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Location: Paris, France

Briar Nolet, age 16

I wake up and grab my phone which is placed face flat on my bedside cabinet. I look at the screen and all I can see is a blur. I sit there and let my eyes adjust to the bright screen. 6am, great. I feel around for my glasses and once I've found them I gently put them on. Finally it's the last day of this trip. My school took us on a trip to France for 2 weeks to see what the French culture is like. It's done nothing but rain. Today my teacher is taking is taking us to the ballet. Ballet, seriously, it will be the most boring 2 hours of my life. I've never taken an interest in all that airy fairy, flouncing about stuff, it's a waist of my precious time.

I swivel around on my bed and place my feet on the cold wooden floor before standing up and quietly making my way over to my wardrobe to get my clothes for the day and then into the bathroom, trying not to wake Freya who is peacefully asleep. I brush my teeth and get changed ready for the dreaded day ahead of me.
"Morning Briar," I hear Freya say as I leave the bathroom.
"Morning Freya, are you ready to go for breakfast?" I ask with a smile and look at her putting her hair in a neat pony tail. She politely nods and we leave the room and head down for breakfast.
"Bonjour filles," Madame Logan says.
"Bonjour Madame Logan," me and Freya say with a smile before sitting down at the table with the rest of our school.
"Are you excited for today?" My friend Sophia asks sarcastically.
"Can't wait." I reply also sarcastically making her giggle.
I stand up and get myself a plate of beans, sausage, bacon and toast and a glass of freshly squashed orange before sitting down and eating.
When everybody has eaten our breakfasts Madame Logan drags on about how important it is for us to pay attention at the ballet. Boringgg, why would I want to pay attention to a load of people on their tippy toes spinning and jumping around.
After what feels like forever she stops talking and we're boarding the bus to take us to the theatre. The bus ride is long and incredibly boring. I spend the whole time looking out of the window, Paris is actually a beautiful city, it's such a shame we never got to really look around.
The bus pulls up at this huge, beautiful theatre. We leave the bus and walk through the doors to the theatre. Madame Logan starts talking French to a lady possibly in her mid forties, I'm guessing she works here.
"Here is your tickets please sit in your allocated seat and do not talk once you are in the auditorium." Madam Logan says whilst passing us the tickets. I walk into the auditorium and sit down I look around and see that the theatre is packed. I look at the stage, it has a beautiful set up, it's a forest with a old, rundown bench at the bottom left corner.

The lights dim down and the orchestra starts playing. A girl, who looks around 17, comes on stage followed by a boy, who looks the same age. The girl is wearing a tattered brown dress with a pinafore and pointe shoes and the boy is wearing a shirt, tank top, a pair of brown shorts and a pair of just plain black ballet shoes. They start dancing. The girl does a perfect turning sequence on her pointes followed by jetes. The boy on the other hand does 2 jumps landing the second jump in arabesque. When they start doing sauté ciseaux more people join them on stage. They continue the performance and I can't help but smile. The way the girls can jump and pirouette on just the tips of their toes without showing any emotion is amazing. Before I knew it they were doing the révérence and running off.
"Encore!" I heard the audience shout as the curtain closed. I looked at Bella who was sitting next to me and noticed tears rolling down her cheeks.
"That was beautiful," she said and I smiled. It truly was.

We left the theatre and boarded the bus which took us to the hotel. We collected our luggage and reboarded the bus which was taking us the airport to go home. What an amazing to end the trip...

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