Daddy/Bunny Day

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I woke feeling like a huge weight been lift off me. After telling day my past and about Thorn we ate dinner and cuddle rest the night. I noticed that all the maids were gone and asked daddy about it. He said he fired all them cus the Julia/Carmella thing. He didn't want anyone else to seek into the staff.

I stretch sitting up rubbing my eye with my fist. "Morning my sweet little bunny sleep good?" I heard daddy's voice and looked up to see him coming outta my closet. He laid the outfit down on my bed and came to me. "Yes daddy me sweep good." I smiled as he kissed my forehead. He pulled the blankets off my lap and lifted me up. "That's good baby. Now let's get you all clean and dressed. We are going to have a daddy/ baby day at home." He smiled at me and carried me across the hall to the bathroom.

He sat me on the counter turned around and turned on the water. Once the water was adjusted right he put in bubbles. I giggled and clapped excitedly washing the bubbles appear. Daddy turned around to me chuckling at my excitement as he took off my pjs. "So cute when you are excited." He kissed my cheek lifting me up, setting me in the bath. He gave me a few bath toys. As I was playing he washed my hair. I leaned back into his hands loving the feeling. Once he was done with my hair he washed my body very gently.

"All squeezed clean baby time to get out." Daddy said. I looked up and pouted I didn't want to get out I was having fun. Daddy picked me up and dried me off. "Now no pouting bunny we can't have our home date if you are in the tub all day now can we."  He carried me back across the hall to my room as I nodded smiling a bit. He sat me down at the end of my bed where I saw the cute outfit he picked out for me.

I squealed and clapped my hands I loved the cute bunny on it

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I squealed and clapped my hands I loved the cute bunny on it. Daddy chuckled as he helped me get dressed. He put simply black knee-high sock on me and cute bunny slippers. I jumped up and twirled around. Daddy suddenly caught me picking me up as I wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his waist. He kissed my nose. "Now my cute happy bunny is all dressed how about breakfast." I nodded happily tightening my grip so I wouldn't fall.

We made our way downstairs to the dining room. I saw everyone look up as we walked in a buried my face in daddy's neck. Daddy rubbed my back and whispered in my ear. "Your alright little one no one here will hurt you I promise." I looked up a bit at the people we passed they smiled softly at me and waved. I shyly smiled and waved back. Daddy sat me in the highchair next to him. An elderly lady came out and put a plate on my table. She smiled at me before taking the seat next to me. I looked at daddy confused. Daddy smiled and said, "Rosey this is my grandmother Florna." I looked over at the lady and she was giving me a sweet smile. "Hello little one, I'm so sorry for how my daughter treated you the other night but don't worry Nana will take care of her." She winked at me and I giggled. I looked down at my plate it was pancakes shaped like a bunny with blueberry eyes and a strawberry mouth and nose. I clapped excitedly again and heard a group chuckle. Nana cut up my pancakes for me and daddy feed me.

After breakfast daddy took me to the movie room. "Which movie should we watch baby girl?" He said as he sat me down in one the large beanbags. I thought for a moment the smiled widely. "Beauty and the Beast please Daddy that's my favorite." He smiled and disappeared in the back somewhere. Then the screen lit up as it started playing the Ads before the movie. Daddy walked back up to a phone near the door. He looked back at me and asked what snacks I wanted other the popcorn. "GUMMY WORMS AND PEANUTY M&MS!!" I shouted with excitement bouncing on the bean bag. Daddy gave me a stern look "don't shout Rosey we use indoor voices inside." I bowed my head and went still whispering "sowwy daddy." Daddy ordered our snacks then came over to me. Pulling me in his lap and cuddling me. "It's ok bunny daddy's not mad and your not in trouble. I know you just got a little too excited is all." He kissed my head and snuggled closer. Right before the movie started our snack came. A giant bucket of popcorn with extra butter with smaller bowls of my gummy worms and Peanut m&ms. Daddy just got a coke which he shared with me and mint chocolates. I scrunched up my nose when he tried to feed me one. That made him chuckle.

