Antonio's/Daddy POV

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Anna my older sister, had been coming around alot more lately raving about a little at her orphanage. Her and her husband had have kids but it just never happened. After his death she started working in a little orphanage being a caretaker. Now she seemed attached to a certain one.

She also new I was a daddy dom so I knew the real reason behind her raving. After my last few littles I just stopped looking. They all either just wanted money or ran away when they found out about my work. Which I couldn't blame them having a Mafia Boss as a daddy is scary and dangerous. I just focused on work after the last one ran away which was two years ago.

Now Anna was in my office for the third time this week gussing over this "Rosey". She was laying on the couch going on about her. "She the cutest little thing Tony!! She not like the others there she dresses in this little lolita dresses, eeee she looks just like doll. Pale skin almost porcelain, curly blonde hair and her blue eyes are the best part. One just ever so slightly darker the other but don't notice till you really look." I just nodded my head hearing all this for the millionth time is week.

She finally got up and came to my desk. "And you be the perfect daddy for her." She setting a hand on my desk leaning against it. I raised my eyebrow looking up at her. "What?" I ask in a unamused tone. She smiled down at me. "You haven't had a little in two year baby brother and I can tell it's stressing you out just working."

She did have a point just working had made me irritable. But I wasn't sure if I could handle another little running away from me. "She not like the others Tony. She wouldn't run away and wouldn't just take your money." She said like she was physic or a mind reader. She sat a picture down on my desk of a girl holding a stuffed rabbit. "This is Rosey, just look at her picture if you are the slights interested the next Auction is Friday next week." She finally before leaving closing the door behind her.

I sat there staring at the round faced little girl in the picture. Her curly hair frizzy out around her framing her face perfectly. Anna was right looking closely one eye was darker the other. She had the cutest button nose and lips that looked drawn on. She almost looked like a porcelain doll, like if you reached out to touch her she break.

"Pretty girl." Someone said behind me making me jump outta my seat. Turning around seeing Luka standing there with a evil smirk. "I did knock boss but you were to entranced with that picture." He said going back around to the front the desk sitting in a chair. "That the girl Anna always talks about?" He asked nudging to the picture. I took another look at the picture before answering. "Yea, I think I might want her as mine."

The next week I had few my guys set up surveillance for the auction. I learned more about her from Anna. Her favorite colors and foods ect. Anna with the help of a few maids set up her room the way she would like it. It was Friday morning and everything was set and I was nervous.

I decided not to go to the auction it's self ahead time. The orphanage was in a area that wasn't fully under my control yet. So instead of risking the danger of me going I sent 3 most trusted guys. My brother Luka along with Fred who been here since my father and Jason my best friend. I sat in my office watching the Auction from the surveillance cameras.

At least 15 fake littles and 7 normal bright dressed littles came on stage one after another. 8 were adopted to my surprise most were obviously fake. Guess the guys didn't care. Finally my little girl's name was called. "Wait is wasn't mine... yet anyway." I thought to myself.

She didn't come out for a min so they called her name again. She shyly came out in a black lolita dress white ribbons coming down hanging off the end her dress. Her hair was up in curly pigtails as she clutched her rabbit. She stared at her feet hiding her face. Her shyness was just adorable. The auctioneer got her attention to look up.

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