The dance

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Lauren was sitting in her room playing video games. When her sister Katy came in with a dress. "Here you go slut" her sister snapped and threw the dress at her. Lauren frowned and put it on.

(Time skip to the car)

Her sister drove her to the dance, and when they got there, her did said. "No later than 10" she snapped. Lauren for out of the car and walked inside.

"Hey girl you look beautiful" her friend Clare said "thank you" she said back "Hey John is over there" Lauren looked to where she was pointing and walked over to him. "Hey beautiful. Wanna dance?" He asked with A smile. "I'd love too"

(Time skip)

"Hey Clare have you seen John?" Lauren asked "no, let's go find your lover" she winked. Lauren just ignored it and started to look.

She saw something that broke her heart. "John?" She saw John and her rival Mackenzie kissing. "Lauren this isn't what it looks like, she kissed me." Lauren turned around and ran. Clare yelled to Lauren but she didn't say anything. All she did was run.

Clare and John ran after her all the way to the roof of the school. "Lauren John didn't kiss back" Clare tried to explain. Lauren backed up. "LAUREN BE CAREFUL YOU'RE GOING TO-" John didn't finish and Lauren fell off the roof.

Lauren screamed and everything went black. She woke up in a white room. "What the hell?" She said. Her eyes were adjusting to the light. "Omg thank God your okay" John hugged her. "John I remember what happened" John knew exactly what she was talking about.

"I'm so sorry but I didn't kiss her. I swear" she just hung her head down and said "I'm sorry John but you broke my heart" "no please don't send me away" he was about to burst in tears but he kept it inside. "I have to. You hurt me. You didn't even pull back. Goodbye john."

"I understand I'm sorry. But I still love you" he mumbled that last part and walked out the door. "I loved you"she said the doc came in. "Hello Lauren Jennings" he was reading the clipboard. "You have a broken leg when you fell"

She didn't have a problem with it. She just nodded. "We Will bring you your breakfast" and with that he left and a nurse came in. She handed her food.

Lauren was about to dig in cause she was starving. When a voice in her head spoke. "Wait" she looked around confused. "I'm in your head" she was scared "before you eat the food there is a pattern to eating this"

"What is it?" She asked "take one bite of the cereal, 2 bites of the energy bar, and drink all the Orange juice" the voice sounded female. "Why are you helping me? Who are you? What is this food?" She had a lot of questions. "The food is medicine that you can't trust. And I'm helping you cause your going to die without me and I'm your mother."

(Flash back)

"Hey mom do I cut this up?" I turned around and faces my mom. But I had the knife I'm my hand and stabbed her. "Mom?" I asked scared "MOM NO YOUR GOING TO BE OKAY" She fell to the floor. I called th ambulance "YOU BITCH YOU DID THIS ILL HATE YOU FOREVER" my sis snapped. She always hated me.

(Flash back over)

"Omg mom I'm so sorry" I cried and sobbed "shhh it's okay. Now rest up and don't eat the lunch." She warned. I nodded and went to sleep.

(Time skip to night)

I woke up to the sound of shuffling. "Who's there?" I asked "keep calm I don't mean any harm" a female said. "Okay who are you?" I asked still scared "my name is stalker, and this is my friend masky."

I was confused about the names but okay. "Masky don't hog all the ciggs" "psh their mine" he argued "give me one" he handed her one and she said "light me" he groaned annoyed "What? I forgot my lighter." She complained and he lit her cigeret.

"So let's get back on track. We are creepypastas if you dont know what that is, well we kill people. Well he kills people I don't" she said as she smoked "What do you do?" "I stalk people as you can tell by the name. I stalk them till they go insane, and they kill them" she said they, who's they? "Your probably confused by they aren't you?" Wait she read my mind? "Indeed I did"

"We have to go. We Will see to tonight. But I will tell you this." I sat there waiting what she was going to say. "Tomorrow you will wake up. The doc will say you can't go home due to people trespassing this property" I nodded but I really wanted to leave I hate hospitals.

"Goodbye Lauren" she said my name. How did she know my name? "I know many names" oh right she can read my mind. "Bye kid" the masky person said "Bye guys" and the dissapeered

Tomorrow is another day

(Well I hope you like this first chapter of this book. Make sure to read my other books. Stalker is a creepypasta I made up and you will meet another one I made up. But I took the name form a game. So yea peace)

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