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Myles POV
I like Briar, no not in that way, but I'm not saying if we ever got together I'd be disappointed. Judging by her figure & posture I would never of thought she had never danced before, she has a dancers posture. I want to get to know her, I want to get to know her thoughts and feelings, don't judge a book by its cover.
"Briar why don't we go get some coffee? I'll pay." I say with a smile.
"Sure," she says whilst standing up and brushing herself down.
We walk down the stairs, Briar tells her mom where we're going, and we leave. She tells me about what she likes to do in her spare time and her future dreams. As we're getting coffee, I decide I'm going to take Briar to my dance studio. Just to watch and maybe join in, like a trial session.
We grab our coffee and leave. I walk to my dance studio 'Canadian Dance Company' and walk to Allains office. Briar looks so confused. I introduce Allain to Briar and tell him about how I'm teaching her ballet. He looks really Intrigued. I ask him if she could have a trial here at CDC and he agrees. Luckily Briar already has her leotard and leggings on and has her ballet shoes in her bag, so Allain says she can have the lesson now. The class isn't an advanced class it's just a very straight forward and easy class. Allain said I could help out teaching so I did.
The lesson was full of pointing, jetes and pirrohets. Briar was surprisingly very good especially considering she's never taken a real ballet class with other people at a real dance studio before.
After the class was finished we said goodbye to everyone and made our way back to Briars house.
"Thank you for today Myles." She says with a sweet smile.
"No problem B," I said as I opened her front door and we walked in.
Briar grabbed my hand and pulled me up to her room and shut the door behind us. She turned the TV on and we lay on her bed whilst watching TV. After about 30 minutes of watching house wives of Beverley hills Briar got up and walked into her en suite bathroom to get changed. When she came back she took a selfie and lay back next to me. She had a pair of black shorts and a white croptop on, she looked hot... I took my phone out my pocket and text my friend Sam. Sam has had the same girlfriend for as long as I can remember, Cher she's called. I text him saying 'Hot girl laid next to me, help'. After texting Sam I check my social medias and then look down at Briar fast asleep. Her top had came up revealing her Lacey bra. I decided to be a gentleman and tuck her in before turning the TV off and leaving her to rest.

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