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Briars POV
I opened my eyes and looked into Myles eyes and I could see starlight shining in them...

I woke up panting heavily, I don't know whether I'd just had a weird dream or a nightmare. I look next to me and see my husband Myles fast asleep with my beautiful little girl, Evie squashed in between the two of us and on the other side of my baby boy Levi fast asleep in his cot. I smile to myself looking around at my perfect little family then looking at our wedding photos and family photos hanging up around our room, but the one photo which really does make me smile the most is the one when Levi was only 8 days old and Evie is holding him whilst sat in between my legs as i am sat in between Myles legs and he is kissing my cheek... But it worries me...

Why did I dream of sleeping with another boy and why did he have my sons name?

Hope you enjoyed this book, I've thoroughly enjoyed writing it and I am so excited to start writing again in my other books!

*i wanted to continue writing this but I'm starting to get home tutored and thought I could make a book with new ideas and better vocab i learn from that!
Lois 💙❤️

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