Killing the THING

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Where the fuck did she go?! Grrrr, Shit!!! This all Jason fault I would beat the crap out of him too but I think daddy's got that covered. Really how the fuck did I lose her, little slut. I tried to pounce her in daddy's office but she somehow slipped out the door. Then when I got out the door I ran into Jason. He started rattling off questions asking what's going on what happened blah blah blah. I just shoved him outta the way to get to the slut he brought in. Before leaving the office I noticed a diaper by the door which was probably hers that she took off before getting to daddy's desk, whore.

Currently, I'm upstairs checking every god damn room and still can't find the bitch. The last 2 rooms are my room which is basically my play/time out room and daddy and mines room. She better not be in either no one is allowed in those rooms expect me and daddy. I walk to my room first opening the door nothing seems out place but I still check everywhere, clear. I move down the hall to daddy and mines room. Immediately I see the door ajar letting me know someone been there. I go over and quickly slam the door open wide hitting the wall behind it. I hear a squeak letting me know she is in here. I go to the closest where I heard the noise and slam that door open too. There I saw legs and feet hiding in daddy's dress jackets rage filled me more. I rushed over and reached in grabbing a fistful of hair. She let out a frightened squeal before trying to claw me. I punched her in the nose then started to drag her by her hair back down the stairs.

Not getting to the third step she fucking bites me. So, of course, I threw her down the steps. Ay I'm outta little space I was trained as an assassin and this bitch comes in trying to take my man I'm going to kill her simple. She lands on her back at the bottom of the stairs. Jason and daddy come outta his office as I calmly descend the stairs. I glance over to the men seeing Jason now has a busted lip and a slow forming black eye. He tries to rush over to Lizzy but daddy grabs him by the collar speaking in a deathly calm matter. "Your girl, the one you brought into MY house is a whore baby, she was warned, now Rosie can do whatever the fuck she pleases cus YOUR girl threatened her personal coming for me," I smirked at daddy's words before turning my attention to the trash I had to throw down the stairs. Finally reaching the bottom this girl still thought she had something smirking up at me "what are you going to do fatty? You're ugly and worthless soon everyone will see I'm much better than you and you will be on the street like the piece of shit you are. And I'll have your daddy and mine to fuck whatever I want." She crackles. This girl must be on drugs because I've never seen someone so delusional.

I kicked her in the stomach before lifting her up but her hair. "You just made it 10x worse dumbass." I calmly spoke to her before slamming her face into my knee. I threw her back on the floor where she coughed blood and teeth out. "YOU FUCKING BITCH!!" she yelled before charging at me which I sidestepped making her run into the banister behind me. I couldn't help but laugh as she stumbled back on her ass blood running down her nose. She turned glaring at me when Nana came rushing in. "What in the world is all this commotion?" She asked looking between me and Lizzy then daddy and Jason. Lizzy for some reason thought Nana was her saver cuz she started crying and screaming "Nana she being mean to me she hurt me see make her stop." Nana looked at her confused than at me and daddy who gave her a look like telling her what was going on. Nana just nodded "don't make a mess I'm going to finish dinner." And walked away. Lizzy sat there studded Nana didn't help her or even acknowledge her covered in blood.

She looked back around at me then daddy and Jason screaming again. "WTF IS WRONG WITH THIS HOUSE I'M SITTING IN MY OWN BLOOD AND THE OLD HAG DOESN'T EVEN BAT A EYE!!" I swung a punch to her jaw no one bad mouths my Nana. She went to claw me again but I caught her hands bending them back till I heard the snap of breaking a bone. She screamed in pain which made me smirk. I'm not as big as a psychopath as Thorn but when someone pisses me off this much I can be. Through her screams, I could hear the front door being opened. I turn around to see Sissy coming in grumbling to Uncle lulu about canceling the cruise cus he got seasick. They both stopped in their tracking seeing me over the bloody unfamiliar girl then to daddy and a beaten Jason. "Umm, what's going on?" Uncle Lulu asked setting the suitcases down. Sissy came closer to me to see the girl. She eyes did a narrow when she seemed to recognize Lizzy. "What the hell you doing here?!" Both Lizzy and Sissy said at the same time.

I looked between the 2 when daddy asked the question on my mind. "You know each other?" Sissy stood up straight and spoke in a clam angry tone. "Yes, this is Elizabeth she was one the littles that was at the orphanage but unfortunately she is the reason we had to start the new policy. She kept coming back from both Mommies and daddies saying she couldn't keep her legs shut. She even admit to rape a little boy who refused to have sex with her. I had given a list to the workers at the orphanage of who to kick out and she was at the top of that list." Lizzy was glaring at the ground mumbling it was annoying so I had to punch her again to shut her up. Sissy looked over at Jason and spoke in a harsh tone. "You didn't bring her here did you? I gave you a list of potential littles for you she wasn't one them" Jason shrunk back and shook "I, I don't... know... I went to visit the orphanage like you said.... but she just came up to me... and I don't, next thing I knew she was here."  He fumbled with his words. Sissy narrowed her eyes at him "She fucked you before you bought here didn't she." Jason awkwardly nodded and Lizzy had shot up to run but I pulled one my blades out and threw it at her leg making her fall. "Noone told you are allowed to leave," I spoke calmly dragging her back inside. "Your going to be my new ragdoll to practice my skills on.... well until you die that is" I smirked at her as I got Jason to drag her into the basement for me.

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