Antonio/Daddy's POV

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After Anna left I was drained dinner. That evil woman was coming and I knew she had a plan to drive my rosebud away. I couldn't let that happen no matter what. I called Luka into my office to discuss a plan of defense. Anna arrived shortly after and I called her in too.

"You know she planning something. What should we do? I can't handle another one leaving cus that woman mostly Rosiella. I wouldn't know what to do if she left me I haven't even told her yet I'm a mob boss." I put my head in my hands just thinking of Rosey leaving me. Anna put her hand on my shoulder. "It be alright Rosey is so much stronger then she looks." It was reassuring but I still was terrified.

"I think devil woman is here." Luka said bring me out of my thoughts. We all stepped outta my office to see my mother and her husband at the door. Rosie standing in front her and a maid standing behind her. "Hello dear, why are you not dressed for dinner yet? You do know this is formal dinner and not a costume party." My mother already spitting her venom. I saw John stepping towards my Bunny. "I think she looks adorable in that dress Martha." His already trying to flirt with her. I rushed up behind her with Anna as my baby stepped backwards.

"Mother, John... welcome shall we head to the dining room for dinner." I said as I pushed my Rosey behind me. I was trying to speak in the politest tone I could muster. My mother's eyes flared with anger. "We should Antonio but I see your girlfriend is not properly dressed." Spitting her venom again. I clutched my fist trying very hard to hold in my anger. Just cause it was not her taste in fashion didn't give her the right to insult my babygirl.

Luckly Anna stepped in front me more composed then I was. "She is dressed Mother. I picked out that dress for her tonight, it's how she likes to dress and I have no problem with it noone does but you. She will not change just to please you." Well said Anna, she always knew what to say to my mother in her place.  Mother simply glared making her way to the dining room with John. I picked up my Bunny carrying her to the the dining room.

I chose to please my mother just slightly but removing the high chair and having Rosey sit in a normal chair. When the food came out Anna went to cut up Rosey food like always. Well until mother had to say her opinion. "I believe she old enough to cut her own food Annabelle." She said glaring at my babygirl. Anna went to say something but Rosey stopped her shaking her head. I finally noticed how far she was outta littlespace. She ate her food like a big girl which was a bittersweet thing to watch. I could see how much she didn't like being so close outta littlespace.

Our dinner plates were taken away replaced with dessert. It was my bunny's favorite cheesecake with strawberry syrup. One the things I learned about her from Anna. Her face lit up as she took a bite. Her eyes closed as her little hand rested on her cheek a smile across her face. I was so happy seeing her look so peaceful eating a simple bite of cheese cake.

The happiness was short lived as my mother slammed her fist on the table. "TAKE THIS AWAY RIGHT THIS INSTINCT. YOU KNOW I HATE THIS CHEAP FILTH SO WHY DID YOU HAVE THEM SERVE THIS CRAP!!!" She screamed giving me her death glare. Anger grew in me as I stared until I heard a small giggle. Looking over to see my bunny giggling gave me a shock. Past littles would be in tears by now.

"AND THIS LITTLE TRAMP ACTING INNOCENT LIKE A CHILD IS NOT ONLY DISGRACEFUL BUT DISGUSTING." My mother screamed again throwing her red wine on my baby. I had enough she crossed a line if she was a man I would have already been over this damn table.
"THAT'S ENOUGH MOTHER!! I WANT YOU TO LEA-" I stopped once I felt a small hand on my arm. Looking down seeing Rosey smiling up at me. She was completely outta her littlespace and her eyes had a tint of red in them now.

I let my bunny have her way. As she went upstairs with a maid to get cleaned up and changed we all moved to the study. "Stop this foolish right now!!" My mother continued her  assault. "It's disgusting how you fulfill your pedophilia fantasies on women like that." Anna, Luka and I all stood around the room as her and John sat on the couch her venom spilling out. "She probably the worst yet. How she chooses to dress in that atari calling attention to herself. Just a whore looking for attention."

