Vacation Time

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These are Rose/Thorn's blades

Thorn's Pov

It's been a few mins now and this killing chase game is really fun. I get at least 2 or 3 kills in before Jason and the goon crew show up. So far I've killed 3 drunk tards 4 hookers and 1 terrible mother. She was in her bedroom get gangbanged by like 4 dudes get high off her ass with what looked like a crack pipe. While a 5th guy was in her kid's room molesting her what looked to be 3-year-old daughter. Damn, I hate asshole like that so I had a little more fun with that guy.

I had just got dismembering his body parts when I heard goon crew pull up. Wrote a quick message on the wall in blood than out a back window I went.

Jason's Pov

"Jesus fucking Christ!!" I yelled seeing dismembered bodies everywhere. Looking up to a wall there was writing in blood. There is a kid in the closest alive keep it that way.
Antonio is going to have my head when he gets back. "Christ almighty!!" I heard Anna's voice behind me. And she will have my balls. I felt a slap up against my head and heard Anna screaming at me. "I TOLD YOU TO KEEP HER INSIDE! WTF HAPPENED?! THERE ARE BODIES ALL OVER A 3 BLOCK RADIUS!!" I kept my head down as I spoke. "I'm sorry the time I got off the phone with you and to where she was she was gone." She sighed then looked at her phone. "She going north east there should only be woods back there so no more bodies. But she can easily hide in there too so it will be harder to find her. We got to hurry before it gets dark." She said turning on her heels to leave. She stopped at the door and spoke again. "I called Antonio his on his way back now." Shit I'm in so much trouble, the Lizzy thing was bad enough I'm so screwed now. I visible gulped just thinking of what Antonio will do when he gets back.

Antonio's Pov

So pissed off right now. Jason is in deep shit when I get back. How could he let her out like that? With what Anna told me Thorn is in control till she gets her shot or tired she is killing to distract herself from her own pain. She already killed a bunch people and the cops are on high alert. Think this is a perfect time for a little getaway. I made a few calls and it's all set up. As soon as we get Rosie we are on a plane to Italy till things cool down.

Thorn's Pov

"Well, shit" I mutter to myself when I realized I'm lost in the fucking woods. No more kills out here killing thumper or Bambi is just not as fun as killing douchbags. I climb a tree and wait for goon crew to show up. I watch the clouds go by between the tree branches. Really nice out here maybe I could change up the dark space to this. We could if you want. I hear Rose's voice in my head. Well hello sleeping beauty, sleep well?  I responded back
Rose: yea but I don't like all the killing even if it's bad people
Thorn: yea I know but it helps distract the pain

Suddenly we heard rustling under us. Looking down we finally see the goon crew. Lol, they keep looking in bushes and behind rocks instead trying to look up. Ok, so a little fun could be had just not the killing kind. I pick off a few bark pieces and throw one at the back the head of one goon. He turns around an glares at the other guy. They argue a bit then go back searching. I throw another piece at the same guy. He turns around and starts yelling they end up on the ground fighting. Until sis shows up pulling them up smacking each goon on the back the head. I let out a laugh and they all look up at me. Sis glares at me beckoning me outta the tree with her finger. I roll my eyes and hop outta the tree. She grabs me by the ear and drags me through the woods. "You are in so much trouble young lady."

We finally reach the SUVs and Sis pushes me into one. Jason is sitting there pale probably scared of his punishment for letting me escape. Suddenly another sharp stabbing pain rips through me. I see red for a moment before darkness.

Anna's Pov
I get Thorn in the SUV and give her a shot ready. As soon as another cramp sends her into another frizzy I give her shot. She slumps down onto Jason's shoulder into a deep sleep. "That should hold her off till we are on the plane maybe even Italy," I say putting the needle away.  We arrive at the airport and Antonio is waiting there with everyone else.

Jason carries Roseie over to Antonio. Antonio takes her from him before punching him in the nose. "I'll deal with you later." He says before climbing into the plane with Rosie. I kiss my husband Luka before we too climb into the plane. Rosie is still in deep sleep the shot I gave her wasn't just a sedative but also her birth control. It takes a day for the birth control to fully kick in but still, Rosie should be in the light when she wakes up. Hopefully, she isn't too surprised about the sudden vacation.

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