Antonio/Daddy POV

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I turned over searching the sheets for my baby but when I didn't feel her my eyes snapped open. Looking at the empty bed next to me I jumped outta bed to check my bathroom. Nothing, I flew my door open and rushed to her room. She wasn't there either she wasn't in the bathroom across the hall also.

I stormed down the stairs and yelled for everyone to gather. When everyone and gather at the bottom of the stairs I growled. Looking at all the maids I fires them all. I had depended on doing it last night with the maid that fought Rose. But now I didn't care everyone start to do their own damn housekeeping. After all the crying upset maids left I stared at the rest. Growling I announced "ROSIELLA IS GONE FIND HER!!" on cue everyone scrambled around. Making calls, running out the door, searching the rest the house and grounds. I stormed over to my office nearly breaking the door as I slammed it open.

I hadn't bothered to get dressed I was still in just my grey sweats. I sat down and quickly called every nearby boss i knew. Asking for help to search without hesitation they all agreed. After my father's death I took over and everyone tried to knock me out of power quickly. Cus I was young they assumed it was easy but they were wrong. My father taught me to never back down and always always never show mercy.

Luka quickly walked into my office with Fred and Jason behind him. "Rose is gone?!" He yelled walking up to my desk. Jason slipped from behind him. "Do we think this as to do anything with what happened last night?" He asked and I admittedly tighten my grip on the phone hearing a crack. "No she probably just got scared and went out for a bit." Fred tried to reassure.

I sat in my chair for a min with my head in my hands after making all the calls I could think of. I couldn't help the worst thoughts flowing in my head. What if the devil woman did take her? What would she do with her? She could kill her, torturer her, sell her to some sadistic master that only wants to break her in every way. I couldn't help thinking this things when the real fears crept in. What if she did run away? What if she found out about my work and ran like the others?

I was deep in thought when Anna came in. She shook my shoulder jolting me out my thoughts. "It will be ok." She reassure I think more to herself then me. "She probably went out for a walk. She does that sometime. Mostly when pushed outta littlespace like last night." She said turning around pacing. She had her head down biting her pointing finger knuckle. She only did this when she was extremely worried or stressed.

I watched her go back and forward till the words spilled out my mouth. "Is Rose really the rumor assassin Blood Princess?" I couldn't help it. I knew I told myself I didn't care last night. But I had to know if it was true. Anna had stopped and was staring at me for a long moment. She finally closed her eyes and let out a long sigh. "She should tell you-" she said before opening her eyes again to look at me. "But if you must know now yes she was the Blood Princess." She said making sure I heard the word 'was'.

I sat there emotionless just processing the knowledge information. So my Rose was this assassin master in all traits. It was hard to imagine that tiny porcelain like doll as a killer. But last nights fight had proved it Anna had just confirmed it. Assassin didn't live long when captured by me. Rose was a assassin but I couldn't even think of harming her. I just wanted her in my arms where I could protect her. Anna was staring at me searching my face of any hint of disturbs. I smiled at her. "I just want her back, back in my arms where she belongs, where I can protect her." She smiled back with relief washed over her face.

Our smiles broke when I heard Luna and Neri in the backyard barking and growling. Anna and me ran to the glass patio doors swinging them open. What I saw washed a sigh of relief out me. There she was my Bunny sitting on top the back fence digging through her bag. Luna and Neri sitting just under her. I had let them get use to her sent before she got here so they wouldn't attack her.

Everyone thought I was nuts to have Wolves as guard dogs. I had found them when they were just pups. Abounded or orphaned I was unsure, I was camping in the woods when I found them. The 4 days and 3 nights I was there I never saw their parents. When it was time for me to go home I brought them back with me. I fed them and cared for them like my own and in return they protected me and my love ones. 

I watched as my rosebud pulled a apple out of her bag waved it around a little and threw it. The wolves ran chasing after it and she dropped down off the fence. She was making her way up to the house when the twins came running back. I quickly ran towards her with Anna now Luka and Fred behind me. The twins had got her on the ground licking all over her face. Well at least they like her. I thought as I pulled them off her pulling her in my arms.

My voice went from a whisper to a yell and back again as I held her close to me. I was extremely worried about her and scared she had left for good. I picked her up carrying her into the house. Passing by people they stopped and sigh relied she was back and also noone has to die today. Carrying her to the living room I sat down on the couch. She still had arms tightly wrapped around my neck sitting sideways in my lap. She let out a breath before releasing her grip on me.

She pulled away slowly and looked at me. "I have to tell you something... something important.. about me... about my past." She whispered looking down. I pulled her back whispering in her ear. "I already know I know you were a assassin." She stiffen at my words and shook her head. "I have to tell you everything from the beginning." She said looking straight into my eyes.

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