I apologized to Rosey in my head couldn't take it no more. She wasn't just insulting me and my lifestyle. She was insulting my baby not knowing anything about her. "Out..." I said in a hush voice tighting my grip on my rock glass I had filled with scotch. My mother raised a eyebrow to me. "What?!" She said in a stern voice she used to use when I was younger singling I was in trouble. I didn't care anymore I wanted her out I was done never wanting to see her again.

"I SAID GET OUT!! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN!!! YOU EVER COME NEAR ME OR ROSIELLA OR EVEN THIS HOUSE AGAIN OR I WILL HAVE TO SHOT LIKE ANY OTHER SCUMBAG THAT'S CROSSED ME!!!" I yelled pointing to the door. My mother got up her death glare staring at me on fire. Anna and Luka came over to me. Anna took the glass outta my hand Luka putting his hand on my shoulder. "You heard him mother time to leave." Anna said sternly.

My mother walked out not before turning around to say one last thing. "You will regret this." Slamming the door behind her John following quickly behind her. Luka squeezed my shoulder. "Good job boss you know we all will protect Rosiella with our lifes like we do with you." I know I said before Luka was my brother that's actually half true. He don't  have the same parents as me and Anna. Dad brought him home one day when I 10. He was sickly thin, bruised with a broken arm and black eye. Dad said he was our new brother after awhile it became true. He is just a little older the Anna and been protecting us like a big brother ever since.

I snapped outta my memories when I heard a loud bang and crash. Immediately I thought Rosey, she was being attacked in danger and I flew out the door. I stood there in shock. Seeing my baby with daggers in her hands in a fighting stance. The maid she was with getting up from a broken table under her. She flew at my bunny and they began their double dagger fight. I took a moment to see the whole household gathered watching the amazing fight. Luka was to my right still in a state of shock. Anna on my left... a face like she seen this before but still worried.

I looked back to the fight. Rosey did a low stab but just to give her leverage up to spin kick the maid in the head. She went flying into a wall groaned before going limp. My baby stood there different then before the fight started. Her arms to her sides staring at my mother. Her eyes had a slightly more red in them. My mother started to clap the only sound in the quiet room. "Wonderful simply amazing. I'm so glad I got to see first hand of the Blood Princess's amazing skills."

Blood Princess!? No way my baby is the blood princess. Right? The blood princess was to be a assassin a very skilled very strong very powerful assassin. She was called Blood Princess cus she was supposed to be a child luring her target was easy noone thinks of a innocent sweet child as a assassin. Problem was she was a rumor. Noone could ever confirmed the Blood Princess was even real. Brought outta my thoughts by the door slamming I looked to see Rosey staring at the door.

Her hands were gripping her blades so tight her nails were digging into her skin. Blood dripping from her hands. I rushed over pulling her finger from around her blades. She didn't even registered I was there. She looked like she was having a conversation with herself. Anna took her blades away as I told everyone to leave. I picked her up and she blinked at me mumbling. "D-daddy?" Before passing out in my shoulder. I cleaned up and bandaged her hands also looking for other wounds finding none. I carried her to my room. Laying her down I changed her into her nightgown before putting her under the blankets.

I took a shower recapping what I just whiteness and heard. Rosiella MY Rosiella MY sweet innocent bunny... she could be the famous rumor assassin Blood Princess... the more I thought about it the more it made sense. She looked so innocent and sweet just like a doll NOONE not even me would expect her to be a assassin. A highly skilled assassin at that.. makes sense why she would hate being called princess. She was running from that name.. I stepped outta the shower quickly dried off and wrapped the towel around my waist.

I looked at Rose in my bed peaceful asleep. Blood Princess rumor assassin the words just danced in my mind. I slipped into simple black sweats. I crawl in bed next to her. Even if she was a assassin I still wanted her. She was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I swore I would never leave her always protect her and I was going to keep that promise. I pulled her closer to me her head against my chest and I ran my fingers through her hair. I kissed her temple soon falling asleep with her in my arms.

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