he wrote.

My Bunny's Rules
1) Respect Daddy, yourself and everyone else in the house.
2) Always tell daddy when hurt or sad no matter the reason
3) Always keep room clean and neat
4) Always listen to daddy
5) Never touch bunny parts without daddy's permission
6) Always tell Daddy when you want "playtime"
7) Never let anyone touch your bunny parts if someone does tell Daddy
8) Must give daddy at least one kiss a day
9) Remember to always use your manners
10) Always remember Daddy loves you 💗

Daddy wrote all the rules and read them to me. Sitting down the chalk in one the buckets wiping the dust off on his pants. He sat down next to me pulling me onto his lap. "You understand all the rules bunny?" I nodded smiling up at him. "Ok baby I'll write those on paper so you can color on the wall later." He smiled at me kissing the top of my head. "Now the punishments for breaking any those rules are time outs, spankings, no sweets, and no playtime understand." I nodded again understanding. He kept smiling again. "Rewards are new stuffies and toys, extra sweets, later bedtime." I smiled widely and clapped excitedly I never had rewards before.

He chuckled at my excited claps. Then I yawned rubbing my eye. Daddy looked over at the clock on my nightstand. 10:35 pm it read "speaking of bedtime it's way past your baby girl." I nodded he picked me up in his arms and walked across the hall in a bathroom. He sat me down on the countertop. "But first you need a bath little one." He said turning around to turn on the water.

As soon as he got it adjusted right there was a knock on the door. He walked over to it and cracked it open. Luka was standing on the other side. "Sorry to disturb your boss but there is some urgent business that needs to be taken care off." Daddy nodded "alright I'll right down get one the maids to come to give Rosey her bath." Luka nodded and daddy closed the door turning to me. "I'm a sorry bunny but daddy needs to take care of some work." Kissing my forehead another knock on the door happened. "It's me Julia sir I've come to give little Rose her bath." A woman's voice came from the other side of the door.

Daddy opened the door letting the brown haired lady in. She had her head bowed to him as he walked past her. "Be good for Julia bunny I'll try to be back to tuck you in." He said before closing the door. Julia turned to me and smiled. She was really pretty her hazel eyes smiling at me. "Ok little one would you like some bubbles in your bath?" She asks and I nodded happily. She laughed turning to the tub taking a bottle from the shelve pouring a purple liquid in making bubbles. She turned back around. "Alright time to get outta that pretty dress for your bath." I sat Marshmallow down on the skin letting her unbutton my dress from the back slipping it over my head. Taking off the rest my clothes she sat me in the tub.

After a few mins of playing she washed my body then my hair. As she was gently washing my hair I started to nod my head getting really sleepy. "Alright, little flower time to get out and to bed." She said picking me up and out the tub to dry me off. She sat me on the counter again going across the hall to my room and back again with a nightgown

 She sat me on the counter again going across the hall to my room and back again with a nightgown

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She slipped it over my head then I grabbed Marshmallow as she helped me down. She walked back across the hall to my room. As I was crawling into bed daddy walked in. Julia bowed her head again as she left the room. Daddy walked over to me kissing my forehead. I cuddled Marshmallow and daddy smiled at me. "Good thing I didn't miss bedtime." He chucked tucking me in humming softly. Soon enough I was asleep dreaming of how my new life would be here.

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