After the movie, it was nap time daddy took me to his room. Gave me my paci cuddling me till we fell asleep. When I woke up daddy wasn't there. So I slide to the edge the bed carefully finding the floor with my one foot. Why is daddy's bed so big I thought as I finally got to the floor. I crept to the wall in the dark. I kinda felt like a ninja in the shadows. So I slithered against the wall till I made to the door. I hung on the doorknob as it slides open. Dropping down I checked the hallway and crawled down the hall. I don't know why but I kept playing ninja. I did a somersault to the corner when I ran into a tall pole. I looked up and saw Luka looking down at me with a smile. I smiled up and waved "hi uncle lulu." I dubbed him, Fred and Jason all my uncles since they are closest to daddy and I always see them the most. His smile got wider as he picked me up. "Well hello there little one, now what were you doing rolling around in the hallway." I smiled widely "I was pwayin ninja." I giggled. He chuckled and turned around to go down the stairs. "Well, little ninja lets take you to your daddy his missing you and being grumpy about it."

We made it to the dining room where daddy sat at the end as usual. He was scowling and everyone looked nervous. Luka plopped me in daddy's lap. Seems like he didn't notice what happen cus he glared at uncle lulu. He was about to say something when I tugged on his tie. "Daddy I hwngery food pwease." Daddy's head snapped at me then he suddenly smiled. Squeezing me close kissing my cheek. "Of course my little bunny what would you like." I thought for a moment before squealing. "Ham and cheese please." Daddy smiled and waved a hand. Uncle Lulu went to the kitchen, then he came out with nana behind him. Nana put the plate in front me and daddy. Was a ham and cheese sandwich with baby carrots and broccoli next to it. I smiled and thanked nana before eating my sandwich. Daddy feeds me carrots and broccoli bites. I was also given a sippy cup with apple juice.

After lunch daddy took me to my toy room. It was filled with all kinda games and toys. Daddy played ninja with me. Which is like hide and seek but way more fun. We played for hours until it got dark. Daddy looked at his watch. "It's close to bedtime baby how about we take a bath together and you can sleep with me tonight." I nodded a clapped "yea dada yea." He chuckled and picked me up. We went to his room and he sat me on his bed. After he went into his bathroom and got the bath ready he came out and undressed me. Carrying me to the bathroom. It was twice as big as mine with a standup shower in one corner and a huge bath that could fit 4 people on the far wall with a pretty stain glass window behind it. Daddy sat me in the tub full of bubbles as he got undressed. I looked up just when he was taking off his boxers. I slapped my hands to my eyes but hit my nose too. "Owie" I whimpered rubbing my nose. I heard daddy chuckle then climb in the tub with me. He kissed my nose and said. "My silly bunny why did go and hit yourself for." I shyly looked up at him. "I didn't mean to me just gots embarrassed." Daddy chuckled some more and pulled me close to him kissing my nose. "No need to be an embarrassed baby I wouldn't force you to do anything your not ready for ok?" I nodded shyly. "Ok now turn around so I can wash your hair." I did as I was told and let him wash my hair then my body. I turned around and tried to wash his chest but got distracted tracing scars. Daddy did a funny noise. I looked up to see his head back and eyes closed. I took some bubbles and put them on his chin. When he lifted his head to see what I was doing I became a giggling fit. Daddy had a bubble beard now. He looked over at a mirror then stroked is bubble beard. "I look good with this." His eyebrows wiggled and I laughed even harder. Daddy washed off the beard and got outta the tub. Dried off real quick and wrapped the towel around his waist. He grabbed another towel and picked me up. Drying me off and carrying me to his room.

He sat me on the bed and slipped on a pair of grey sweatpants. He turned to me with a black shirt with a cupcake on it and black shorts.

 He turned to me with a black shirt with a cupcake on it and black shorts

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I giggled as he put it on me and brush my hair. He pulled me up under the covers. He flipped on the tv scooby doo was on. I snuggled closer to daddy and he wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my head and my cheeks. After a while, my eyes started to get heavy and I was drifting to sleep. Last I heard was daddy's voice whispering to me. "Goodnight my sweet bunny."

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