New home

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Lauren/stitcher pov

We got to the new location and its very different than the other mansion. I still miss Jeff, I miss his touch,his hair,his hood,his eyes,his smile, and most of all his lips. Hes perfect I love him to much. But I had to let him go, she made us break up. Stitches has been trying to cheer me up having me to play ball with him, play tackle like we did back at the mansion with smile, and playing video games. Nothing worked, nothing made smile not even a smirk not even a grin. Not even a funny vine can make me smile. And my mom and Jeff stopped talking to eachother and they are best friends. I feel bad. They knew eachother before I did, and I ruined it all because me and Jeff dated.

I walked to the dining room where sarah was serving dinner. "Oh, hey Lauren can you help me serve the table?" She asked, I nodded and did wjat I was told. "When dinner is done I need to talk to you in my office."  I nodded and kept serving the table. The others came in and sat down and started to eat. Stitches and Jason sat beside me. "Hey Lauren, I probably wouldn't work out you are more hidious than Jeff is." Jason insulted and i said nothing. I had no comeback I just sat there and took every insult that came my way. "SHUTUP JASON, SHE DOESN'T DESERVE THAT FROM YOU! YOUR JUST MAD CAUSE SHE DID THAT TO YOUR FACE! GET OVER IT! SHE JUST LEFT SOMEONE THAT MENT THE WORLD TO HER AND YOUR JUST MAKING HER FEEL WORSE!" Everyone sat there shocked of what stitches said. "Yea and you want to know what eles she did stitches? She and HER boyfriend took my girlfriend away. That they im mad. I'll never forget what she did, i don't care if she broke up with Jeff. She FUCKING KILLED MY GIRLFRIEND!" He shouted. Stitches grabbed my arm and pulled me to my room and held me in his arms. I cried as he stroked my hair. "Shhh it's okay, don't ever listen to Jason. Hes stupid." He said and I nodded.

When I was done crying, sarah called me into her office. "Hey Lauren, sit I need to talk to you." I nodded and sta down. "So you know John right? You need to keep a close eye out for him. Check your surroundings when you alone. He could be everywhere. Hes a shadow demon like Tara, but don't worry you might of noticed that Tara is out of my body and wondering around. Well long story short her body took form and turned human. Well her body looks human. She's still a shadow. Im going to have stitches protect you for awhile when we kill John, okay?" She finished and no nodded and I was excused from her office.

I started to get ready for bed when I saw a shadow go past my window. I ignored and thought that it was just Tara Guarding the mansion for John. I put my pjs on when I was the shadow outside my window, I started to freak out so I grabbed a knife that I had that sarah gave me For protection, I walked over to the window opened it and there was nothing. I went back to put the knife back and completely forgot to close the window. I felt a cloth pressed against my nose and mouth and I tried to hold my breath but I couldn't. I accident breathed and I passed out.

Go to sleep (Jeff The Killer X OC)Where stories live. Discover now