Happy calm before the storm

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It's been a few months since I came here. Maybe 3 I don't keep track time anymore. Daddy takes good care of me and loves me very much as I do him. He's been busy lately so Nana and Sissy take turns taking care of me. I know who is taking care of me that day by the clothes laid out for me. Sissy knows my style so It's usually a lolita style dress or outfit and dark colors. Nana on the other hand. She sweet but hasn't picked up on the style I like. So today when I woke up and saw the pick bunny jumper laid out for me I knew it was Nana.

I reluctantly put it on

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I reluctantly put it on. Making faces and shivering at the color. I hate pink absolutely hate the color pink. I'm a good girl little but that doesn't mean I like pink. Yuck, sticking my tongue out one last time at the color as I picked up marshmallow. I walk out of my room and down the hall. Making my way to the stairs. I sat down on the first step and started skooting my butt down one step at a time. I've been in little space all the time now its changes often what age I'm in. Right now I'm 4. I get down 6 steps when the front door cracks open. I hear whispering so I skoot down more quickly till I'm almost at the bottom. I start hearing a woman giggle and a man shushing her. By the voices, I can tell who it is.

It's Sissy and Uncle lulu. I smile and shake my head they are so goofy. I might be a little but not blind. They always disappearing together, showing up together. Making lovey eyes at each other. One time I accidentally walked in on them kissing but they didn't notice me. It's not like they don't anything bad. Their not even really related they just love each other. I wonder why they hid it.

I get to the last step and totter over to the door. I grab the doorknob and let it swing open as I hang on it. Uncle lulu almost lost his balance leaning on the door. When he took a huge step to keep himself from falling I giggled. Sissy and he both looked at me surprised I was there. I smiled widely and giggled more. "H-hey girly.... what y-you doing there?" Uncle Lulu asked trying to not get flustered. I giggled more and said "notin watchin lovey dovbeys" Sissy blushed a deep red and turned her head. Uncle Lulu was looking everywhere but me scratching the back his neck.

"Why you guys standing in the doorway? Get in here." I heard daddy's voice from behind me. I jumped and turned to run to him but froze. Behind him coming outta his office was a really pretty lady. Long fire red hair down to her waist. Skin tight black plunging neckline dress. Matching 6-inch heels. With a perfect claw wrapping around daddy's arm. She locked eyes with me and smirked.
My eyes widened and I lost grip of marshmallow as he fell to the floor. Why was daddy with a woman in his office? Why is her arm around his? Why is she looking at me like that? All these thoughts were running through my head when I felt someone life me up. Sissy handed me marshmallow and I realized I was on uncle lulu's hip. "What's she doing here?" Sissy asked stepping in front me to block my view of her. Daddy snatched the lady's arms off his and walked quickly towards us. The lady quickly tried to grab his arm again but he pulled away. "One of mother's sick attempts to run my baby away." He simply said taking me from uncle lulu. I glanced over his shoulder to the lady. She seemed to be fuming with anger but it quickly disappeared into a seductive look and quickly walked towards us. She placed a hand on my cheek and cooed more like hissed. "Oh my, what a cutey you are." The look in her eyes said she was bad.

Daddy stepped away from her making a claw slice my cheek. I felt something drip down my cheek. I touched it to see what it was on my fingers. It was blood. How did she cut my cheek with her finger?! Daddy and Sissy quickly looked at my cheek. Uncle Lulu pressed a handkerchief to my wound. Daddy growled, a fire built in his eyes. "Out" he growled lowly but loud enough to be heard. When she didn't move Sissy grabbed a handful of her hair and dragged her to the door. She threw her out and yelled. "DON'T COME BACK TRAMP!!" and slammed the door. I was shocked I never heard Sissy say bad words before or even yell.

She came back to me and check my cheek. "It's not too deep but knowing that woman I suggest calling the doctor to check it." She said glancing at daddy. He nodded and walked towards the kitchen. Uncle Lulu got on his phone I assumed to call the doctor. Daddy sat me on the counter and turned to get the first aid kit. "Who was that lady daddy?" I asked not thinking. Daddy admittedly tensed up. "A bad woman baby a very bad woman." He whispered his back still turned. I stared at his back before I poked it. He jumped and I giggled. "I not weave daddy pwomise" I said and he looked over his shoulder. I made an x over my chest then a peace sign smiling. He turned around and kissed my forehead. "Good baby I don't want you to leave never ever." He hugged me tight then someone coughed behind us. Looking there were Uncle Lulu and a man with a big brown bag. He smiled warmly at me before walking over. He sat his bag on the counter next to me taking daddy's spot in front of me. He tilted my head to get a better look at the cut on my cheek. He spoke to daddy. "It doesn't look too bad and no poison or anything seems to be in there but I'd like to give her a vaccine just to be safe."

Poison? Oh, so that lady was a poison lady like Carmella that make sense. WAIT! DID HE SAY VACCINE?! I looked up to see the doctor pull a needle and a little bottle outta his bag. My eyes widened and I started to scream. A high pitch scream which made the doctor drop his needle and little bottle. I turned around and started crawling across the counter. Uncle lulu blocked my way and I felt daddy grab my ankle. I kept screaming and kicking. Daddy was yelling over my screams that I need the vaccine. But hell Nah nope no way am I getting and a needle stuck in my arm.

Sissy came bursting through the door. Worry all over her face and I burst into tears. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?" She screamed over me. "SHE WOULDN'T TAKE THE VACCINE!" daddy screamed back. "WHAT VACCINE?!" she yelled. The doctor held up the needle and a new little bottle. Sissy rolled her eyes and picked me up. Rocking and bouncing me calming me down. I was down to whimpers when Sissy spoke softly. "She doesn't like n-e-e-d-l-e-s." She spelled out the word not to work me up again. Daddy walked over petting my head speaking softly also. "Why?" Sissy shrugged her shoulders and just said: "don't know but every time they are brought up she gets like this." I was starting to get sleepy from the rocking and soothing talking. Soon I fell asleep.

I woke up and found a bunny bandaid on my arm and a white cotton bandage on my cheek. I checked the time at 7:00 pm I slept the whole day. Well, that's normal with the needle episode. I never liked needles don't know why just don't. I crawled out bed and opened my door. I looked down the hall to daddy's room. The light was on so I crawled over there. When I got in the room he wasn't there but I heard the shower running. I climbed in the bed and under the covers. I turned on the tv till I found Elena of Avlor. I snuggled into the blankets and watched my show. I heard the shower stop running and quickly hid under the blankets. I heard the door open. "Is there a little girl in my room?" I heard daddy's voice ask. I covered my mouth to keep from giggling. "Is she here." I heard the closet door open. "Noo." I heard some shuffling. "Is she here." The blankets moved a bit as he looked over the bed. "Noo" more shuffling than the bed dipped as he climbed on to it. "Maybe she here!" He yelled as he attacked my sides with tickles through the blankets. I was a giggling mess as he pulled the blankets down revealing my hiding spot. He kissed my cheeks and nose and forehead. Making me giggle more. "How yous find me daddy?" I asked between giggles. He put a finger to his lips. "Secret daddy powers don't tell." I giggled more and kissed the finger on his lips. He seemed shocked at first then smiled. He leaned down and softly kissed my lips. I smiled softly as he got up.

He got dressed in simple grey sweats. He changed me outta the stupid pink jumper into a black nightgown. Daddy kept a drawer full of my pjs and nightgowns when I wanted to sleep with him in his room. He laid me back down on his chest kissing my temple as we watched tv till we drifted off to sleep. I was peacefully here and loved everything was perfect. But I wasn't aware of the storm that was on its way.

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