The Cursed Week

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I wake up in bed feeling not to good. My head feels heavy and my lower stomach hurts also feeling a little... wet? I become worried and quickly jump outta bed and run to the bathroom. Sure enough there it was blood in my panties. I started my period. I am on the shot for birth control which everyone gets at the orphanage and Sissy gives me my shot here. But I guess dealing with Lizzy after the wedding it was forgotten.

Lizzy is still in the basement I can't decide if it's a good or annoying thing she still alive. I torture her almost everyday when I get in a bored mood. I've already cut off almost all her fingers even a few toes. I sliced up her face and body too. Daddy also beats up Jason often but Lizzy played him so he stopped after the second day. His punishment and kinda daddy training is taking care of me when noone else can.

Which is why I started screaming for Jason. Daddy had to go out town with Fred and Luka. He said it was too dangerous to bring me along so I stayed here. Nana is also outta town visiting friends and Sissy is at the orphanage working. I kept screaming for Jason until he finally was busting through the bathroom door. He stood there catching his breath till I threw something to get him out. He stepped back out then asked "what is it, Rosie? What's wrong? Why were you screaming?" I sniffled and groan as a cramp stab through me. "P-period" I whimpered back. Jason went quite behind the door for a long time before responding. "Oh.. ok... give me a min." Then I heard steps walking away.

Jason pov

As soon Rosie told me she started her period I didn't know what to do. Then I told her to give me a min and walked back downstairs. I pulled out my phone and called Antonio.
"What Jason I'm a little busy. Is my bunny ok?" He answered the phone. I could hear a commotion in the background so I had to make to it quick. "Yea yea she fine... she just started her period and I don't know what to do" I spoke quickly. I heard one last gunshot then it went quiet.

"Oh ok... she been on her shot since I got her so I don't know how she is on her period call Anna she might help you more then I can." He said in a more calmer tone now. I nodded and said "ok" I heard a car door shut then he spoke again. "We have one last job here then I should be home tomorrow tell Bunny I love her and miss her I will call her later when I can." "Ok will do" I said before ending the call.

I ran my hand through my hair before calling Anna. "Hello?" She answered. "Hey, Anna it's me... um... Rosie started her period and I'm not sure what to do." I heard a loud thud on the other end then Anna started yelling. "WHAT?! OH NO HER SHOT!! DON'T LEAVE HER ALONE LOCK HER IN ANTONIO'S ROOM IF YOU HAVE TO JUST DON'T LET HER OUT OR NEAR WINDOWS I'LL BE RIGHT THERE!!" I started running back up the stairs towards the bathroom I left her in while trying to get more info from Anna. "What's going on? What's wrong?" I asked frantically running down the halls. "Thorn takes over cus Rose has really bad cramps. With the pain, Thorn goes on a rampage killing anyone near her." Anna said rushed. "I'm calling Antonio letting him know just keep her from going outside," Anna said before hanging up.

I ran down the last hall to the bathroom. The door was wide open and empty. I quickly searched her room her closest was tossed and her window open. Her bedsheets were tied into a rope out the window. "Shit" I grunted before pulling out my phone again making the emergency group call to get everyone to search for her with extreme caution.

Thorn's Pov

The pain ripping through our lower stomach pushed me into the light. I quickly put the feminine products on then ran to our room. I tossed through the closest looking for something to wear. Everything was frilly. "Ugh, this girl has nothing good to kill in" I mumble to myself. Finally, I spotted something decent enough and quickly get dressed.

Then I went to the bed tied the sheets together opened the window and tossed the sheet rope out

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Then I went to the bed tied the sheets together opened the window and tossed the sheet rope out. I grabbed the blades from inside the bunny and the thigh straps for them. I strapped the sheaths to my thighs and put the blades in. Then quickly climbed out the window on the sheet rope. Jumping to the ground I ran down the street looking for a target. Finally, I see one. A dirty old man getting his newspaper. Drunk off his ass beer in hand wobbling the whole time. I quickly jump up landing on top him slicing his throat. Blood sprayed everywhere. A smile craved on my face seeing the blood everywhere. I heard a scream to my right a woman stood there short pink shorts and a tiny tank top showing her belly button. I threw my blade stabbing her straight between her plastic boobs. I walked up to her on the ground stabbing the other blade her head. Taking them both out I saw 2 tall shadows moving around her house.

Running inside I saw 2 tall men only in boxers. They grabbed guns and started shooting my way. I jumped outta the way then quickly jumped off a wall throwing a blade at each. Blood sprayed everywhere as each blade embeds into their necks. I smile again before I hear car tries screech to a halt in front the house. Looking out the window I see a half dozen of Antonio's men jump out 6 suvs along with Jason. "Damn ruining my fun" I mumble before grabbing my blades slipping out the back. "Well I'm having more fun before being put to sleep again."

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