Past and lives revealed

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Filth whore!! Can't do a simple job right!!!
His words stung as bad a as the blended whip across my back.
We had been in Italy for a assassin job. One the mafia bosses had died and his son had take over. Many jobs came in to take out loyal allies of his family. To cut down his power. The job was simple stand on the street and act like a lost child till he picked me up and I do the job. It went wrong when a older lady in fifty tried to help me first taking me to the police. After master picked me up when went home and was given my punishment for my failure. Blended whip across my back till he was tired.
Crack, rip.
My skin tore and ripped apart as the blends sliced my skin.
After all the training I gave you, you the Blood Princess could do a simple fucking child act!!
He hissed in my ear pulling my head up by my hair before throwing me back down on the cold ground.
Let me out I'll take care him.
She whispered in my head I couldn't fight her so weak I passed the light to her. She caught the whip in her hand before it came down again. Surprising him she jumped up wrapping the whip around his neck. She let the blends slice into his throat letting him drop to the ground. Stepping over him she laughed walking out the door. She ran through the woods till our legs buckled under us. Seeing a shadowy figure coming close. Then it split in two. Voices came with concerns.
Save her. Help her.
She whispered with a outstretched hand before everything went black.

I snapped my eyes open in a cold sweat trying to catch my breath. I groaned laying my arm over my face. Damn it i haven't had that dream since going to the orphanage. I mentally groaned rolling over into the... wall? When was my bed so close to the wall? Opening my eyes again to reveal a chest and abs. Tracing my finger over a scare the body moved. I jerked my hand back looking up.

Daddy was sleeping his arm wrapped around my waist. My first thought was I needed to get outta here. Before he wakes up remembering his mother revealing I was a assassin. I slipped from under his arm crawled out the bed. Slipping out the door I noticed my room was just a little down the hall. Went in grabbed some clothes and a towel then to the bathroom. I took a quick shower throwing on my black skinny jeans and a black V neck T-shirt.

Before leaving out the front door I grabbed my backpack and went to the kitchen. I grabbed a apple with a bagel and muffin. I snuck out the front door and just started walking. I didn't really know where I was going I just knew I had to hide before they found me. Me being a assassin in a mafia bosses house I surely be killed.

If he wanted to kill you he would have not would have had to sleep in his bed with him.

She had a point but I didn't want the chance of being hurt again. I saw a park I ran to swings. I loved the swings closest feeling to flying I could get. I played on the swings till my legs started to feel numb. I got up and went to sit under a tree. Kids had started to come into the park with parents. I pulled out my skip beat manga putting my earbuds in to drown out the sound. I was half way through my book when a ball rolled up by my feet. Looking up I noticed a few boys waving for the ball back. Setting down my book and tossing it back to them. I looked up at the sun through the trees. It was high must be noon.

Just go back I'm starting to get hungry.

No we can't they going to kill us knowing who we are.

No they aren't look at your hands idiot. He took care of us. He had us sleep close to him. We can trust him.

I looked down at my hands they were wrapped in bandages. How did I not notice them till now. Water droplets fell into my hands. Then I felt my cheek I was crying.

Just go back we will be save and I can get food.

Right as she said that my stomach growled. I giggled and nodded saying alright let's go back. I stood up stuffed my book back in my backpack and jogged back to the house. I suddenly felt nervous seeing the house and bunch cars in front.

Maybe try the back

I sneaked in the back and climbed the fence. At the top outta no where 2 huge furry dogs came running and braking.

Wolves he has fucking wolves?! Don't most mob boss have like I don't know junkyard dogs!! They fucker as wolves!!!!

I know I can see that!! How was I to know I didn't see them when I first came here!!

I didn't realize we had been yelling out loud till the dogs started whining. I looked down and the dogs were sitting staring up at me.

Throw that apple you got maybe they will help fetch.

I dug into my backpack for the apple. Waving in front them getting their attention on it then throwing it. They chased after it and I jumped down.

Good thing that worked.

As I walking up to the house the dogs came back and jumped on me. I screamed falling down as they licked my face couldn't help but to giggle. Next thing I knew the dogs were off me and I was picked up into a tight hug. "I was so worried! Where were you?! Your never allowed to leave this house without me again!!" Daddy's voice was whispers then yelling in my ear. I didn't say anything just hugging him back.

Oh great once this happy mushy stuff is over can I get some real food please.

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