The project

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Sarah's pov

Ive been working on this project since I got the story book. Ive been lacking sleep but it's worth it. My 'Team' can't stay here forever.

I was designing a game when I got a call from my boss. "Hello?" I asked. He never really calls me much for some reason so this is new. "I need you to stay over time to design the zombies for the new game call of duty black ops4" (made it up)

"So I have too? Can someone else do it,im busy right now." I complained "nope, half of the designers are on vacation." Ugh bruh I habe to work on the project.

Oh my gawd, i geuss im going to have to tell slender im busy. "Okay fine" I hung up and started walking to the company.

Slender pov

"What do you mean you can't your busy?" I said annoyed. I was speaking with sarah through telepathy. "My boss said I have to design the zombies. For the new game."

I sighed "fine just don't let that happen again. We have to get this done if you want the home done." I said. "Okay"

Stitcher/Lauren pov

Me and Jeff were hanging out in the woods. Minding our business, when masky and Toby scared the shit out of us.

"GUYS DON'T SCARE US LIKE THAT!" Jeff yelled "calm down, we just wanted to have fun." Mask said toby nodded smiling. I noticed that i was holding Jeff's hand.

I quickly hit Jeff hand away from mine and he looked sad. I have him the 'Really' look he nodded understanding. "Well we jave to work sadly. Cya" they said. We nodded and started walking again.

Jeff took me I this amazing waterfall, and we sat down on the rocks and looked at it. "This is beautiful jeff" I said putting my head on his shoulder.

"Not as beautiful as me" he said with a smile. "Alright whatever you say" I said with a smirk. "Wanna jump in?" I asked, he nodded and we just jumped in with our clothes on.

I decided to to into the waterfall and it was beautiful inside. "Jeff come in the waterfall!" I Yelled he came in and we sat down. "I love you so much lauren"

I smiled "I love you more" he looked at me and said "I love you most" and after that we left to the mansion. I went to my room too a shower and saw stitches there. "Had fun on your date?" He asked sweetly.

I nodded and patted his head. "Why yes I did stitches thank you for asking" I said I scratched behind his ears and he smiled like a retard.

I rolled my eyes smiling and went downstairs. And saw everyone eating dinner. Well except for my mom. I went out to the woods to find her. I ran out really far out and I saw her eating a deer at a campfire.

"Hey" I greeted, she snapped her head towards me and smiled. "Hey what are you doing out here, you should be eating with the pastas." She said I shrugged. "I just wanted to spend time with my mom."

She smiled and nodded I say next to her and started eating the deer with her. Me and her were talking when we heard a twig snap.

Me and my mom walked over to where the noise was, and there was a man standing there. Me and my mom attacked when the man yelled "stop stop in not here to hurt you guys."

I recognize that voice is that John? "John is that you?" I asked I looked at his face and it was him "Heh looks like you've become a murderer. Didn't see that coming." He chuckled.

"Hey john" I said hugging him and my mom looked confused and mad. "Whos This?!" She snapped "John was my prom date, but i saw him kidding another girl, ran up to the schools roof and fell from it. I didn't want to date him cause he broke my heart. We're just friends." I said.

"Yea but here's the thing when I saw you committing those murders I didn't know what to do with myself. Im so so sooo sorry that i broke your heart, she kisses me. I want to make this work." He said i was confused.

My mom just had an emotionless gaze on him "make what work?" She asked. He smirked "this" he said and kisses me roughly yet passionately. I pushed him off and my mom tackled him.

"You not going to make ANYTHING! Work with my daughter, she doesn't need you." She snapped. He only smirked "let's see about that" and then vanished. She looked confused and so did I.

"Lauren, have Jeff protect you. Im going on a very long mission sweety, be safe" she said. I nodded and ran to the mansion. I told Jeff everything and I ran to my room and he followed along with stitches.

I geuss i won't see mom for a long time.

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